Myspace Layouts by
K0NTäKTB0X:Generate your own contact table!
........................................................... ..MySpace Ticker
GaKtuS ViDëO:
Myspace Layouts by
K0NTäKTB0X:Generate your own contact table!
........................................................... ..ART of all kinds and variations...Visual or Mëth-a-PhysicaL, - I don't reaLLy carë. As long as it was made by itself through NON-GrëEDY bëings like those of my own WöRLD(s) of ever-changing substance and so-called "rëaLiTy" they say. I'm a ViDëO ArtiST, PäiNteR, KoMposeR of MuSiK and siMiLar PhënOmenONs that I meet on my WäY...Disposable FUN!........
WëiRD PëOPLë with; WëiRD idëAs and WëiRD fRiëNds; with WëiRD müSiK in thëiR WëiRD LiviNg RoOMs and othëR LiVinG and WëiRD crëAtURës in all kinds of roOMs and moODS from out back in thëiR bRäiNs; whëRe thiNgs arë cräWLiNG around aLL by thëMSeLVëSss......and then I'd like to meet YOU and yoUr idëAS. * ** *** EyeS-cRëAM FoR YOUR iCë oNLY....and my NiGhTs nëveR end.....and week-days should be reserved for sleEPING through the time membrane of working PëOPLe, poor soULS......mercy on their souls........I shall remäin the adrenaline-glowing neVeRSLeEPy intoxicated Hero - the certain kind of ForëvER awARë and CüRiouS aNTi-everything-that-people-can-expect-you-to-do-or-mean-or-
think-or-say-about-anything-whatsoever. No. I'll never walk that way. We're allready history anyway, you know...............¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤--- --- -- - ¤BanNërDrAWinG MachiNë:
provided by
Yë$, I do that as well - - - ?,Brian ENO, Public ImaGë Ltd., ($ëX Pi$t0L$)......and then all the other people's tækno, electro, avantgarde, tech, duB, minimal, elektrOniCa, New Order's "Get ready", Lars H.U.G., the CuRe, Kliché, The Rë$idëNts, DepëcHe moDë, NIN, a few hand-picked MëTaL-artiSts... Dr. PlastikMan: Richie HawtiN, the early Pink Floyd, NirVaNa, Sabres of Paradise + the 2 loNë sWordsMeN, BoWië, Queens of the Stone Age, Pixies, etc. etc. etc......and so on.......My OWN $ouNd is yet to come in anothëR PR0fiLë....I'LL LET YOU KNOW *
Yes, I make a lot of them. What about them? Movies without people in them. Think about that. Let time, light and colour decide what to shoot, to whom and why and when......and then this is what I do.
Carlos Castaneda, Robert M. Pirsig, Huxley, Hunter S. Thompson, Fridtjof CaPRa, Stanislav GROF, Lao TSé (...) poetry and proses, Jens Blendstrup, Søren Ulrik Thomsen, Viggo MadsëN, , Dan Turéll...Tor Nørretranders, Dao de Jing wisdom...A$tr0N0Mi...ZëN....$CiëNCë.....Art boOKS and reviëws en masse...and the books without words or letters in'em....timeless communication....
Buddha(s) + friëNds :) :) :) &: ARTISTs who actually succeed in telling people(s) things that they didn't already know about the wöRLD and themselves. Lao Tsë & Anybody who struggles for peace in a peaceful way.