I collect things with holly on them, really tiny globes and shoes you can see through. I enjoy the game of life. My hobbies include keeping myself entertained and dorkdom in all its glory.
I want my powers used for good and not evil.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
To all the youngun's trying to send me inappropriate emails-
and I should now amend that to say that just because you are over 17, that does not mean you should send me inappropriate emails. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Missy Higgins, Kristi Neumann(an amazing local singer/songwriter extraordinaire),Glen Miller, White Snake, Flemming and John, Metallica, Amy Lee, Bing Crosby, Damien Rice, Doris Day, Lauren Hill, 3 doors down,Andrews Sisters, Matchbox 20, Poe, Alicia Keys,Heart, Sarah McLaughlin, Concrete Blonde and Sountracks to Grease and Chicago and some of Wicked-etc,etc-not to mention the music that plays during Super Mario Bros
Probably anything with Jimmy Stewart-esp Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Harvey, Philadelphia Story.Some Indie stuff, an independent short film entitled "Oh my God", psych thrillers, comedies and some sci-fi.Clerks, Office Space,The Last Unicorn, and A Tale of Two Sisters
I am a recovering Trekkie. I am proud to say that I have been clean for a few years now, and I still quote M*A*S*H on occasion. I have to admit-I have been neglecting my TV lately. Sorry RCA baby- I don't mean to ignore you. I still love you, I just have been so busy. I hope you understand. Sometimes I watch "Who's The Boss" because it reminds me of a simpler time-I mean for those guys-I mean Mona's dead and Jonathan's gay and Tony is a little nutty I hear....
Definitely depends on my mood. I read some Heinlein, and I enjoyed the Mayfair Witch series from Anne Rice. I finished the Harry Potter series. Piers Anthony's-Incarnations of Immortality. Also The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre, Crime and Punishment, and short stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Usually Sci-Fi/fantasy, but depends on my mood and how much time I have on my hands. I am currently reading Wicked and some Terry Goodkind.
Lucille Ball, James Stewart, and Mr. Spock, Bettie Page and Salvador Dali-there's a lunatic for ya'. I truly admire those that pursue their dreams,even when it gets very hard like my brother Todd. And my boyfriend, Tim. He keeps me sane and crazy.