Political Gangsta profile picture

Political Gangsta

I kick so much ass i get shinsplints!©2007-2012

About Me

I am on this planet to help Save America from the fascist grip of the Criminal Bush Administration, To preserve the Constitution, Defend our Rights, Protect our Freedom, and ensure my kids don't grow up in Police State, which we are sadly sprinting towards! But, i can't do it alone, well, i probably can, but i'm too lazy, so, you can help by buying one of my cool ass Tshirts on some of the links i will be uploading. Then i can afford the expensive beer i like(it helps me come up with kick ass ideas on how to save the world!) I encourage you to join me in my mission, TODAY, before it's too late!! ************************************************************ ***************************************** If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the political headaches we must endure, or you just need a nice peaceful break, please be sure to check out my cosmic friends and take a few moments to reconnect, regenerate, and open up the doors of possibilities. Peace, unity, and love is just a click away!
Ascension 2012
************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************** REGISTER TO VOTE HERE!! CLICK LINK BELOW, AND DO YOUR PART TO SAVE THE CONSTITUTION!! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!!

************************************************************ ***************************************** HERE ARE SOME LINKS TO SITES I HIGHLY RECOMMEND... ************************************************************ *****************************************

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

CLICK IMAGE BELOW, AND THEN GO BUY SOMETHING!!************************************** He calls himself "the decider", and in his delusional mind he is a "compassionate conservative"! Some call him "chimpy" or "dubya", but, he has proven himself to be A LYING, THIEVING, MURDERING, WARMONGER! A criminal that deserves to be IMPEACHED and PROSECUTED for his crimes! ************************************** Thank you for shopping at The Homeland Despot! Where freedom is costly, and hard to find, but fascism is always on display! America isn't what it used to be, thanks to the supreme court appointed "decider". Your satisfaction is always guaranteed, as long as you agree to surrender your rights in the name of security!Click image and get your shop on! *******************Protect and Defend American Sovereignty...Say NO to the proposed plan for a North American Union, erasing U.S. Borders between Canada and Mexico! Click Image to purchase a bumper sticker!(more products available soon!) *******************This logo is Available on huge variety and styles of shirts, for men,women and children! Get yours today!! ******************* Never misunderestimate THE DECIDER! He knows how hard you work to put food on your family. He understands that results of elections, and the will of the American people are irrelevant in his decision making process. He knows better than you do, he knows what you really want and need, and what's best for you. He knows Laws made by Congress are just "ideas" and "suggestions", which he can choose to ignore with Signing Statements. After all, he ALONE is...THE DECIDER!! ******************* ******************* Fight Fascism!! Click the Prick! ******************* Boldly ride the waves on the Tempestuous Sea of Liberty(and buy a shirt,a mug,a button, or a magnet!!) ******************* Exercise your Revolutionary Right to Resist!! We should NOT fear our government, THEY should fear US! And if they refuse to represent the will of the people, we can kick their sorry asses to the curb!! ******************* The Revolution WILL NOT be televised! Get your gear NOW! CLICK THE FIST OF RESISTANCE! ******************* Big Brother is watching! You might as well buy a shirt!! ******************* Fight the Tyrannical forces of fearmongering and Warmongering!! America is better than that!

I'd like to meet:

My grandchildren!! ************************************************************ ************************************ NOW SHOWING: TRUTH T.V. ************************************************************ ************************************


Neil Cavuto reads the "fanmail" i sent him!


YOU are the visitor to my page!

My Blog

Don't Blame Our Troops!!

This is MY opinion and response to the bulletin video and comments below,  that are being circulated.The soldiers are under enough duress as it is, without a bunch of punk ass civilians like us, ...
Posted by Political Gangsta on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST

Save Darfur! Email Oprah! (from myspace friend Aid for Darfur)

I'm posting this as a blog so i can easily copy and paste it into bulletins! Feel free to copy and post as a bulletin as well. Literally MILLIONS have died and continue to die as the world continues t...
Posted by Political Gangsta on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 11:33:00 PST


What's the deal with the kudos?  I don't mean why aren't i getting any, i just mean in general, why have the choice of giving someone 1 kudos or 2 kudos??It's like,"yeah, i liked what you ha...
Posted by Political Gangsta on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:18:00 PST

Regarding previous blog

hey just wanted to elaborate on my last blog and why my mood was "aggravated". i was in the middle of watching "White Rapper" on VH1, (i love that show) and the contestants were at Hot97 or something ...
Posted by Political Gangsta on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:57:00 PST

I Rip Shit

I rip shit/I'm gifted to spit shit/ i've been flippin' da script since i was an infant I'm consistent/You get dissed in an instant/ My commitment runs deep i don't sleep/I'm persistent/ I kick so much...
Posted by Political Gangsta on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:10:00 PST