GPS Guerilla Poetry series
GPS Guerilla Poetry series
AMNESIA JANE SMITH, GPS#16, May 27, 2007
MARK DAHL, GPS#15, May 20, 2007
Happy Mother's Day, GPS #14, May 13, 2007
a poetry reading event
held in public venues
& bringing poetry out into the light, out into the fresh air, to revitalize it, presenting poems to the people, accessible to the great unwashed masses, the multitudes just waiting for something to happen, the general populace paralyzed by the monotony, the predictability of the everyday, day after day...
we will offer an eye-opening wake-up call, through vivacious verse, poets/spoken word artists sharing their words, gifts, their insights, their observations, opinions, etc...
on sidewalks, in barbershops, in laundromats, in front of libraries, in public parks, at bus stops, in touristy areas of interest, in shopping malls, grocery stores, bowling alleys, post offices, etc...
Common Questions:
Poets, spoken word performers, YOU?
What:Read the above plan/outline/supposition/hypothesis once again to get an idea of the essence of GPS Guerilla Poetry series
Where:Everywhere, anywhere... in & around VANCOUVER
STAY TUNEDevery Friday (BEGINNING FRIDAY JANUARY 26th 2007) A SECRET Location will be revealed, for that SUNDAY's GPS Guerilla Poetry series reading. Much in the way of RAVES, or FLASH ArT HaPpEnings.
EVERY SUNDAY @ 3:00 PM / 1500 hrs (BEGINNING SUNDAY JANUARY 28th, 2007)
Why Not! 5 quick reasons off the top of my head:
1) I think it is needed.
2) taking away the safety nets of the poets/spoken word artists & having the public right there, could make this a little more risky & like the high wire aerialists & trapeze artists could result in appreciation and greater approval, or simply a crowd holding their breath expecting failure & a bloody mess.
3) No one said I couldn't & I'm free on Sundays.
4) I had this idea years & years ago in Ottawa, except it was more combative & militaristic in nature. I had hoped to form an army of poets, that, dressed in combat fatigues, wearing gorilla, orangutan & monkey masks, would employ regimental like militaristic tactics, & armed with poems would do battle with the civilians of the Nation's Capital. A "Planet of The Apes" meets "Dead Poets Society" sort of strategy that would attack corporate outlets. I had visions of storming the Parliament Buildings, or the Mint... before anything ever happened, I talked myself out of doing a Guerilla Poet's Squad, as I had had a nightmare in which a battle plan in a bank resulted in me being shot & dying...I thought it would be cool to die for poetry....anyway, that is the origins of the idea.
How: How can I help? How can I get involved?
Come out & read some poetry. Come out & support the poets. Be appreciative. Thank the poets for sharing their words. Enter into a discourse about poetry & poetics. Buy poetry from the poets. Buy poetry books. Buy poetry chapbooks. Buy poetry postcards. Buy a poet a drink. Buy a poet lunch. Tell others. Spread the word. Write poetry & share your words.
Help us to document this experiment. Take photos, videotape the series, give feedback, leave comments here on the site. let me know what you think.
If you have a GPS thing-a-ma-jig bring it to our locations so we can put the actual GPS location on the site.
If you live outside of Vancouver, Begin a
GPS Guerilla Poetry series where you live
& if you live in Vancouver, come out & support this experiment.