JOKER profile picture


The Joker to You!

About Me

Hi, I'm Jeremy James Brent. I'm finally putting my real name in the profile as I resume doing a little performing here and there and get the feel for it back. I hesitated to call myself a perfomance artist, or comic, for the past few years because I was no longer performing due to major health problems. I did make exceptions for radio comedy spots, doing fake commercials and guest editorials, usually with an ex-wife is a whore punchline and often under the name Joe Kerr. Since I am using my real name here, I must point out that my ex-wife is not really a whore; she lacks the necessary integrity, intelligence and work ethic.
I am still unable to return to a regular work schedule, or commit to more than one appearance at a time --even that is difficult. I will do the occasional guest spot, often without credit and without pay, just for the sheer enjoyment of it, though you can feel free to buy me dinner.
There are actually a lot of offers since saying on a show that I will work for pizza. Someone said that I should get an agent, but what would he/she negotiate for now -more toppings?
I can do stand-up, but I prefer sketch comedy, or improv with someone I feel in synch with. I can also write material for myself and others. I have some tapes from local and national television and radio shows available, for those with a serious and professional reason to check them out. I am creating and developing some new characters for future shows and hope to have new audio and visual performances recorded soon.
I'm a dirty old man, but a GREAT dirty old man! I love humor, sexy women, pulling pranks on the deserving and finding new ways to have fun. Don't worry ladies, I like to flirt, but I won't really chase after you. I never even ask for phone numbers. If you actually are interested, you can have mine, or look it up in the book; I'm not bashful, or hiding. It's no big deal to me either way.
My dog is adequate company for me and I have my own damned obsessed stalkers already. Now that I've put my name back into the mix online and resuming some public appearances, I'm sure that they will notice and try to find new ways to amuse me. If you do receive some communication about me, which you think I might be interested in, please forward it to me (with complete headers) at my email address below.
If you are in Bakersfield, or Los Angeles, you can meet me at Starbucks (or some such place) when I'm in town, IF you want to. You can also come to the lake and hang out for a bit, just be sure to call first (my number is listed) and bring munchies. I'm usually home, but surprising me is rarely a good idea.
I dig quality motorcycles (especially Harley Davidson, Triumph, BMW, Indian), modern firearms, edged weapons, ancient weapons (especially swords) and I love animals. I'm not really great witn computers, but I do find them interesting and spend more time online than I probably should -but I do live in a rural mountain area and there isn't one hell of a lot else to do. I'm getting pretty good at it for a guy who used to think that a laptop was a blonde. I know that there is more to life than jokes and sex, but I'm damned if I can figure out what those things might be.
My Rottweiler (Max the wonder dog) is my constant companion. We communicate so well that people are amazed, but Max is smarter than most people -especially around here. He won't let anyone on the property until I tell him that it's okay and they cannot walk between us if he doesn't trust them. He won't allow anyone to touch my Harley when I am not standing there to give permission.
When pets stray in the vicinity, they often wind up on my property. They come to talk to Max and they know that I am a soft touch for treats and lots of petting and ear scratching. Max gets jealous, but he gets over it. He knows that I'll pet every animal I meet. Hell, on the rare occasions that I go anywhere without him, he knows that I might have the smell of a dozen dogs on me and even a few cats. He will run up to me and sniff and give me that "How could you?" look every time.
I'll be updating this as we go along and when I'm not too wasted.
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My Interests

Motorcycles, humor, modern firearms, knives and ancient swords, dogs -especially Rottweilers, horses, travel, photography, law. I get a kick out of collecting things with Joker images, especially things I can wear. I enjoy buying and selling stuff on eBay.

Here I am doing a comedy bit on a special radio show (which was televised and simulcast on the Internet and radio on CNET) after riding my Harley more than 100 miles at over 100mph to get there on time. I take my comedy seriously!

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy people with a sense of humor and not too hung up on themselves to have fun! I am happy to meet all intelligent and interesting people. I'm not looking for a serious relationship, but I also don't definitely say that it can't happen with the right chemistry (No, I don't mean "roofies," but, if you have them...)
If you're a nice, single lady in Southern California, almost anything is possible. I have to admit that I am a pushover at times. I'll go almost anywhere with strange women, I just won't marry any more of them.

If you are hot and well off and want to adopt me, we can sure as hell discuss it. I am also for sale, rent or lease and I do take credit cards.
Don't bug me with a lot of fantasy and drama; We all have enough real life crap of our own to deal with. If you have a real situation to discuss, I'll try to find the time to offer my opinion and advice, for whatever it's worth. With rare exceptions, don't ask me to get directly involved unless you can afford to pay for it. (I do have verifiable skills and experience which I will not discuss here.) If you ask me do do anything of a criminal nature, you will be deleted and blocked immediately. If you want to talk to me, send a message, or email at one of the addresses below. If you need my phone number, ask for it.
I really don't like phonies of either gender and I will pay enough attention to catch someone in a lie. I may not always say anything, but that doesn't mean that I didn't notice what was being said and/or done. If you are a liar and I get tired of your bullshit, I will delete and block without further discussion. If you are intelligent enough to keep it entertaining, I might be amused enough to see where you take it.
Don't bother to try to hustle me for money because I don't have any and you wouldn't get it anyway. I like to act crazy and goofy, but don't mistake me for stupid. Don't take things too seriously because I usually don't.

Tweakers should please just fuck off right now. We have enough of them in these mountains already. Neither my dog nor I can stand them. If you partake in such things, you are welcome to live your life as you wish, but not around me. I have no desire to risk my freedom and safety for other people's stupid little habits.
Alcoholics are generally boring, even the pretty ones. I don't mind someone who gets tipsy on occasion, or ties one on from time to time. I used to do that myself before diabetes dictated that I stop drinking, so I don't have a big problem with it. If you get sloppy, I'll even hold your hair while you barf and let you crash here undisturbed, so long as it's not a frequent thing.
I won't let anyone drive drunk and will stop them any way I must and that includes use of force. Don't underestimate me, or you will be unpleasantly shocked -no matter how badass you think you are.
I will NOT bail you out of jail for DUI or drugs. I am sick of visiting people in the hospital, or burying them, just because they couldn't do the right thing and wait a little while to sober up. Sorry about the rant (no I'm not)..
I don't give a crap what you own, or possess, or how much money you might (or might not) have. That's yours and it means nothing to me. Enjoy it, but don't make a big display of it. Unless you are planning to give me some, it's really none of my damned business.
What impresses me is loyalty, honesty (between us) and integrity. I usually won't care what you do to the rest of the world, but always be honest with me. If you can handle that, you have my attention and respect and then it is not so important who you are (or think you are), or how beautiful you are (or think you are).
You can email me at my addresses shown below or you can comment and communicate here. You are even welcome to my snail mail address and here it is: Jeremy Brent c/o Joker Enterprises P.O. Box 671 Bodfish CA 93205. I'm also open to meeting and talking to just about anyone who can hold up their end of the conversation without boring me Actually, I'm pretty much open to whatever seems reasonable. If it's not reasonable, YOU are buying dinner and paying for everything else too!
DID I ASK YOU TO ADD ME TO YOUR FRIENDS LIST? If I did, it's likely that I did so for more than pretty pictures. I probably read your blog (if not yet, I will) and I definitely read enough about you to be interested. Granted that most of the people on my friends list are among the funniest people in the world, there are also some fabulously beautiful women. I did find something more than mere physical beauty about most of those ladies to want them on my list, but looking good is a nice thing for my eyes and I sure appreciate it. When they disappoint, annoy and bore me, I have no compunction about removing them, as I just did with a large number. I'm not really as shallow as I pretend to be at times.
If I deny your request and you are NOT a spammer, or a dumbass, please email me [email protected] or [email protected] and I will correct the error with profuse apologies. If you need my phone numbers, you can email me and tell me who you are and why you want them, or you can find me in the telephone book. I'm not bashful and I do accept gifts and bribes. You can even send cash to my PayPal account and I'll select something myself.


Classic Rock and Roll, Southern Rock, some Country and Jazz. Anything well done. (Rap cannot be done well, I don't care what some of you say and remember my interest in weaponry before you give thought to playing that crap anywhere in my vicinity.) I recently became interested in Celtic Women. They are amazing.


Comedy, Action and Adventure, Horror! Did I mention porn? Someday, some genius will combine all of that in an epic!
Holy crap! Months after I typed that sentence, someone IS doing it! ME!!!! Watch for the press release!


Comedy Central (South Park, Mind of Mencia) and Sci-Fi Channel, but anything else depends on my mood. The Closer, Saving Grace, Damages, Rescue Me, House, CSI (all of them), Shark, Family Guy, American Dad, but comedy or sci-fi will usually take priority over almost anything.


All sorts, ranging from the classics to total trash.

CURRENT MOON about the moon


Clint Eastwood, not just for his roles and screen personalities, not just as a cinematic icon, but as a man, a true American who will say what he feels and stand up for his beliefs! Superman, Donald Trump, Quagmire (on Family Guy), and Max the wonder dog, who would take a bullet for me, just as I would not hesitate to take one for him!



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My Blog

The incredible stupidity of Verizon.

Several years ago, when I lived on the other side of the country, I had a Verizon Wireless phone.  When I returned to California, I moved to this mountain community and Verizon does not provide w...
Posted by JOKER on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:15:00 PST

The incredible stupidity of Verizon.

Several years ago, when I lived on the other side of the country, I had a Verizon Wireless phone.  When I returned to California, I moved to this mountain community and Verizon does not provide w...
Posted by JOKER on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:14:00 PST

Well, damn, I do appear to be stoned....

So, this chick was teasing her husband.  She had agreed to give me a ride to the drugstore and grocery store as a major favor. Her husband had no clue who I am, so she messed with him on the phon...
Posted by JOKER on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 03:58:00 PST

Should MySpace be closed?

Once again the headlines are about a child taken by a predator. Once again, they apparently met on MySpace.  As usual, this story will not end well. It's just too damned easy for children to pret...
Posted by JOKER on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:20:00 PST

Identity Theft and the world of corporate idiots

My identity has been stolen again, so once again I must plumb the depths of stupidity and corporate incompetence, while listening to Muzak on hold for days.. That isn't a redundancy because these peo...
Posted by JOKER on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:09:00 PST

The Bucket List

I don't normally write movie reviews and opinions, but I am briefly going to make an effort to convince you to see this one.  First of all, seeing the names of Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman s...
Posted by JOKER on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:43:00 PST

all in all, not too bad

As many of you know, yesterday was my birthday. If you didn't know, where in hell where you and why weren't you paying attention?  I did mention it a few times as the day approached and every cha...
Posted by JOKER on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 05:00:00 PST

California same sex weddings.

I'm not sure how I feel about same sex weddings.  On the one hand, something tells me that we have not yet seen the final word on this. On the other, I don't have a problem with it.  It...
Posted by JOKER on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:26:00 PST

a lot less bulletin bored....

Yes, I spelled that correctly. I was so damned bored with the crap on the bulletin board that I took the only action possible.  I deleted a bunch of bimbos who were clogging things up with their ...
Posted by JOKER on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 11:03:00 PST

Some real friends and some very fake friends.

When I started on MySpace, the idea was to build a big friends list of hot chicks.  I had noticed that these pages show up in Google searches and I have a couple of stalkers who are always doing ...
Posted by JOKER on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:43:00 PST