DYNAMIC, CONFIDENT, ORGANIZED, CHEERFUL, AMBITIOUS, PUNCTUAL, IMPERVIOUS, SHY, BRAVE, MOTHERLY, ENERGETIC, TACITURN, AGGRESSIVE, CLEANLY, DISCIPLINED, MODERATE, SENSIBLE, CYNICAL, AUDACIOUS, CHASTE, TOUGH, OUTDOORSY, SOFT-SPOKEN, HOUSEWIFELY, DECISIVE, RESPONSIBLE, and SPORTY - attach any of these labels to me, and you'll have my family and friends doubled up with laughter... Hmmm... I'll say "I do" for a wombat or two - or possibly a handful of meerkats. No, a finger-sized monkey! No, a SLOW LORIS!!! Not only are they cuteness incarnate, I'd also love to know someone slower than me. I don't trust fruit. My thoughts are altruistic, but my actions are not. I'm boring, but never bored. Gravity is my enemy. I can eat a pound of bacon at any given time. I never lie about matters of the heart. You name it, I miss it - pretty much. Inside me are trapped a painter, a sculptor, a teacher, a therapist, a photographer, a singer, an inventor, a belly dancer, an activist, and a linguist; I don't know what to do to set them free. I'm long married to my bed, but I cheat on it with my couch. Certain strong colours delight me beyond normality, above all red. I'm highly sceptical towards exercise. I collect crocodile figurines involuntarily. I used to be a compulsive liar (nothing serious, though), but I kicked the habit, thank Heavens - and I'm proud of that. I'm on MS every day, except when I'm out building nursery homes in Bhutan or speaking to Congress. The amount of time I spend daydreaming is disturbing. Glittery objects turn me into a magpie. I practically live on chocolate milk. I like hours, but I hate years. Usually, I sneeze no less than five times in a row (sounding, according to some, like an irritated cat). I want to be Noam Chomsky, only with the looks of Rachel Weisz or a young Helle Virkner. I'm a shareholder in an antique bookshop (never mind how ridiculously tiny my share is, okay?). I'm easily hurt, but hard to offend or anger. My fear of being deleted by MySpace "for any or no reason"(!) has grown into a general state of paranoia. I get high on choir practice. I'm exceptionally fond of trolls. I'd cry a river a week if I weren't medicated, but laughter and wonderment come natural to me. I'm childish, but not girly (à la pink stuff and teddy bears). I'm a god-awful mess living in a god-awful mess. The 90's refuse to loosen their grip on me. Can't stop liking my steel cap Doc Martens' (YES, with dresses, too!), my flared jeans, my natural hairstyle, and my nose ring. Look up "asleep" in the dictionary, and you'll find my picture. I'm a compulsive hoarder, notorious for becoming pathologically emotionally attached to all sorts of objects. I love to watch birds walking; it's simply the silliest sight. If you let me, I'll talk non-stop (and too much about myself - surprise, eh?), repeating myself endlessly... repeating myself endlessly... repeating myself endlessly... but I do love to listen and learn, too. I smoke as though someone payed me to, but I practically never drink alcohol - or coffee (or tea, for that matter). I don't really hate anybody, but I hate my apartment, nazism, and Renée Zellweger's face, with a vengeance. Whenever I meet a cat, and there's nobody else around, I greet it with a small meow... or several. Lock me in a room with a cheese and watch me die in agony. Pick any moment of any day, and you'll find me obsessively plucking unwanted body hair (the hair on my unwanted body). :D I love quizzes and surveys more than anyone I know. I have extremely low self-esteem. I liked my previous profile text a lot better than this one. I was taught to be careful not to start too many sentences in a row with 'I' - hmmm. Blah blah blah.
WARNING: This page truthfully represents my core, which is obviously peerlessly fascinating, but unfortunately said core is wrapped in layers and layers of immobility and uninterestingness. Now you know, and hence any future complaints will be disregarded.
Oh, by the way: I DON'T ADD STRANGERS WITH PRIVATE PROFILES! Just so you know. Private profiles suck.
Also, if you're considering asking for my friendship, be warned that I'm a sad, pessimistic, whiny, and fragile person most of the time. But I AM more than that. ... Incidentally, you should know that I'm prone to long periods of silence/inactivity. Please don't take it personally if you don't hear from me for days, or weeks, or... One general aspect, though: The more substantial a mail is, the longer it takes me to reply. It's a question of finding the rare energy needed to apply myself properly. I know that sucks.
PLAYERS AND HURTERS, PLEASE HAVE THE HEART TO STAY AWAY. I've had my share of MySpace heartache - with a vengeance. Been wiped out more than once.
Patterns indeed...