Ðrцmsticк profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Goto Photo Album
"Sir! No Sir!" (Watch the documentary online - click here)
۞" — &nbsp When &nbsp the &nbsp power &nbsp of &nbsp love &nbsp overcomes &nbsp the &nbsp love &nbsp of &nbsp power&nbsp the&nbsp world&nbsp will&nbsp know&nbsp peace" &nbsp — &nbsp Jimi Hendrix ۞
Any similarities to people, living or dead, are purely intentional.
9/11 documentary:
911 Eyewitness (01:44:40)
If you are interested in the way CIA is involved in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the plans of western warfare in the Middle East way before sept.11th '01, and the consequences of the "Patriot Act", I suggest you see ex-cop Michael C. Ruppert's lecture, "Truth and lies on 9/11":
(You may want to sit down.)
Right Click and open in a new window:
Truth and Lies of 9 11
(See it before it gets removed from Google Video.
I saw another link to the movie has already been deleted. Why?, you might rightfully ask.)
I am against aggressive and illegal warfare, so if you are a Bush supporter you might want to leave.
Or - read further and deal with the facts.
In return I will try to be as brief as possible, so I don't steal much of your time, and so you can spread the word:
90% of Iraq wants USA+the other occupation forces to withdraw their troops instantly.
Two thirds of American people want their troops home instantly.
App. 1 mio. Iraqi people have lost their lives in the war. This is what a recent study shows, and a low estimate :-(
There are now 180.000 american soldiers in Iraq. 100.000 of these soldiers are privately contracted mercenaries, who are immune to any war crimes commited in Iraq. Of course this poses a legal problem, because there have already been several incidents with drunken or sober american mercenaries who have killed innocent iraqi people.
America has occupied Iraq with 12 permanent "mega-bases", which house the soldiers. There are more megabases being constructed as we speak. As we all can see, the Bush administration has no plans to withdraw any troops. On the contrary.
The soldiers are serviced by underpaid workers from Sri Lanka, India and other asian countries. This is because it would cause a threat to the american soldiers, if they were to hire Iraqi workers... Plus, the iraqis want a minimum wage, which the current workers do not demand. Most workers are only paid $1 pr/hour, and the work hours are up to 12 hours a day. They also have to deal with being harrased by stressed out soldiers constantly.
Even when cleaning the soldiers' latrine.
Also in this business, private american contractors make big bucks from the war, simply by servicing the soldiers - with the fine american quisine such as Pizza Hut or Burger King.
These big corporation food chains have actually made their restaurants within the megabases look like they do in America.
The idea of occupying Iraq is not to liberate the area - as people are meant to believe. The aim of making a democracy by force has failed. The idea is to have permanent soldiers stationed in the area, because it is important when the fight for the last oil begins. From now on the World's oil reserves will only deplete, and increase in price. This will have dramatic consequenses for all mankind, and transport as we know it (shipping, public transport, planes, etc) will break down.
America and coalition forces are in Iraq and the middle east for at least 3 reasons:
First off, Iraq is in an area with lots of oil in the ground, and -if you haven't smelled the coffee yet- America uses force to get to the oil. Neglecting the basic principle when you are powerful: That you are also responsible.And neglecting international war rules, which were agreed upon after World War II, never to attack another country to seize its resources.
The hypocracy of America telling other countries not to use deadly force or torture is apparent by the stories that have leaked to the press about the Abu-Ghraib prison (and others) and the Guantanamo camp in Cuba. The people in these illegal prison camps have NO democratic rights, and some have been tortured and humiliated.
Secondly, the wars USA has started in the middle east is to "show off", to tell the rest of the world who is boss.
Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, it is because big corporate private firms and the weapons industry earn a lot of money from the war. Blood money. People are being told it's a war on terror, which is a lie, straight from BrainWashington D.C. They don't care for anybody than themselves.
And they have the police to protect them from angry citizens.
The majority America and the rest of the western world is beginning to look like the propaganda-ruled, overconsuming, obedient societies that Orwell and Huxley warned us about.
But we are more and more people who are starting to wake up to the reality of our brainwashed, overconsuming, work-o-holic lives, and who want to make a diffence and a change on a huge scale.
This can be done through protests, street art, theatre, movies, music, comics, drawings, paintings, spoken word, radio, etc etc. You know your own platform best.
Help spread the truth.
I also urge you to check the 911 truth sites I have on my top friends list.
If I should have to pick just ONE out of maybe 50 questions about 9/11, my question is:
- How can a building that is designed to take several hits from airplanes demolish from top down in less than 10 seconds?
Note: If you stood on top of either WTC1 or WTC2 and dropped a cueball, it would take 10 seconds before it hit the ground. Think about that for a minute. These buildings were 110 stories high, with 47 steel columns in their interior design, and everything just crumbled to dust.
Never before or after in history has a steel structure collapsed due to fire.
No, we won't shut up!
• I am angry and repulsed that my country is engaged with America in illegal warfare, and wish that Bush would withdraw all troops NOW - instead of reinforcing with additional jarheads. The war doesn't 'stop terrorism', as Bush claims, it is terrorism. USA has the real weapons of mass destruction, and not the middle east.
Iraqi people die each day, and several millions have fled the country.
Turn off your propaganda mainstream media and get independent news here on the internet instead.
I suggest these links:
The Forbidden Knowledge/Hard Truth
Project Censored
And to watch news and documentaries, that never makes it to TV, download Miro player:
Miro -the free open source video platform
Talk - read - protest - create - ask questions!
-do what you can to express yourself in a non-violent way.
Demonstrations against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
in Copenhagen ; The American Embassy (march 2006) and RÃ¥dhuspladsen (below) (march 2008)
--------- personal info:
Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark
Click Pics to view my drawings and photos.
I'm an artist who uses this platform to express other thoughts and ideas than the professional projects allows. This results in more personal drawings than the commercial art, using the concept of free speech, and trying to test how far one can go - not by making religious satire on behalf of muslims, but by looking at ourselves, the western community, and asking questions about our behaviour towards the rest of the world.
I search for people who have a different approach to life, those who go against the stream, those who DO give a damn about the planet we live on and share, and who see the importance of ending intollerance and the destruction of mother earth and its life.
I am concerned about politics, both national and abroad, and think that everyone should be, as politics directly influence one's life. In these years I am troubled and disgusted with the right wing politics that is present in America, UK and my own country. I think we have to be very alert in these years and question our learders. Do they (Bush+co) really act the way their people want, or do they lie and desceit their people into going along with their own agenda, which is *profit at all costs*? I think the latter.
I have a broad taste in music, and keep searching for new stuff. The one genre I keep returning to, is Rock; Vocals, guitar, bass and drums are really all it takes to make good music, as long as the ones performing have skills.
I have attended many concerts and festivals; it's when I hear live music that I feel most alive. I play the drums on a basic level, mostly jamsessions when the opportunity rises.
Along with a friend I have made electronic music; if you want to give it a hear, see my Top friend list and click J L (top left).
In my past I have met many incredible people.
I have joined myspace.com in an attempt to find and correspond with other people around the globe, and to expand people's minds as well as my own.
See my blog for more thoughts...There you'll also find a link to a few Flash movies I have made.
Rest In Peace : 'Ungdomshuset 69' & Natasja
Vi savner jer!
About 9/11:

The tragedy of 9/11 has been exploited to grow the ranks of the Armed Services, to justify torture, to erode civil liberties, and most importantly to create a culture of fear, a culture of silent obedience.
9/11 is the first taboo of the 21st century.
Merely questioning the US government-sanctioned explanation of events is seen as heresy, blasphemy, treason. Whistleblowers are silenced. Scientists are mocked. Facts are dismissed as fantasy. Conjecture is presented as fact. And the "Global War on Terror", spawned and fueled by a series of falsehoods and half-truths, continues to stain the earth with the blood of innocent civilians on virtually every continent.
- Quote: Skeptosis Link (S.L.)
Preserve true freedom, diversity and the democracy!/D
Om d. 11.sept.
Tragedien d. 11.sept. 2001 er blevet udnyttet til at opruste militæret, at retfærdiggøre tortur, at fjerne civile rettigheder, og vigtigst af alt at skabe et samfund i frygt, et samfund bygget på tavs lydighed.
11.sept. er blevet det første store tabu i det 21. århundrede.
Blot at spørge til den amerikanske regerings forklaring på begivenhederne bliver set som kætteri, blasfemi eller landsforræderi. Dem, som fortæller sandheden, bliver gjort tavse. Videnskabsfolk bliver latterliggjort. Fakta bliver bortvist som fantasier. Gætterier bliver præsenteret som fakta. Den globale krig mod "terror", skabt og drevet af en serie løgne og halve sandheder, fortsætter med at plette jorden med blod fra uskyldige mennesker, på stort set alle kontinenter.
- Citat: Skeptosis Link
Sig nej til kontrolsamfundet.
Lad os beholde mangfoldigheden, friheden og demokratiet.
Demonstration mod overvågnings - og kontrolsamfund:
5. APRIL 2008
18:00 Demo fra Israels plads KBH
20:00 Livemusik og fest, Den Grå Hal
Klik på billedet nedenfor.
- MySpace Layouts - nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !
***© Drumstick 2006-2008

My Interests

"Free speech is my right to say what you don't want to hear."
—- George Orwell

Queens of the Stone Age's song "3's and 7's" lyrics

"Lie, lie to my face
Tell me it ain't no thing
That's what I wanna hear

Take your lie to the grave
That's what an old friend told me
Look what it did for him

The truth hurts so bad, wouldn't you say?
So why tell it?
If ignorance is bliss, then I'm in
Heaven now

Run, you'll never escape
You see, you'll go nowhere
Based on who you appear

Broke, laid to waste
Turn into sweet no-things
Kiss you goodbye

The truth hurts so bad, wouldn't you say?
So why tell it?
If ignorance is bliss, then I'm in
Heaven now

Keep going over and over again
The never ending places I've never been
No one is catching on
Callin' my bluff
The devil made me holier than I've ever been

What'd you do?
Say it with a smile, boy
Making us all forget

What'd you do?
Say it with a smile, boy
Making us all forget

Making us all forget
Making us all forget "

3 new videos added to my page: 3 clips from the animated film "Taking Liberties", about the governments in the western world turning towards fascism in order to control the citizens. You should see these 3 clips, and spread the word.
The democracy of the western world is at risk of dismantling itself from within.

My interests:
Drawing, graphics, photography, music, friends, festivals & concerts, animals, events, webdesign, humour, the peace movement, paintings, street art, rpg, politics, movies, astronomy, human rights, the internet, ufology, the occult, gaming.


I'd like to meet:

"—When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. "

— Jimi Hendrix


Jimi Hendrix
The Doors
David Bowie
Tom Waits
Mother's Finest
Jefferson Airplane
Lauryn Hill
Black Sabbath

13th Floor Elevators
The Electric Prunes
Captain Beefheart
The Chocolate Watch Band
T. Rex
Tim Buckley
Arlo Guthrie
The Band
The Velvet Underground

Queens of The Stone Age
Andrea Parker
Eric Clapton
Led Zeppelin
The Cure
Sly and the Family Stone
Frank Zappa

The Beatles
Living Things
Breaker Brothers
The Kinks
Danny Elfman
Sheryl Crow
Oh No Ono

John Coltrane
Lenny Kravitz
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Clash
Spleen United
Hess Is More
B.B. King
Her Personal Pain

Mani Spinx
The Blues Brothers
Arctic Monkeys
Kaiser Chiefs
Tower of Power
Kaisers Orchestra
Baby Shambles
Kid Loco
Baby Woodrose
Michel Camilo

(continued below...)

(music, continued:)

Creedence Clearwater Revival
The Sabres of Paradise
The Cure
The Elefants
Nils Landgren Funk Unit

Laurent Garnier
Fédération Française de Funk
Mondo Generator
The Libertines
James Brown
The Rolling Stones

Pink Floyd
Bob Marley
Amy Winehouse
Amon Tobin
Dirty Pretty Things
Ravi Shankar
The Magic Bullet Theory
Jean-Michel Jarre
Massive Attack

Nat King Cole
The Broken Beats
Manic Street Preachers
Ridin' Thumb
Bob Hund
George Clinton & Parliament
Sly & The Family Stone

Black Sabbath
David Bowie
Wolfgang A. Mozart
Burnt Friedman
Malk de Koijn
The Strokes
Blind Melon

Bikstok Røgsystem
Tracy Chapman
Brian Eno
Sort Sol
Rage Against The Machine
Dead Kennedys
Igor Stravinsky

Røde Mor
Wu Tang Clan
System Of A Down
The Whigs
Porcupine Tree
Velvet Underground
Skunk Anansie
The Streets
Epo 555
Brand New Heavies
The Brecker Brothers
Captain Beefheart
Oasis (the 90s stuff)
The Iron Butterfly
Everything But The Girl
Tina Dickow
John Barry
Dan Turèll & Sølvstjernerne

(...and many more)

— I keep an open mind to music and keep searching for new tunes. I have been exploring music since birth, and am familiar with rock, pop, soul, funk, indie, grunge, electronica, ambient, and some eclectic music.
I am constantly seeking new grounds all kinds of genres - both here on MySpace and .. radio broadcasts.

Put this on my tombstone:
? Let there be rock ! ?


The Shawshank Redemption
Mulholland Drive
The Fisher King
Walk The Line
Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me
The Shining
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Others
Men In Black
12 Monkeys
V for Vendetta
Five Fingers
Das Leben Der Anderen
Fahrenheit 911
Der Untergang
Det Store Flip
A Scanner Darkly
The Doors
Harsh Times
Being John Malkovich
The Search for The Holy Grail
Why We Fight
Back To The Future
Earth from Above
———————————————————— ———
My favourite directors:
———————————————————— ———
- Terry Gilliam
- Ethan & Joel Cohen
- David Lynch
- Oliver Stone
- Spike Jonze
- Peter Jackson
- Robert Zemeckis
- David Cronenberg
- John Carpenter


I don't like surveillance.

TV Shows I like:
The Simpsons
Casper & Mandrilaftalen
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Drengene fra Angora
Twin Peaks

Lonely Planet

Fawlty Towers
Black Adder
Dick Turpin


Dan Turèll, William S Burroughs, Hunter S Thompson,Carlos Castañeda, George Orwell, Ib Michael, Jim Morrison, Betty Edwards, Aldous Huxley, Stephen King, Bjarne Reuter, Shafica Karagulla, Scott McCloud, Jens Blendstrup, Tor Nørretranders, Viola Petitt Neal and others with a twisted mind.

"(...) Create a place for people to live like human beings, instead of slaves to some bullshit concept of Progress that is driving us all mad."
— H.S.T.

The Duke

War Criminals



My Blog


yellowcakewalk.net Take a look!
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:18:00 PST

Four flash movies

Some new, some old; different themes and content; these are 4 Flash movies I've made:Telegram (Language: Danish)Gaktus II (Language: Danish)Creatures of the Sea True Grit (reprise)...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 08:27:00 PST

Iraq Veterans Against the War

I just found this site, which I recommend everyone to take a look at.Click this link to visit "Iraq Veterans Against the War"
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 09:20:00 PST

Battery acid (slideshow)

I've made a slideshow to Queens of the Stone Age's song "Battery Acid".Watch it by clicking here.! (T.o.18)Rated R for violent images....
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

Valg d. 13.nov (Danish)

Folketingsvalg Det er blevet tid til at vise magthaverne at vi vil have forandring, og ikke normalisering. ...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST

Era Vulgaris

Queens of the Stone Age's nye album med den passende titel "Era Vulgaris" er lige udkommet,og jeg erhvervede mig et eksemplar - spændt som et barn før juleaften. Jeg blev ikke skuffet! På "Era Vulga...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST


I filmed a  magpie on the ground the other day. (Assistenskirkegaarden, Copenhagen). They have a very distinct way of hopping along, that I find charming. You can see it in my Video section. ...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:59:00 PST

"True Grit" [Flash]

I didn't paint easter eggs or go to church, instead I have spent some of my easter holiday to make this short flash film called "True Grit"! It contains 25 stills of the american flag as shown in sce...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:00 PST

Normalisering (in Danish)

2007 bliver åbenbart året, hvor Danmarks skal normaliseres. Nu er Ungdomshuset ryddet og fjernet, og næste i rækken er Christiania. Beboerne har indtil 1.april til at give tilsagn til en normaliserin...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:51:00 PST

"The Puppeteers" [Flash-movie]

  Just finished this flashmovie project - "The puppeteers" http://home20.inet.tele.dk/drumstick/flash/the_puppeteers.sw f  ...
Posted by ÐrFmstic: on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:32:00 PST