The Havinga Band
The Havinga Band is an impressive musical family from Abbotsford, BC that consists of Rick Havinga, his wife Susan and their talented sons, guitarist Justin and drummer Josh. In the past few years, the Havingas have performed at numerous gigs in the Fraser Valley and beyond including Mountainfest in Merritt and the last two CAMEO Music Festivals. One of their purposes is to reach out to the community with quality family entertainment. Members of this talented band are nominated for three awards this year. Though they are known for their solid performances of classic and modern rock cover tunes, the Havinga Band also managed to snag a nomination for Original Song of the Year. What makes this band so different is the fact that they started at a very young age. At the age of only 12 for Joshua and 14 for Justin, they layed down beds for their first recording experience and full cd production. The result was an 11 song cd called 'Knockin on Heaven's Door' consisting of covers and originals with their own trademark sound. This cd features some incredible vocal and instrumental works that would be considered by some as very seasoned accomplishments. They are now working on their second cd release "Girl of My Dreams" which should hopefully be for release late this year or beginning of next year. The Havinga's plans are to make this next cd mostly all originals. But while this cd is in the works, they are presently getting air play in the UK, Italy and Canada with their first original 'Not Much Time'. CD sales and digital distribution are starting to pickup overseas and allowing the Havinga's to establish their name as an International Artist.They are presently independent recording artists and unsigned. For more information or if you want to hear more tunes, check out their website at They have three cd releases consisting "It's a family Experience DEMO", "Knockin on Heavens Door- Full Release" featuring 'Not Much Time', and latest demo cd "Girl of My Dreams - Demo". - R.H. March 12th, 07