From the far away land of Oklahoma comes some little band of weird people. Sent by Sir James of Hendrix to fuse all forms of music into one cohesive ball of entertaining confusion. Broker than a bastard, the little band proceeded to record in the garage of Fingers Flannigans mothers husband (not to be confused with his father who left the Flannigan household to tour with the neo gothic country western techno band BUTTNAKED IN CHAPS). They donated blood and recycled cans to purchase a little Tascam 4track and a cheap ass microphone from Dollar General. With no musical training or singing lessons, they forged forward. But they still didnt have a name. After smoking the fattest blunt in North America and downing a fifth of Crown Royal, group member Tony Ynot passed out in a pool of his own puke. his last words before drifting off in a nice intoxicated slumber? "The Jungle"....................well actually, his last words were "Oh God! Im gonna die! I swear Ill never drink or smoke again! Just please, God. Make the earth stop spinning so fast!Im sorry..Im SO SORRY..Bllleeeeecccchhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" but the Jungle thing sounded cooler.****OUR 1ST VIDEO!