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May We Walk In Beauty

About Me

Five years ago, I was seeking a teacher, who would assist my in finding direction and purpose, to use my gifts, talents and abilities. I put a prayer out to The Creator, and two months after, I met a Navajo elder,from Chambers ,Arizona,who taught me how a sweatlodge was to be run, and taken care of.He also shared his teachings of The Native American Church, which he brought here about 25 years ago.He took me into his life as a Granddaughter, and showed me how to Walk In Beauty.I treasure the knowledge this elder has and is willing to share, with those willing to show up. My passions are writing poetry, hand drumming, singing, and helping my community heal. Six years ago, i facilitated a seminar based on The Crystal Skulls, and became a caretaker of a modern skull, named River of Love, who has been assisting a stroke survivor, for the past two years. I help caretake my Grandfather's sweatlodge, so others can come and learn, and help themselves, on all levels.I believe our lives are a precious gift from the Heavens and Creator, and that our intention is so important, as it is the cornerstone and foundation for everything we do. The Old Ones say, that at this time in history, everything we do, should be done in a sacred manner. May We All Walk In Beauty (Navajo Prayer). I host a weekly show at CFBX, at TRU in Kamloops,BC,Canada.. "The Goddess and Nellie", which is based on my path, of native spirituality & storytelling. This parallels my path over the past five years, and I am given an opportunity to help keep the stories and teachings of the Old Ones alive,and honoring those wise men and women,called our elders.... tune in www.thex.ca Thursdays noon-2PM BC time 92.5 FM in Kamloops 106.1 cable in Kamloops ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------Ka-China........... Equally as ONE, darkness and light re-unite, perfectly forming a moment, at October's full moon.Saints and Angels divinely lead the way, into the Hall of Shadows, at Ghost Town.Here our past selves fall away; Lost Souls are found; Broken Hearts are mended, and Past Hurts forgiven. In this Sacred Place we gather to re-plant seed, then LOVE this harvest into a new age, a new season.................................(written for Ghost Town,& V)

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Sacred hour

My Interests

I love poetry , enJOYing a sunset/sunrise, cooking food for a ceremony,DANCING as it is like prayer for ME, helping offer another perspective to those who need my love & support, nature, camping, the water, praying, living consciously, respectfully and in beauty. Helping to contribute to co-creating beauty in my community, and on this Mother Earth.

I'd like to meet:

.....REAL RELATIONS.....I am not seeking to acquire a large number of friends here at MYSPACE....simply humble relations, and those who are willing to show up for my life and their own...........I seek an equal lightbearer to share this Beauty Walk with....my Soulmate...Inspiring Story! Free Hugs Campaign (Music by Sick Puppies)
Add to My Profile | More Videoshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8ClzqUq9kg


Michael Ruhr, Redztec7, Sean Luciw, Mozart, Banco de Gaia, Carmen Rizzo & Niyaz, Sean Luciw, trance, indian , goa trance, cuban, latin, 1950's, lounge, acid jazz, Delerium, Conjure One, Sarah Mclaughlin, Sarah Vaughn, tibetan, navajo chants, powwow,Cocteau Twins...


THE FOUNTAIN.......luc besson, canadian indie, foreign films,Snow Walker, Dreamspeaker, The Last of The Mohicans, Kind Arthur, Whalerider,Once Were Warriors, Fifth Element.


CSI,ncis,PBS,british sitcoms.


Gregg Braden; Ken Careys-"Remember The Bird Tribes",Hyemeyohsts Storm's "Seven Arrows",Black Elk,Paul Williams.


my mother Muriel , my father Donald , my Grandfather Tommy,Grandmother Loretta, my neices Danielle & Nicole, anyone who has the courage to stand up for truth, love and equality, for all beings.

My Blog

The A-Team

On an eve in the quarterof the Great full moon,The Sage,guides the singers,to the Dolphins home to rest. With neighboring light descended,on walls, wishing well,The Grouses dance unfolded,to the Rain...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST


Over Northern Castle CrossingA Clan has spilled its heritagesuspending it in time,using simple tools like drums and rattle,to help contain this tone,this signal,this beacon,until Divine spirit guides ...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:12:00 PST


Spectrum of the Rainbow Warriors   Fresh scents of Cedar fill the air, Lily and Jasmine mingle in the breeze, Oh, how beautiful this luminous journey is, This Sacred agreement we've solemnly sign...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:49:00 PST


The Tempest     The hour's now come, awake dear hearts, and seek your relief within the eye of the Tempest. For in these books, there lies a knowledge, a direction, a deep answer to question...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 10:20:00 PST

peace lily

oh peace liliy how you peacefully sit await a glimpse from a heart of peace.... oh peace lily how you angelically gift a frangrant memory taking us away, for a moment. oh peace lily how you brighten ...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:40:00 PST


..>       Equally as ONE,darkness and light re-unite,perfectly forming a moment,at October's full moon.Saints and Angelsdivinely lead the way,into the Hall of Shadows,at Ghost Town...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:33:00 PST


        Sky awaits clouds, Clouds await thunder, Thunder awaits rain, Rain awaits new growth.   We are all parts of Creation, Interwoven, brilliantly into Various grades and d...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:25:00 PST

The Freshness

When it's cold and raining,you are more beautiful.And the snow brings meeven closer to your lips.The inner secret, that which was never born,you are that freshness, and I am with you now.I can't expla...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 04:36:00 PST


at night, i walk mid sleeping,bumping into walls,doors,blinded by the night stars...their tears flood me ,they wash away any hesitationin moving forward into this next room,in search of you...i seek y...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:03:00 PST

Southern Wind

from the south,the love longed forblew in silentlylike a moment,a stillness, a place out of time.from the souththe journey unfolded,the healing,the clearing,the new understanding.from the south the me...
Posted by Whiteshawl on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:07:00 PST