Pretty much everyone that hit's this page knows The Bomboras. Formed from the Finks(Chris, Lord Hunt, Steve Hill, Dave, Jake), and later Lord Hunt & The Missing Finks(Dave, Lord Hunt, Jake, and later Gina Brune), The Bomboras reigned as "THE UP UP SOUND" for seven years.
Lord Hunt and the Missing Finks had booked a show at the Alligator Lounge with a band called The Bomboras. How could this be? The truth is... Lord Hunt & the Missing Finks had met a band called the Bomboras for the first time. Band leader Pam Moore(Bomboras) was interested in our offer to have her play bass for Lord Hunt. Jake was playing bass and organ at the time. Gina was on second guitar. Lord hunt wasn't totally conformable with continuing as Lord Hunt and the Missing Finks. Pam suggest THE BOMBORAS. That sounded great at the time. But, what about the three extra band members of The Bomboras? Pam ditched em. Now Lord Hunt had a bass player, and a new name.
Months go by, and Gina leave's the band. Bomboras continue as a four piece. Pam get's busy with other projects, and quits the band. At this point, the three Bomboras had to make a choice. Do they keep the name and go on, or reform a new band. Screw it, the band has been the Bomboras for over a year now. They didn't want change the shirts, and backdrop anyway. Pam said it was cool....sorta.
The Bomboras soon after recruit Action Andy (the Loons) to play bass, and lead scream! They get busy, and record two singles, and Lp with Lee Joseph's Dionysus. Things get going for about a year, and Andy quits. He just lived too far away to commute two to three times a week. The band was just getting too busy. BUMMER! Time goes by, and the band basically decides the core members are Dave, Jake, and Lord Hunt. They do a few shows as a three piece again later meeting up with Von Franco. Von Franco tries out for the band as a bass player, but really pushing to play guitar! That was cool, the Bomboras have a really cool second guitar player, but Jake has to go back to bass & organ for a while again.
The Bomboras begin to frequent the renown club Jabberjaw. Big Wave Dave starts hanging out with Mummies style surf/garage band called The Invisible Men! Dave thought it would be a good idea to try out Shane "The Baron" on bass. It ended up working out great. Now the Bomboras had become a five piece again. Another year goes by, and the Bomboras create their second record Pier 13(Dionysus). Before the record was completed Von Franco left the band. Franco's art was really taking off. This gave the Bomboras the opportunity to get Johnny DeVilla(Invisible Men) into Franco's spot. A few years go by as probably the most popular line-up of Bomboras. Definitely the most over worked. They manage to squeeze one more record out "Head Shrinkin Fun" for Zombie A Go-Go.
Summer of 1999, Lord Hunt quits the Bomboras. This took the steam out of the band. The band had enough of touring, drama, and let downs. The Bomboras go on for a few months with a fill in guitar player, and dissolved. The total life span of The Bomboras lasted roughly 1993 - 1999.
2006/2007 NEW YEARS EVE. The Bomboras attempt to reform. It worked for one show. Dave Klein has moved on with his life, and chose not to participate. The remaining Bomboras played with drummer Slim Evans, and had a great time!
The Bomboras had a long drama filled career that needs to be kept in the past. Too many people were hurt to make this night happen. It's best left as memories.
1993 Pambora, Gina Brune, Jake Cavaliere, Dave Klein, Gregg Hunt
1994 Action Andy, Jake, Dave, Gregg
1995 Von Franco, Jake, Dave, Gregg
1996 Shane Van Dyke, Jake, Gregg, Dave, Von Franco
1997 Johnny Devilla, Shane, Gregg, Jake, Dave
1999 Johnny, Shane, Dave, Jake
2007 NYE SHOW Johnny, Shane, Gregg, Jake, Slim Evans(Elvez)
Photo taken by Liz Arteaga of The Bomboras second lineup. ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor