Myspace Layouts at / Sacred hour
Myspace Layouts at / Sacred hour
I love poetry , enJOYing a sunset/sunrise, cooking food for a ceremony,DANCING as it is like prayer for ME, helping offer another perspective to those who need my love & support, nature, camping, the water, praying, living consciously, respectfully and in beauty. Helping to contribute to co-creating beauty in my community, and on this Mother Earth.
.....REAL RELATIONS.....I am not seeking to acquire a large number of friends here at MYSPACE....simply humble relations, and those who are willing to show up for my life and their own...........I seek an equal lightbearer to share this Beauty Walk Soulmate...Inspiring Story! Free Hugs Campaign (Music by Sick Puppies)
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Michael Ruhr, Redztec7, Sean Luciw, Mozart, Banco de Gaia, Carmen Rizzo & Niyaz, Sean Luciw, trance, indian , goa trance, cuban, latin, 1950's, lounge, acid jazz, Delerium, Conjure One, Sarah Mclaughlin, Sarah Vaughn, tibetan, navajo chants, powwow,Cocteau Twins...
THE FOUNTAIN.......luc besson, canadian indie, foreign films,Snow Walker, Dreamspeaker, The Last of The Mohicans, Kind Arthur, Whalerider,Once Were Warriors, Fifth Element.
CSI,ncis,PBS,british sitcoms.
Gregg Braden; Ken Careys-"Remember The Bird Tribes",Hyemeyohsts Storm's "Seven Arrows",Black Elk,Paul Williams.
my mother Muriel , my father Donald , my Grandfather Tommy,Grandmother Loretta, my neices Danielle & Nicole, anyone who has the courage to stand up for truth, love and equality, for all beings.