Firstly, if youre having doubts that I'm actually me, go to the home page of my official website and click the MySpace link on the bottom right. It will open up this same page.
Cool? Cool... here's a paper plane for the effort.
Hi, I'm Will. There are many things I could tell you "about me" but since the majority of you have found my MySpace page because of what you already know "about me," we'll concentrate on that... it's just better.
I'm an actor. Most of the time I do the funny kind of acting but sometimes I do the serious kind. When I suck at the serious kind, I tell people that I was actually doing the funny kind, then they laugh and are happy.
I maintain a lot of life codes and rules. Here's one: "Meh." In keeping with that, I'm not able to return all the messages I get here on MySpace but I do read every last one, so thanks for writing.
I love/hate/want to dry hump you too - Will Sasso
Ps. It's a nice day... get off of MySpace and go outside.