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You can Help Too!

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understand

About Me

Hi I’m just your average fellow living on this thing we call earth our home. I’m no hippy or science nerd or nought like that. I just enjoy being alive and going out with me mates on the weekend. I am a person who cares for my family and friends and everyone around me and probably you reading this are to.
I have always thought about global warming from when I was a kid about ten years ago me and my mates where walking around the streets as you do and someone turns to me and says you know the liver buildings could be under water in 50 years time I just laughed and said ye what ever as you do.
But the older I got and the more I heard of global warming an things like it I thought my god this is serious its not jus some cock and bull story made up by a few fellows in white coats getting paid for reading a thermometer. But that was all I done was think.
It weren’t until I watched planet earth and seen that poor polar bear nearly drowning in its search for solid ground due to the melting ice a site which has never ever been seen until recently. Then when it finally reach dry land it died from starvation due to it lack of energy to catch food.
Then also hurricane Katrina and the every increasing number of natural disasters made me think I have to do my bit.
What I’m doing may only be small but if you add up all the small bits like if you reading this now. Maybe you will go and change a light bulb in your house to an energy efficient light bulb and recycle your news papers. When added together maybe we can stop this thing which potentially could kill a lot of innocent people and affect our children our grand children and ourselves.
Please DO something even something little can make a big difference.

The YCHT Weekly

This is where you'll find my weekly views and opinions. Its all new so come over and give your views and join the debate
Week 1 : A case of excess

Your Questions Answered

What is Climate Change?
Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made?
The Uk's Future Climate
How is The UK's Climate Changing?
What About My Part Of The UK?
How is Global Climate Changing?

ten things to do

Want to do something to help stop global warming?

Here 10 simple things you can do and how much carbon dioxide you'll save doing them.
Change a light Replace one regular light bulb with a compact flourescent light will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
Drive less Walk, bike, bus or take train more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for ever mile you don't drive!
Recycle more You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.
Check your tyres Keeping your tyres inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3% every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere!
Use less hot water It takes a lot of energy to heat water use less hot water by intalling a low flow showerhead (350 pounds of CO2 saved per year) and wash your cloths at 30C (500 pounds saved per year).
Avoid products with a lot of packaging you can save 1,200 pounds of CO2 if you cut down your garbage by 10%
adjust your thermostat Moving your thermostat down just 1C/2F could save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 per year.
Plant a tree A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its life time.
Turn off electronic devices Simply turning off and not leaving on stand by the television, DVD player, Stereo, and computer when you're not using them will save thousands of pounds of CO2 per year.
Be part of the solution Learn more and get active at sites like ,
see this video by leonardo decaprio if you think global warming isnt important and you think it is not our problem click here

My Interests

Football, traveling, Bush craft and camping, music, goin out with me mates on the weekend!!

A Warmer Planet!!

So the IPCC have posted a report saying the world will be a hotter place by 2100. This may not sound like a big problem but here is the impacts this may have.
(How much depends on how much we keep polluting the ‘best guesses’ range from 1.8C – 4C but it could well be higher!)

Coral Reefs Almost Extinct

In North America, a new dust-bowl brings deserts to life in the higher plains states, centred on Nebraska, but also wipes out agriculture and cattle ranching as sand dunes appear across five US states, from Texas in the south to Montana In the north.
Sea-level rise accelerates as the Greenland ice sheet tips into irreversible melt, submerging atoll nations and low-lying deltas. In Peru, disappearing Andean glaciers mean 10 million people face water shortages. Warming seas wipe out the Great Barrier Reef and make coral reefs virtually extinct throughout the tropics. Worldwide, a third of all species on the planet face extinction.

Rainforest Turns To Desert

The Amazonian rainforest burns in a firestorm of catastrophic intensity, covering South America with ash and smoke. Once the smoke clears, the interior of Brazil has become desert, and huge amounts of extra carbon have entered the atmosphere, further boosting global warming. The entire Artic ice cap disappears in the summer months, leaving the North Pole ice-free for the first time in 3 million years. Polar bears, walrus’s and ringed seals all go extinct. Water supplies run short in California as the Sierra Nevada snow pack melts away. Tens of millions are displaced as the Kalahari desert expands across southern Africa.

Melting Ice-caps Displace Millions

Rapidly rising temperatures in the Artic put Siberian permafrost in the melt zone, releasing vast quantities of methane and CO2. Global temperatures keep rising rapidly in consequence. Melting ice caps and sea level rises displace more than 100 million people, particularly in Bangladesh, the Nile Delta and Shanghai. Heatwaves and drought make much of the sub-tropics uninhabitable: large-scale migration even takes place within Europe, where deserts are growing in southern Spain, Italy and Greece. More than half the wild species are wiped out, in the worst mass extinction since the dinosaurs. Agriculture collapses in Australia.

Sea Levels Rise By Five Metres

The West Antartic ice sheet breaks up, eventually adding another five meters to global sea levels. If these temperatures are sustained, the entire planet will become ice-free, and sea levels will be 70 meters higher than today. South Asian society collapses due to the disappearance of glaciers in the Himalayas, drying up the Indus river, while in East India and Bangladesh, monsoon floods threaten millions. Super El Niños spark global weather chaos. Most of humanity begins to seek refuge away from higher temperatures closer to the poles. Tens of millions of refugees force their way into Scandanavia and the British Isles, World food supplies run out.

Most of life is Exterminated

Warming seas lead to the possible release of methane hydrates trapped in sub-oceanic sediments: methane fireballs tear across the sky, causing further warming. The oceans lose their oxygen and turn stagnant, releasing poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas and destroying the ozone layer. Deserts extend almost to the Artic. ‘Hypercanes’ (hurricanes of unimaginable ferocity) circumnavigate the globe, causing flash floods, which strip the land of soil. Humanity reduced to a few survivors eking out a living in polar refuges. Most of life on Earth has been snuffed out, as temperatures rise higher than for hundreds of millions of years.
This is just over the course of the next century if we don’t do anything about it. This is why we need to worry about the world getting warmer. These temperatures are an average over the globe, the higher you go in latitude the greater the increase, this results in the polar regions being effected the greatest!!

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet Al Gore, David Attenborough, Ray mears, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Zaha Hadid. And anyone else with an ounce of common sense!!
If you are going to watch any of the videos on this page watch this one. It is very simple and gets the message across!! thanks please watch-Tommorows climate, Todays Challenge!!

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Dedicate a small part of your computer to They will use this space to carry out calculations on how climate change will effect us! This will not effect the running of your computer it simply uses CPU when the computer is Idle


U2, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Oasis, anything really especially indy but ill listen to anything if I like It!!
Earth to America

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If you live in Australia why not check this out---


Comedys Like american pie, road trip etc, errr braveheart, shawshank redemption and many more also if you havent seen An Inconvient Truth please watch it if you don't believe global warming exists you will after watching this here is a trailer----..
Click Here to put this video in your profile!
Who killed the electric car?? watch a trailer for this movie here Who Killed the Electric Car?

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Top gear, ray mears, grand designs, david attenborough documentrys especially planet earth!!
here is what made me think about global warming please watch
here is a trailer of a new film being made called the great warming it looks at what global warming is doing to the planet and how to prevent itThe Great Warming trailer

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Architecture books, ray mears books, thats about it really!


David Attenborough, zaha hadid, me mum obviously!! oh Al Gore cant forget him and ray mears legend


The best way to help prevent climate change is to learn the fact’s, and learn how to reduce your impact

Below I have given a sample of resource’s for which you can visit and learn about global climate change. Given the vast quantity of site’s if focused on the one’s with a rich array of climate change content!!

Scientific assessments
Undiluted, in-depth scientific facts about climate change.
IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
UKCIP (The UK Climate Impacts Programme)
USNA (The US National Assessment)
CCSP (US Climate Change Science Programe)
I’ll add more when I have time!!Research centres
Some of the world’s focal points for global warming research also provide extensive materials designed for the interested public.
Hadley Centre

My Blog

landfills vs. incinerators

Trash Course On landfills vs. incineratorsBy Umbra Fisk 07 Mar 2007   Hi Umbra, Is there an environmentally preferable choice between sending your trash to a landfill or an incinerator? I know...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:19:00 PST

Is Boiling water more efficent in the kettle, Micro Wave or the Stove?

Darjeeling Companion On boiling water for teaBy Umbra Fisk 26 Feb 2007   Dear Umbra, My roommates seem to be constantly boiling water for tea. We've got a gas stove, a microwave, and an electr...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:41:00 PST

Two things- fair trade week & Kaiser Chiefs New Album

Hay, I Bought The new Kaiser Chiefs Album Today, oh ye, its $H!T Hot I love them. I was reading the cover before and the albums Carbon Neutral as well. What a bonus! They also show there support fo...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:14:00 PST

Cool Cell - Donate to Global Cool via your cell/mobile phone

Cool Cell - Donate to Global Cool via your cell/mobile phone The easiest way to make one-off donations to Global cool is by text message. Simply text the word GLOBAL to the number below that matches y...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 10:19:00 PST

Australia plans to stop selling unefficent light bulbs

Australia has announced plans to ban incandescent light bulbs and replace them with more energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. The environment minister said the move could cut the country's greenhouse ...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:03:00 PST

Live Earth S.O.S 7/7/07 the biggest party ever! you gotta be there!

A series of concerts is taking place on 7th July 2007 to put the subject of climate change before an audience of 2 billion.  This is launched by 'Live Earth' and they are calling it 'SOS' (Save O...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:03:00 PST

Things to prevent climate change you can do at school or work

Take Action at School! Throughout history, students have been the driving force in social change. Now more than ever is the time for students across the country to become global warming activists and ...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:23:00 PST

The 1st weekly Blog! A case of excess baggage!

-The YCHT Weekly- Week 1 Hay all my friends, and fellow blog readers. I am please to announce, after just over a month of making this page I now have received over 1000 profile views, over 300 bl...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:11:00 PST

10 global warming myths and facts

Global Warming Myths and Facts See our in-depth scientific report [PDF] on the myths and facts of global warming by Dr. James Wang and Dr. Michael Oppenheimer. MYTH: The science of global warming ...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:36:00 PST

$25 million up for grabs if you have the answer 2 save Earth

Thanks Christian!!   A solution is needed of the utmost urgency to Save the Earth. On Friday 09.02.07 The Virgin Earth Challenge was launched creating an opportunity for someone to make history ...
Posted by You can Help Too! on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 10:52:00 PST