I grew up on a ranch in a small town in Wyoming but moved to Arizona in the 1980's. I'm a mom, wife, researcher, and teacher. Some of my interests are sking, jet sking, football, anything outdoors. My faith is strong and I believe without Jesus this world is a lonely place. My passion is ancient history and searching for historical truth.The historical truth in movies, because not all movies are fiction...
and this... The Age of Aquarius is an astrological time period in history where it is believed major changes occur globally, scientifically, and in the development of human consciousness. Before that it was known as the Age of Pisces, which ushered in the Age of Aquarius, that time in the future when the "Great Work", declared in Freemasonry philosophy, will finally be completed. Age of Aquarius, a time where the vernal equinox moves through one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, happens every two thousand years. This shift has also been referred to as the New World Order. The New World Order was first referred to as a new period of history brought about by the dramatic change in the world following World War I. The first use of the term was during Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points and call for a League of Nations. In 1916-1922 John Hessin Clarke, Associate Justice, a Freemason, was nominated by President Woodrow Wilson. Not only were there ties to Freemasonry at this time but also to the Rockefellers, who happen to make $200,000,000.00 during World War I. New World Order..One World Bank..Order out of Chaos. "...there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." President Woodrow Wilson "The world can therefore seize the opportunity Persian Gulf crisis to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind." George Herbert Walker Bush "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller "Rarely have Americans lived through so much change, in so many ways, in so short a time. Quietly, but with gathering force, the ground has shifted beneath our feet as we have moved into an Information Age, a global economy, a truly new world." President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998Why were we supposedly entering the Age of Aquarius in the 1960’s, when it began approximately two thousand years before? Why should we be lead to think the New World Order is simply a political use of words? Is there a secret agenda behind the words..New World Order? The warnings for us were written thousands of years ago… Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Luke 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. and this...The earliest written copies of the Freemasons Masonic ritual states, unequivocally, that the ancient Masons found the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave under the site of King Solomon's temple.King Philip of France was one of the monarchs who were heavily in debt to the Knights Templar. After the death of the Pope, the King had the opportunity to bribe the incoming Catholic Pope and investigate crimes against the Templar’s. Charged with heresy and on a Friday the 13th, in October 1307, Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and his senior knights were arrested in Paris.All across Europe thousands of Knights Templar were taken into custody. King Philip raided the Templar treasure house and found it empty and the fleet gone. Little is known about what became of the Templar’s fleet of ships. There are records showing that 18 Templar ships were in port at La Rochelle, France on October 12, 1307. The next day, the fleet had vanished. Where did the fleet go? They set sail to the New Jerusalem...Amorica...America.The Knights Templar fleet discovered America before Christopher Columbus, so where is the treasure today? Hidden in America? Templar gold coin...Speaking of Gold...In December 1860 the State of South Carolina announced it would secede from the Union and become a separate republic. Six other Southern states seceded, joining with South Carolina to form The Confederate States of America, with Mississippian Jefferson Davis as their President. Two of the seven Governors were Freemasons, John Ellis - North Carolina and Isham Harris - Tennessee. The Governors and other Southern Freemasons met with General Albert Pike, “I do promise. that I will obey all..summonses given to me from the hand of a Brother Master Mason…†Albert Pike... Original document cover 33rd degree Scottish Rite... Original document 32nd degree Scottish Rite...One of their objectives, along with removing anyone in their way, was having their own currency..Confederate gold. It is said that the Southern states had huge amounts of gold and to avoid it falling into Northern hands it was hidden in five different locations. The five points of fellowship…Two of those locations where Confederate gold, supposedly, was taken is in Arizona and parts of Wyoming. Unknown amounts of gold were hidden in the Superstition Mountains in Arizona and the Hole-in-the-wall in Wyoming. Riders had to pass through local ranchers homesteads in Wyoming. One of those local ranchers was my great great grandfather. Hole-in-the-wall, Wyoming...Superstition Mountains, Arizona...At the time Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, 1861-1864. His Vice President, Andrew Johnson who was a confirmed Freemason. Edwin Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War, was an also a Freemason. In 1961 the Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency, “private eyes†discovered a plot to kill the President.Pinkerton logo...Pinkerton warned Lincoln and soon was ask to organize a “secret service†to gather information about the Southern states. The Southern states desire to have gold for their own currency opened reforms by the Union government. In 1862 “Greenbacks†were issued as legal tender.Greenback dollar...John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln, escaped from Washington with the help of a Masonic password. On his death bed he confessed to his physician that he was a Freemason. So if there was a patsy in the Lincoln assassination, wouldn’t there be a patsy in the Kennedy assassination?Mt. Rushmore...At Mt. Rushmore each President’s head is 60 feet high. Behind this monument was John Gutzon Borglum, 1867-1941. Born in Idaho he was also an active Freemason "raised into the light" at the Howard Lodge 35, New York in June 1904, as a Worshipful Master. In 1915, he was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Denmark. Borglum chose four Presidents as symbols of our nation: George Washington / Father of the Nation and Freemason; Thomas Jefferson / author of the Declaration of Independence with ties to the Masonic Lodges in Europe; Teddy Roosevelt also a Freemason; and Abraham Lincoln who preserved the Union. Of these four, Washington and Roosevelt were Freemasons. Borglum’s son, Lincoln Borglum, helped his father complete Mount Rushmore, was also a Freemason. So why is Abraham Lincoln looking across the line of site of the other presidents? Maybe because Abraham Lincoln who freed slaves then became the first president assassinated by a conspiracy, was carved in granite by a sculptor who was a Freemason. A Freemason who also had strong ties with the modern Ku Klux Klan. The Klan, was quite active in the Black Hills in the mid-1920s. It was rumored, the Klan fronted the much needed cash for the granite project.Something else to think about...Why was this flag taken to the moon on the Apollo Mission? Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong performed a Masonic ritual exactly 33 minutes after touchdown on the lunar surface. They temporarily planted the international flag of Scottish Rite Freemasonry which features a large, double-headed eagle. C. Fred Kleinknect, head of NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program, was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. All of the first astronauts were Freemasons. There is a photograph in the House of the Temple in Washington DC of Neil Armstrong on the moons surface (supposedly) in his spacesuit holding his Masonic Apron in front of his groin. "The eagle has landed..." Apollo is Osiris... Apollo god of light or the Sun guiding his chariot and four horses through the heavens. To the ancient Egyptians the constellation of Orion represented the god Osiris, the god of death and the underworld.Egyptian god Osiris...highest levels of FreemasonryDeu 27:15 Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place... Original document Nobles of the Mystic Shrine...Apollo 11 NASA patch...Notice the stars on the Apollo patch, they are the constellation of Orion. The three stars in the belt of Orion/Osiris pulling the Apollo 11 "chariot" from earth to the moon.Constellation of Orion... Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon in 1969, they held a press conference to tell the world about their incredible trip. If you had been in their position, wouldn't you have been happy, excited to describe the trip to the moon? The facial and body expressions of the astronauts suggest that they are suffering from anxiety. Why would they appear to be so nervous? NASA led us to believe that all of the astronauts were extremely introverted. Watch the first few minutes of the Apollo crew interview in the following link and ask yourself, are they really introverted? Are they just nervous? Are they hiding something? Did they really go to the moon?? You decide…www.EricHufschmid.net/apollo11_press_conference.wmv John Glenn, Mercury 6, "Friendship 7", member of Concord Masonic Lodge No. 688. A clip from Lone Gunmen Episode 1: Pilot, XFiles/21st Century FOX. Aired on MARCH 4, 2001. America was attached SEPTEMBER 11, 2001... Something to think about in 2008...HARRP...Weather modification... http://weatherwars.info/?page_id=22 http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Surveillance... There are more than 800 active satellites currently in orbit. Amazingly, they represent four percent of the total number of objects currently cataloged by the U.S. space surveillance network; the rest includes abandoned satellites, spent rocket boosters, and other debris. The United States owns more than 400 active satellites, just over 50 percent of all satellites globally. http://www.rense.com/general79/wdx2.htmArea 51… For 40 years, the alkali basin known as Groom Lake has been the test site for secret airborne weapons. The CIA and Air Force tested their most sensitive planes, the U-2 spy plane, to the F-117 "stealth" fighter. If you tend to believe the official government explanation then there's nothing to see in the alkali lakebed. Although the Air Force occasionally admits "operation location in the area," everything that happens at the base, its name, whether it exists..is classified. So if this base didn’t exist why would then President Clinton sign into law Area 51..exempt from Federal Hazardous Waste Disposal Laws? Federal Register: October 26, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 206), Notices Page 57633-57634, From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access, wais.access.gpo.gov, DOCID:fr26oc99-51, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Department of the Air Force BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING....