I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I am an American fan of the movie and book Christiane F. When I came to myspace nearly three years ago, there were no fan pages or music pages devoted to this extraordinary woman. 3000 friends later, it is wonderful to learn that a great deal of people are fans of both the book/movie and of the woman herself. And the people who actually knew her that are on myspace are fiercely protective of her!
This page has slowly become my own personal page, with nary a mention of Christiane F, a mistake which I would like to rectify now that there are many fan sites cropping up here.
So in the coming days I will be adding pictures and film clips to futher the appreciation of the woman and book/movie.
As for myself, I have Dj'd all over Los Angeles and its environs as DJ Christiane, for my real name IS Christiane...my own personal page will be linked to shortly!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!