Pete's Wicked Ale,Vintage Guitars, more specifically my neverending quest for 1950's Gibson solidbodies.Vampire Lesbians of Sodom,American Motorcycles (perferably those made before 1984)Pete's Wicked Ale, Anne Rice, 600+ meter rifles (Stoner SR-25, H&K PSG-1, and the ever faithful M40A3) 1/4 M.O.A Baby!!!, trying to retain any collector value in The Wife (yes CD....She's on her 3rd neck) I think Gibson sent someone up to punish me...... I'm safe for a while though..... most southerners can't take -20 windchills :) Oh, did I mention Pete's? - How much is your cadaver worth?
Who I'd like to meet? Fuck that!!! Because I have neither the time or patience to edit theselinks at the code; I think that this space should be used to remember some old friends whohave passed.......
Chuck Schuldiner: Singer/ Guitarist of the band Death who with Rick kept me in stitchesduring the horrible end of my time in/with The Genitorturers
Tony Bono: Bassist for the band Whiplash and Cerebral Hemmorage Tony, I'll never forget you.The Grunge Club in Middletown with Scaggs and Spooge. R.I.P. My brother
Amy Gellert: ONE of Brevard County's Unsolved Murders. I'll never forget driving past thecrime scene with Denise and thinking it was just a car accident. You would've LOVED FullSail!
GG Allin: Singer for the band Murder Junkies. You were the True KING of Rock n Roll
Jeff Healey: A true innovator succumbed to the cancer which took his sight at the age of 1.
I guess you Lost us at the Border.
And now today after recieving a message from Jamie Rickett, I've learned that the SpaceCoast has lost another incredible soul. Billy Van Riper, one of the most gifted and truelyinspirational musicians has passed. My heart goes out to Chuck and all hisfamily.......Europa, I'll never be able to play that song again without thinking of you.Peace
Instumental Fusion, Old School Punk and Hardcore,
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Ritchie Kotzen,Greg Howe (if you couldn't tell),Steve Vai,The Good Rats,Al DiMeola, Michael Lee Firkins,Jason Becker,SRV,Paul Gilbert, Robben Ford,Yngwie J. Malmsteen,Steely Dan,Vinnie Moore, My old friends Whiplash,Lower Eastside Warzone,Pete Tabbot and Vision,Overkill,Leeway,Ludichrist, The Ramones,Scatterbrain,Samhain,Tesco,Lyle,Jamie and The Meatmen, GG Allin, Death,Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Pete,Mark,and Louie from Carnivore,Dan and Nuclear Assault,Pete and Andy from Hellwitch,Casey and Disorderly Conduct, The Rhythm Pigs, Curt and Spike from D.R.I.,Lydia Lunch,Wendy O (my first love), Poe, Merciful Fate, 1970's Aerosmith,Bobby and Rikki from Poison,Chris and Dead Serios,Mike Owens, Marissa Gen,and The 'Festering' Genitorturers (it wasn't ALL bad),Rhed Asphault. John and B.O.N.G,Dave Flett,Paul Chapman,Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, Frank and Dweezil Zappa,Jimmy Crespo,Gary Moore,and those who've helped along the way.....Lars Jacobson,Bruce Marion,Howie Katz,George and Florida Discount Music, Larry and Ace Music Orlando
A Prayer for the Dying, Barfly, Saw I,II,III,IV, The Full Monty, Kill Bill, Kill Bill, and..........oh yeah...Kill Bill
Absolutely Fabulous, Fraiser, Grey's Anatomy (yeah,yeah, yeah....shut up), The History Channel
The Lonely Sea and the Sky by Sir Francis Chichester, anything by Anne Rice, Good Omens, anything by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (Relic, Reliquary, Brimstone, etc.)Anything by Hunter Thompson(Especially Generation of Swine).The Art of War,The N.O.A.A. charts(saved my ass a few times).Virtually ALL the Palladin Press books.Jeff Dunteman's Assembly Language Step by Step(The Bible for anyone needing to learn to crack...also which has kept me from having to flip burgers between gigs)
+ORC, Fravia+, and the +HCU, Tesco Vee, Jason Becker, Hunter S. Thompson, Eric Clapton, Carlos Hathcock, Wendy O Williams, My friends
Frank Marino 1986 All Along the Watchtower
Plasmatics the Damned
Al DiMeola Live 1991
Al doing Egyptian Danza/Race With Devil