What time is it? It's time for the blues!
THROUGH THE PAST. Welcome to the odd and most peculiar world of the fabulous Wolfman Jack from the north of Sweden. The commanders of the young blues movement and the world's most well kept secret. People dance and sway when they hear the rolling thunder of this top doorslammin' machine. Shoot from the hip! Just like a bolt from the blue.
Wolfman Jack began their journey early in 2007 after numerous
of other more or less sucessful projects in various musical formats and styles. The idea has always been to play down-to-earth boogie blues with a flavour of rock and a fistful of roll. Rollicking licks, a thunderous blast of sound and a steady beat has been the foundation from the beginning.
This three-piece set hitched a ride on the rock ’n’ roller coaster, and have at times been characterized as loud and bombastic, embarking on the virtuosity of the individual musician. One foot firmly based in the deep forests and big lakes of the north, the other one wandering the wide open spaces of the south. These gentlemen creates musical madness and a virtual rite of passage for all mankind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
[email protected]
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT. The smokin' hot, all original fullenght debut record '"Gasser Madness" LP in stores today. Recorded in a basement during three cold winter nights. Released in limited full-color fold out package on the 20th of March by legendary Swedish record label Garageland Records. Ten smashing hits divided through forty minutes of hard-on rockin' blues boogie madness. Available at every well hung dealer around the world.
The late great, strictly limited and most-out-there five-track "Wolfman Jack EP" was recorded during the groovy summer of 2007 and sold out in a flash. Nowdays, it's concidered to be a minor classic and a very hard-to-get collectors piece. If you manage to get yourself a copy, keep a firm hold of it.
LP "Gasser Madness"
(Garageland Records, 2008)
"Blues kan vara så förbannat härligt. Känns som att det är svårt att misslyckas med att vara coola när man har polisongerna från helvetet."
Kajsa Apelqvist, Deminzine
EP "The Wolfman Jack EP" (2007)
"Det låter mycket bra. Cool! Lite lätt nonchalant tillbakalutat med tungt sväng."
HÃ¥kan Nesser, Sveriges Radio P3
"Wolfman är en välgörande öronsköljning efter dagens softade dansbandsblues."
Staffan Westfal, Västerbottens Kuriren