Life and all that pertains to it.
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All that care and and are not afraid to make a stand...
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We the people DO matter!We want our Blue Sky Back !What Indiana skies look like,
been going on for a long time !Please Help Spread The Word ... Place This Link On Your Page ...
... Be The Change ... Click Image Above to go to Musicians Say No! To Bush World Order ... Be The Change ...
I like songs that come from the good side of eternity.
Seems now the songs are of warning.----------------- Bulletin Message ---------------------------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: C.H.A.R.A.
Date: Feb 6, 2008 7:25 AM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Eddie
Date: Feb 5, 2008 2:39 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Dave
Date: Feb 5, 2008 5:31 PM
From: ::rävensärä::
News agency exposes chemtrails
THANKS..From: Kimberly
Date: Feb 5, 2008 3:23 PM
read the comments to this picture.
we should be able to track the aircraft...test what they are spraying, and then press charges against them....this is the MOST damaging, dangerous thing that they are doing to us...and we HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING AND SO DO WE.
The Last Baboon
Date: Feb 5, 2008 1:59 PM
I'v found this:
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: chemcentral
Date: Mar 16, 2008 7:11 PMPUBLIC LAW 95-79 P.L. 95-79 TITLE 50,
"The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies." "The Secretary of Defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological warfare agents on civilian populations (within the United States)." -SOURCE- Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977, 91 Stat. 334. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 91, page 334, you will find Public Law 95-79. Public Law 97-375, title II, Sec. 203 (a) 1), Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1882. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 96, page 1882, you will find Public Law 97-375
Something to think about.....
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We the people DO matter!
HEY YOU----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: D.D.
Date: Apr 10, 2008 9:25 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
peace!: juan
Date: Apr 10, 2008 9:14 AM
Police State Torch Run and Chinese Troops on American Soil.
Alex Jones Speaks about Chinese Troops On American Soil protecting the Olympic torch.
April 9, 2008
In San Francisco, the authorities were so worried about the prospect of thousands of people expressing their outrage over Tibet and China’s flagrant human rights violations they changed the Olympic torch relay route. It was a sneaky, last minute change that denied the people of San Francisco a chance to participate in the torch relay event, an event introduced by the Nazis at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.
It would seem our rulers, not unlike the Nazis, put a lot of credence in what is essentially a pagan event. The Olympic Flame commemorates the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus. A fire permanently burned on the altar of Hestia in Olympia, Greece, in ancient times. During the Olympic Games, which honored Zeus, additional fires were lit at his temple and that of his wife, Hera. The modern Olympic flame is ignited at the site where the temple of Hera once stood.
But so much for the history lesson. In San Francisco this afternoon, pagan symbolism was difficult to make out, as it was buried under a phalanx of SWAT cops, regular cops mounted on bikes, motorcycles, and marching on foot, not to mention tightly surrounded by Chinese secret police in snazzy tracksuits. In fact, after watching a helicopter video feed on CNN, it appears the preponderance of SFPD cops were on hand to provide “security†— from the vagaries of the First Amendment — not only for the torch runners but the detachment of Chinese PAP, short for People’s Armed Police, as well.
Time reports:
The tracksuit-clad Sacred Torch Guard Team was drawn from China’s paramilitary People’s Armed Police, which is used for internal security. The group formed last August and trained by running six miles daily. While their chief mission is to protect the flame, they’ve also cracked down on protesters. Sebastian Coe, a two-time medalist and chairman of the London Games in 2012, called them “thugs†and said they tried to push him. A torchbearer in Paris, environmental journalist Yolaine De La Bigne, told the Associated Press that the team snatched away the Tibetan flag headband she was wearing.
It might be expected that PAP and China’s ruling clique might get away with this in China, even Europe, but here in the United States?
Of course they can get away with it. Because the United States is but a mere shadow of what it was even fifty years ago and today few know what national sovereignty is. Now the corporate media feels obliged to make comments in passing about the “heavy security†at such events but does not bother to follow this aside through — an observer not brainwashed by years of unrelenting police state propaganda supposedly inspired by the horrific events of cave dwelling terrorists, the heavy presence of black-clad cops, including a close quarter SWAT contingent, would be reminded of a police state.
It was breathtaking how easily China’s PAP goons interacted with San Francisco’s finest, the latter who spent at least a little time pushing and shoving a pathetic handful of demonstrators who managed to discover the last minute route change. But then, with every passing day, the U.S. and China become more and more alike, including the same overriding contempt for free speech and dissent.
But then they both have the same bastard father — the New World Order. David Rockefeller was deadly serious when he declared in 2001 that the relationship between China and the United States “is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Although US-China relations have experienced misunderstanding in recent years, he said, he is glad to see the recent encouraging improvement in this respect.
In other words, much of the world misunderstands China’s torture of prisoners, its organ harvest program, its policy of forced abortion, its restrictions on free speech and political organizing, its absence of due process, its suppression of religion, its arbitrary detention of dissidents, and its obsessive use of the death penalty, even for nonviolent property crimes such as theft, embezzlement and forgery.
David Rockefeller, the international bankers, and transnational corporations are not concerned with any of this, of course, as their focus is upon the China Model — that is to say, China’s successful effort to turn the most populated country in the world into a sprawling industrialized slave labor gulag churning out a nearly unimaginable number of “consumer goods, †never mind the lead paint, heavy metals and other toxins.
And that’s one reason the Olympic torch relay was hemmed in by cops and secret police — because the U.S. does not want to upset the Chinese, who often react violently at the least provocation, or opposition to their totalitarianism, at any rate.
Finally, it should be added that China practically owns the United States. It holds over $1 trillion in dollar denominated assets, of which $330 billion are U.S. Treasury notes.
It’s not really a good idea to anger somebody who holds a large number of chits — and people filling the streets complaining about China’s notorious and multifaceted abuses certainly anger the Chicom leadership.
At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are
clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes
can imagine, the preacher was never invited back.We believe the whole sermon will be a blessing
to many souls. For more info about Paul Washer
go to
Strengthen Your Immune System - With Herbs
By Susun Weed
Antibacterial herbs such as echinacea, usnea, or poke root, not only kill infection, but also help us keep our immune systems strong. These herbs have an extensive history of countering resistant bacteria and strengthening the body’s natural defenses. Medicinal mushrooms, garlic, and ginseng help you during the winter season - and our thoughts affect our health too!
Echinacea root is the all-American immune system strengthener. It triggers production of white blood cells, interferon, leukocytes, T-cells, and B-lymphocytes, as well as directly inhibiting the growth of most bacteria and viruses. Peter Holmes, author of Energetics of Western Herbs, cites it as being effective against anthrax. Echinacea tincture is my first choice for countering infection. (Capsules and pills of Echinacea, if used for lengthy periods, may be counter-productive.) A dose of the tincture is one drop for every pound of body weight. I take this several times a week as a preventative; several times daily when there is active infection.
Usnea, a common lichen, is especially rich in a powerful antibacterial bitter called usnic acid (also usinic acid). I use the tincture of Usnea barbata (a dose is 1-2 dropperfuls), but other lichens show similar immune-enhancing and tonifying properties. There are no side effects reported from use of even large amounts of usnea tincture.
Poke root tincture (Phytolacca americana) kicks the immune system into gear incredibly fast. I’ve seen chronic infection of many years’ standing resolve after only one dose, and acute infection subside in a matter of hours. Poke’s effect seems to be focused on the lymphatic and glandular tissues of the throat and chest, making it the perfect counter to inhaled anthrax, which attacks the lymph nodes around the lungs. Poke is a specific against pneumonia and a protector of the lungs. It contains an antibacterial alkaloid and a special antiviral protein. It magnifies the effects of Echinacea and they work wonderfully well together.
Poke root is powerful medicine - in fact, a potential poison - and the dose is very small. One drop of poke tincture may be taken daily for no more than three months as a counter to possible infection. Alkaloids in poke root tincture can accumulate in the kidneys, making extended use risky. Caution: You can feel spacey and out of your body when taking poke, especially at higher doses. The first few times, take it after dinner and stay home so you can judge your reaction.
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus) is widely considered the single most effective immune tonic and adaptogen in the herbal realm. Safe and inexpensive, it helps the immune system respond quickly to infection and mitigates the effects of stress. Astragalus root is also an excellent ally for building powerful immunity. Both, or either, may be taken daily for extended periods with no ill effects. I throw several pieces of these roots in every pot of soup I cook.
Ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius or Panax ginseng) is another exceptional ally for the immune system, especially when there is physical or emotional stress. In any form (tincture, tea, extract) it nourishes production of interferon, phagocytes, antibodies, and killer T-cells. So long as you need ginseng, there’s no overdose; if you take it when you don’t need it however, it may produce an unpleasant, jittery, speedy sensation.
Garlic has been used to prevent infection for thousands of years; and it still works! No need to upset your stomach (and loved ones) by eating it raw; cooked garlic retains its antibacterial powers, so long as you eat enough of it. During plague times, healers in some areas wore a “bird’s beak:†a stiff cone was made of paper or bark, stuffed with garlic and spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), and tied on over the nose to help prevent contagion. That’s a little cumbersome for modern times, but inhaling the aroma of a cup of spicy tea (there are many blends available, or make your own) could help you avoid catching contagious disease.
Medicinal mushrooms are not only immune system tonics, they possess antibacterial properties which make them ideal for preventing anthrax infection, according to expert Paul Stametes. A tincture or strong infusion of any shelf fungus with pores can be used, he says. If you prefer to buy your mushrooms, rather than hunt for them, look for reishii (Ganoderma lucidum) or shiitake (Lentinus edodes). Both are adaptogenic, revitalizing, regenerative, and able to directly suppress infection. Side effects, even from large doses, are rare.
But herbs and medicinal foods alone are not enough. What we think, and what we consume, are also important parts of building strong immunity. Candace Pert, visiting professor of neuroscience at Rutgers University, has proven that every cell of the body participates in the immune system through an integrated network of chemical, electrical, and hormonal signals. The immune system is a network, she says, which resonates with the vibrations that surround it. It is as affected by emotions as by bacteria, as impacted by thoughts as by drugs.
Long-standing low-level depression, smoldering anger that is never expressed, bitterness and vengeance projected into the future are all known to depress immune functioning. Prayer, affirmations, positive thinking - no matter what you call it, talking lovingly to yourself builds powerful immunity. One of the fiercest old women I know, healer Margo Geiger, taught me to not only think good thoughts but also to unthink immune system stressing phrases like: “This is killing me,†or “I’m dying to . . .†(â€Let’s live for it!†she’d say.)
Specialized cells which eliminate bacterial and viral infections are made as needed by the immune system. Richly supply your immune system with nutrients, and it easily counters infection, building healthy white blood cells to kill anthrax and other germs. Starve your immune system and it will falter, leaving your lymph nodes and other tissues open to infection and destruction.
My favorite foods for nourishing the immune system include beets, carrots, garlic, medicinal mushrooms, seaweeds, and dark leafy greens (including nettle infusion). For rapid results, try miso soup with seaweed and wild mushrooms. Try Immune A Go Go Soup from my book Breast Cancer? Breast Health!
Carotenes strengthen and activate all parts of the immune system, especially the thymus (the “master gland of immunityâ€). A half-cup of dandelion greens, two cups of nettle infusion, a small baked sweet potato, or two large cooked carrots or beets is a “dose;†but ten times that much can be consumed safely. Repeated doses provide a cumulative effect starting about a week after you begin.
Selenium is a trace mineral with special abilities for building a healthy immune system. Best sources are organic garlic, medicinal mushrooms, and astragalus. Zinc helps build energetic white blood cells (which eliminate bacterial infections). Best sources are Echinacea, nettles, and seaweed.
The B-vitamin complex, especially B6 (pyridoxine), is critical to immune system health. Best sources are potato skins, broccoli, prunes, and lentils.
Virtually all drugs depress the immune system. This includes caffeine and nicotine, alcohol, prescribed drugs, “recreational†drugs, and vitamin/mineral supplements. For a healthy immune system, eat nourishing food and forgo the pills.
Both light and dark are necessary for a strong immune system. For optimum immune system strength, sleep in a totally dark room at night, and spend at least 15 minutes a day outside without glasses or contacts. Full spectrum sunlight is needed to trigger the production of important immune system components.
Exercise is an excellent way to tonify the immune system. A number of clinical trials have shown regular exercise to be strongly linked to heightened immunity. The emphasis is on regular. It is better to walk one mile four times a week for a month than to jog 16 miles once a month.
In Summary: Strengthen you immune system with a good diet, adequate sleep, regular physical activity, emotional well-being, and a few of the recommended herbal allies of your choice. Always remember to use herbs and herbal preparations simply and safely. Avoid immune compromising substances such as coffee, tobacco and medications. With a strengthened immune system you will not only enjoy better health, but you will be less likely to be susceptible to infection and possible death from bacterial and/or viral invasions. Faith in your body’s ability to protect itself will continue to bolster and reinforce the immune system as your mental well-being improves. Enjoy the upward spiral of health as you follow the path of the Wise Woman Way.