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Help Dogs with Cancer

Helping you find the best treatment option for your dog.

About Me

Dog Cancer Diagnosis: What you need to know.

A Dog Cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest things you can face with your beloved companion. The ‘Family Pet’ is just that – A cherished member of the family. A diagnosis of cancer or other serious disease for him or her can be just as devastating as for any other member of the family.
The thought of losing our loved ones when they get sick is devastating, whether it is your dog or any other family member. We need to do whatever we can to help them fight this disease. Fortunately, dogs do respond well to many types of cancer treatment, so there is hope.
The purpose of our dog cancer website is to help you find the best treatment option for your dog. The links on the left will take you to information about the different therapies available, tell you when they are used and what they will mean to your pet. Different therapies are appropriate for different cancers, and all patients are unique.
There are also many holistic options, supplements, herbs, minerals and vitamins that may or may not help in this fight for life. This can all get quite confusing. We have attempted to put together a comprehensive dog cancer website to try and take some of the mystery out of this, so you can see what all the options are and make the right choices for loved one.
We hope you will find the information you need here, but if you need to speak to a real person, we are only a telephone call away. You can reach us on the canine hotline (831) 426-2209 from 6:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Obviously we cannot give you medical advice over the phone, but we will give you whatever answers we can, and when we do not know the answer we will try to steer you to the experts in your area. We maintain a list of specialists and clinics in many parts of the country and would be glad to share this info this with you.
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Help stop cancer in dogs . Visit for information on canine cancer .
K9 Immunity Success Stories
Here are a few of the emails we have received from our satisfied customers.


As I received my regular order of K9 immunity today, I thought about how fortunate I am to have found your company and I just wanted to say thanks. Two years ago, my darling rottweiler, Dakota, was diagnosed with canine bone cancer and had one of her back legs amputated. After one year and many rounds of chemo, I was told that the cancer had spread to her lungs and that she had 3 months at most to live - that was 1 year ago.

I thank God that I found your company. Today, Dakota is a very healthy and happy dog and our vet has no explanation he can offer. But I don't need an explanation - I know why, K-9 immunity . Thank you so much for giving us another year with our dog - you will never know how much it means to us.

- Jill

Aloha John,

I just had to send you these 2 pictures of my dog Calypso. She was recently diagnosed with systemic canine lymphoma due to a very fast growing mast cell tumor . She went down hill very fast and starting to refuse food and became very sick. I decided to try K9 Immunity along with prednisone and forced her to start eating good quaility raw foods (chicken, ground turkey, yams, some oatmeal).

Although she is 13 1/2 and her prognoses is not very good, I have seen a huge change in her personality in the very short time on the K9. (less than 2 weeks). Even more astounding is that her huge, hot, heavy Mast Cell tumor has decreased in size dramatically. It was oozing and bleeding and now is almost non existant. See the attached pics. I will continue to do everything for her and I, and Calpso want to thank everyone at Aloha for this wonderful product.

I just wanted to thank everyone at Aloha Medicinals for such a great product.

On October 30th, 2005 our wonderful Lab mix, Brandie, was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only 7 and my family was devastated. Our veterinarian prescribed some pain meds and told us she only had about month or so left to live. I found your site and decided to give your products a try....I had nothing to loose.

At the time Brandie started on your supplements she was listless and non weight-baring. But within just a week of starting her on K-9 Immunity and Transfer Factor we started to notice a profound change....her appetite was back and she was playing like a puppy again! Her quality of life improved so drastically that even our vet was stunned.

Because of your phenomenal products we were able to spend another 13 months with our beloved friend. Words can not express how thankful we are for that additional time. I truly believe that if we had caught the cancer earlier, and started K-9 Immunity sooner, we would've had even more time together.

We said goodbye to Brandie on December 8th, 2006. As difficult as it was to let her go, we are forever grateful to you and your products for helping our family friend. And I will gladly refer all our "Dog Friends" to your website as I sing your praises. :-)

Many blessings for a Happy Holiday and prosperous New Year.
The Kallmeyer Family

Aloha Medicinals:

My story is sad, happy and true. In November 2004 our 12 year companion "Pasta" ( a Labrador mix) was diagnosed with a fast growing canine cancer in her left nostril. The actual name is a nasal adenocarcinoma. This needless to say this broke our hearts and we immediately sought the advice of a specialist in the Philadelphia area. At this point, Pasta at 12 years of age, we opted not to put her thru the grueling feat of Chemotherapy treatments, as the quality of her life was still very important to us.

Advised by our veterinarian to place her on a high protein /low carb diet mixed with antioxidants, we literally ran out that weekend and bought anything that we could buy that was recommended to help. After a short while, we began to notice subtle changes in her energy, playfulness and mood, even though we were following the guidelines from the physician to a tee. It was beginning to grow; we could see slight puffiness under her left eye. At this point we turned to the internet to hopefully educate ourselves on the cancer, what could be done, if anything.

We found Aloha Medicinals. We read about the product and thought to ourselves, why not. Pasta is worth it. We ordered K-9 Immunity ... We received the product and began the dosage...within a week, Pasta seemed more playful, less anxious and less sad. We could have chalked this up to any of the other products except, as it was getting time to reorder, we ran out..!

In about a week, maybe less... the sadness, depression and lifelessness of our beloved companion came back... (this was the only thing that changed) Of course, we immediately reordered and ... yes, you guessed it... Once again our Pasta-bear, was back.

Currently, with a diagnoses from the specialist in November that we had , at best until Thanksgiving or a little after (3 to 4 weeks) ... we still have our Loving family member with us. There is no cure for nasal adenocarcinoma, but with the help of K-9 Immunity ... we have sustained the quality of life that we expect our loving family member to have in a situation so severe. As of today, Pasta still walks around the neighborhood daily, carries back her treasures that she finds ( mostly sticks) and wags her tail constantly.

We still take each day as it comes, hoping that the inevitable is quick and painless once it arrives at our door... but as long as she is happy, still playful and loved...with a little help from our friends at Aloha Medicinals... we know we did our part to make her days with us... days that we will never forget and grateful to have. Thank you Aloha.

- Noreen

Dear Rebecca & John~
Hi! WOW, have I learned a lot since we last talked, and I started learning through you! And, Sweetheart is doing GREAT!!!! :-)

She is now on a raw meaty diet , thanks to you, and I am finding that I am willing to work very hard to help that cause get out to others. Have been working with Tom Lonsdale and a woman in England who are getting legislation in front of parliament to help change the dog food industry. Finally think I've figured out WHY all this happened in my life over the past year.

God bless you all for the work you are doing. We certainly do need you.

Sweetheart seems to keep improving everyday. We have had no signs of the cancer. She is losing weight daily, something the conventional vets never thought would happen. I have enlisted the aid of a wonderful homeopathic veterinarian here....she is wonderful!....and she is spreading the good word about K-9 Immunity to her clients as well. :-) Sweetheart looks and acts better than she has in a couple of years. She's no longer on any steroids, and she doesn't seem as hungry at all. Was having to feed her 4x per day to abate the she eats 2 or 3 times per day and seems full....and I figure she knows what she needs. Her coat is more glossy, she's more ornery than ever, she doesn't stink, and she's dropped a nervous habit of chewing on her front paws since switching to raw and getting on all her supplements. I intend to keep her on K-9 Immunity and the Transfer Factor + the rest of her's really not that expensive....but it was to us last month after all the other vet bills.....I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

My vet, Dr. Nita McNeill, also has her on a compound of PolyMVA, which we alternate between the K-9 Immunity because Dr. McNeill did not want me giving them at the same time. Sweetheart is also on your vitamin, small amounts of fish oil (because her cancer was pancreatic), CoQ-10, and cardiac, yeast and adrenal supplements. I have my little checklist, and am faithful to it, and bless her heart, Sweetheart doesn't seem to mind.

We are happy beyond words. After a few months roll by, believe you me, others are going to start hearing from me about your product and the changes we need to make in our feeding and veterinary care of our animals. As Tom Lonsdale puts it, what we feed our dogs is just the tip of the iceberg as far as changing our food and health industries.

My digital camera isn't working, so the photo I am including is before Sweetheart came down with symptoms. But I wanted you to see what a little scamp she really is.

I cannot begin to thank you or tell you enough how your kindness and products have opened a HUGE door for me that I will never go back through. Sweetheart's illness and your work have changed my life forever, I now know what I must do! :-)
Your pal in canine health,

- Judy

Dr. Holliday,

We have been giving our dog the K9 Immunity and Transfer Factor as recommended. We also made drastic changes to her diet. She went through a period of detoxification (diarrhea and throwing up) and a couple of times we thought we were going to have to put her down. She was in obvious pain and discomfort. The limping was bad.

However, today, that mass is significantly smaller, not extending as far back into her chest, and much softer in nature. It is amazing also to see the difference in her energy level. I am not sure if we are out of the woods yet, as there is still a mass there, but it does seem to be shrinking. It is amazing. We continue to give her your medications and watch her diet. She is now able to go on walks again which gives her exercise and oxygen.

Just thought you would like to know. Thank you.

- Mark

Hi...I am writing to say thank you for your excellent product, K9 Immunity . I have a 10 year old Norwegian Elkhound, Mohawk, who was diagnosed with lymphoma last May. We went through a 20 week chemo Wisconsin protocol and he unfortunately relapsed this past January. I found your product during December and decided to add your regimen as a supplement to his second round of chemo (10 week modified Wisconsin). It is amazing the difference in his quality of life this second time around - both times he went into remission quickly and was generally healthy but was plagued with *constant* diarrhea and lack of appetite during the first round. We are in week 8 of the second round and he is eating like a horse and has had *zero* diarrhea this time.

I suspected it was the K9. Last week, I was at an all day meeting and forgot to leave the K9 out for the dogsitter. When I arrived home, he was a very lethargic after receiving chemo the day prior. I gave him 2 K9 tabs and within 30 mins he was happily munching on his food and tossing toys at my head to play. The change was amazing! I am a true believer! I am anxious to see if the K9 helps keep him healthy after the chemo ends .... but thank you for helping to make his quality of life even better than just the chemo treatments could provide. My little buddy is happy and strong and thankfully will hopefully see another spring - which he loves.
I just placed an order for Transfer Factor (I forgot that you had recommended adding it as well) and will be adding as soon as it arrives.
Again, many many thanks for helping give my little guy a new lease on life. I will be doing a seminar series with some local vets on canine lymphoma and will be making sure the vets are aware of this wonderful supplement.
All the best,
- Michele

Hi John,

I just wanted to give you an update on Holly. She has only been on K-9 Immunity for 2 weeks. I am so excited how she is feeling. On Saturday she actually begged to go for a walk, I mean jumping up and down like she used to (remember she has bone cancer in her leg). I didn’t want to take her but I did let her out to roam and smell the trees as much as she wanted. She runs to the door to greet people like she used to do. When I took her to the Vet for a re-check she couldn’t believe how frisky she was AND she has gained 5 lbs. She is eating whole foods such as hamburger, tuna, chicken and sardines. On top of K-9 Immunity and T-Factor I give her fish oil capsules, and a bone strengthener that the vet gave me and Metacam for pain.

Thanks for caring and spending time talking with me. I will keep you updated

- Nancy

I have now been giving "Ruby" my vizla your k9 immunity for 15 days and the results are remarkable. My vet was expecting me to bring her in to put her to sleep. When I brought her in to remove her surgery stiches he said "what did you do?" So I showed him your K9 product plus the 4life Transfer and he asked me for a copy of the info page you sent me.

I was so glad to talk to you a couple of Sundays ago when you happened to be in the office. Ruby is like her old self again. I am feeding her lots of protein like you said. I wish I could find a good dog food so I don't cook two meals a day for her. She does not like the n/d can food. The hemionsircoma tumor was not removed, so I am hoping that following you suggestions of antioxidants and diet will take care of her cancer. I can't believe how well she looks! As far as the vet was concerned it was a matter of "weeks".

Ruby is a beautiful red Vizla with long ears and a cinnamon coat. Intelligent and energetic. I have kept her indoor for a month, so she would not bleed internally from the tumor. THANK YOU! I would like to be one more success story on your web site!

- Betty

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    How K-9 Immunityâ„¢ Works Dog Cancer Hotline Dog Cancer Book Labwork Results Canine Bone Cancer Ingredients For The Veterinarian FAQ Dog Cancer Diet Transfer Factor News & Research Guarantee FDA Certificate Certified Organic Cost/Order Contact Us Useful Links Canine Cancer Information

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You can use a message like this: Help stop cancer in dogs. Visit for information about canine cancer. This is especially helpful if you post these links on separate websites and blo...
Posted by Help Dogs with Cancer on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:26:00 PST