Cloon profile picture



About Me

What would happen if you would put members from Tool, Faith No More and Primus in a band with Frank Zappa & Tom Waits?
Cloon started out in 2002 as an instrumental project containing current members Maarten, Philippe, and Servaas. A 4th Cloon member joins the ranks in February 2004. Tom Claus takes his place behind the microphone and appears to be the missing part of the puzzle, performing as an excellent story-teller and vocalist, but above all a genius with a master diploma in crazy freaked-out frontmanship. New songs were written and a new Cloon was born ...
A first demo was recorded in the spring of 2004, containing 3 songs : ..Judas.., ..A Donut the Size of a Wheel.. and ..Be Amazing... This demo-CD received unanimously positive reviews from national ànd international music press!
In november 2006, Cloon released a 5 - track counting limited edition EP, getting them on stages in Belgium, England, The Netherlands and Germany.Cloon is currently writing new material for a first full album, to be released somewhere in 2008. Labels that are interested to work with Cloon ... please contact the band!
Pictures by GENTHOLOGY
Please fill in your e-mail address, and we will keep you posted on all events in Cloonville.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/27/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Tom Claus - Vocals

Maarten Flamand - Guitars

Philippe De Vuyst - Bass

Servaas Steurbaut - Drums


..Anyone that has seen Belgian rockers Cloon live knows what we are talking about when we say they are pretty special. And because ..special.. is a word that is used with a lot of bands, we..d like to add that we have never seen such an amazing combination of power, energy and talent!.. (Cutting Edge)

..Cloon is chaotic, but well structured at the same time. Cloon is absolutely crazy, but blood-serious aswell. This band sounds like the creation of a totally crazy, but genius mastermind. The references made with Frank Zappa, Mike Patton or Jello Biafra are for 100% justified!.. (Damusic)

..It is an absolute shame that this band still hasn..t found a label willing to sign them. On this little disc, which is way too short, we can hear an amazing Cloon balancing between pulsating rock, metal and vocal madness. Cloon has the talent given only to the happy few. This is a band with tons of experience and songs that are hitting nails like no other bands have done before!.. (Digg*)

..Anyone with an adventurous mind, fire in their soul and some money in their pockets should give these guys a record-deal! Can anyone call Mike Patton please?.. (RifRaf Magazine)

..If you like Tool, Primus or Rage Against The Machine, you don..t need to worry. Thanks to Cloon, these bands have found their rightful successor. This is a beautiful and promising debut!.. (Kwadratuur)

..Frontman and complete nutcase Tom Claus sounds like Mike Patton, Lemmy Killmeister and Tom Waits. His raw and powerful voice, combined with the RATM-like guitars of ..Armagedumb.., ..Phantom Days.. and ..Green on the Red.. is just too good for words... (Dreun)

..Top Class? Absolutely! Cloon deserves tons of respect, but above all a lot of airplay on everyone..s radio!.. (Damusic)

..Bands, take note on how these guys wrote their arrangements, because this is how it..s done. Tight rhythms, great hooks and riffs combined with imaginative strong vocals.. (Garageband)

..This band is good! And not only that: they have quite an original angle to their music as well! The three musicians are all born in the year of punk (1977 of course!) and they have all an intimidating curriculum vitae (music teachers, study conservatorium, jazz connoisseurs, that kind of stuff..). Especially Primus and Patton are omnipresent in Cloon's sound. They could have mentioned Captain Beefheart as well, because 'Burn Rubber Blues' is an evil dissonant, muddy bluesrock stomper in the best Don Van Vliet tradition (and a little Tom Waits as well). More of this! However, the sexy groove in 'Phantom Days' is more like Jane's Addiction during their 'Ritual de lo Habitual' album and that's not bad either! The rough 'n' raw, sandpaper-ish frog-in-throat voice of singer Tom suits the storytelling-like textures of the music perfect. Cloon will finally let you hear how good Belgians really rock! A highly promising debut... (LordsofMetal)
Influences: Tool, Primus, Frank Zappa, Dave Weckl, Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Clawfinger, Meshuggah, Tom Waits, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Jello Biafra, Helmet, Kyuss, Tomahawk, ...
Sounds Like: Primus meets Tool meets Zappa meets Helmet ...mixed with a lot of other shit!
Type of Label: None

My Blog


So we finished shooting our very first video today, with Fredy from the Cabras Movie. He's flying back to the States tomorrow and start post production ... if we're lucky we might be able to show it t...
Posted by Cloon on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 11:32:00 PST

belgian beers

Well. We're back. We had one hell of a time with Clawfinger. The last shows (Austria, Germany) were great aswell. We played at some crazy locations in Austria. The gig in Aigen was right up in the mou...
Posted by Cloon on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 02:18:00 PST

swiss cheese

Switserland. Mountains, snow, a different currency, beautiful women and the biggest venue of the tour. We played in "The Volkshaus" in Zurich yesterday, in front of about 1.500 people. Didn't sell a l...
Posted by Cloon on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST

bad luck

How much technical problems can you have on the road? The first night, Maarten broke his 2 guitars, yesterday Servaas trashed his hi-hat stand en today again guitar-bullshit. Lucky for us the Clawfing...
Posted by Cloon on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:35:00 PST

tourreport part 1

Heyhey. Currently sitting in the backstage of The Knust Club in Hamburg waiting to get on stage. Tour kicked of yesterday with a fantastic night at the Prime Club in Köln. Great to see all of those Be...
Posted by Cloon on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:47:00 PST

Cloon on tour with Clawfinger !!!

Yes yes. We finally got a phonecall this morning to confirm the tour with Clawfinger. Cloon will be the support act during the European tour this fall!Check our tourdates .... You can't imagine how ps...
Posted by Cloon on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 03:54:00 PST

Review Digg*

REVIEW DIGG*Jonge, getalenteerde rockhonden genoeg in België, en wie ons niet gelooft, slaat er best alle Digg*-recensies van de inheemse releases van de laatste jaren eens op na. Wat evenwel opvalt, ...
Posted by Cloon on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST

Review Cutting Edge

Wie de Belgische groep Cloon weleens live zag optreden, weet waarover we het hebben als we zeggen dat deze groep op zijn minst een tikkeltje eigenzinnig genoemd kan worden. En omdat het etiket 'eigenz...
Posted by Cloon on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:15:00 PST

Review Dreun

Aha, voorwaar nog eens een plaatje om de squash racket van onder het stof te halen en mijn beste luchtgitaar kunsten te etaleren aan de verbouwereerde kuisvrouw (een mens mag al eens iets over hebben ...
Posted by Cloon on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:50:00 PST

Review DaMusic

Heel af en toe ontdek je eens een groep die echt barst van potentieel, die origineel is en ook nog eens een eigen sound heeft. Cloon is er zo eentje. Zoals de bandleden het zelf al aangeven: "What...
Posted by Cloon on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:47:00 PST