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href=" iendid=31284612" If your not willing to look into the eyes of the demon that controls the world then read no more. However if your one that of the few that pushes the limits and will stand up when face to face with terrany, greed, and power read on. You can make a change if we do this together. You may think what you are about to read is propaganda or just nonsense. It is real I can assure you have you ever wondered " What they aren't telling us" (the handfull of people who really run the country)Do you honestly think they care about the rest of world or what effects our habitat. "A human being is part of a whole, called by us the universe,” ~Albert Einstein~ I remember the day that I said something in ignorance that I am going to share with you. One person in my past asked me what I thought of global warming? I replied I thought it was a hoax. That a group of entrepreneurs saw it as a way to make a lot of money. I believed global warming aka global cooling as well was caused by emission of gases by living and decaying vegetation,water and from volcanic eruption plus the dust given off by the eruption, the earth elliptical orbit around the sun and solar flares(2004) etc and we have always have had fluctuations in temperatures, 10 ,11, 12 century where highs and lows between the 13-17. All of which for the most part is true as we know it. I also realized that neither science or myself is always right in fact we are more likely to be wrong then right. A little bit over a year later a dear close friend of mine had tears in her eyes when she was talking to me about the polar bears drowning. They were drowning because they could find a patch of ice to rest on. At that moment I began to question reports I have read in the past. Reports that stated ice was thinning in area but was thickening in others. Common sense tells me if that is true then why are polar bears drowning? From that moment I decided to do some of my own research and what I found was shocking. Global warming is not a hoax it is real. I urge you to do your own research compare your notes. Determine which is right and which is false to rule it out all together is a gamble where the stakes are to high! Human activity is responsible for about 1 % of the gases(co2 and others) in our atmosphere. I know that doesn't sound like much but I urge you to continue reading. (I blew it off at first not that big of deal) For those of us that took chemistry in high school and college may have a different opinion. Later after reviewing some of my old chemistry notes that a little bit of 1 chemical( co2) and a little bit of another chemical makes a formula. Well what happens if you change the mixture even a little bit? Exactly you created a different formula or product. Now apply that same concept to global warming take our 1% add that to the original formula. How does this effect climate changes things? We also have to consider the destruction of the forest, plant life, wild life and the pollutants in our water into the ever changing ratio. What happens now? What happens when you add gama radiation from nuclear testing and nuclear plant melt downs? I will tell you alot of heat!!!!! The waters we used to fish, swim, drink can no longer be considered as safe and is only becoming more and more of a threat. We have dumped such items as medical waste, oil, raw sewage, exhaust from our boat motors, the list goes on and on. 75 % of all fish stock in the world are either exploited or become extent or recovering. 27 % of the coral reef that us divers used to admire are gone. 70 % of the coral reef cease to exit in 30 to 40 years. More then 50 % of our coastal wetlands are lost. There have been countless recordings of a great deal of a cities population was hospitalized because of the drinking water. Drinking water that was contaminated with dangerous health hazards such as ecoli, lead, Mercury, radiation, the most unmentioned is viruses and bacteria. We are responsible for a lot of the forest lost and species. We have lost 80% percent of our forest to date that originally covered the earth. I am unsure about the percentage of species we have lost but if I had to guess it is probably around 60%. Caused from forest cutting, fires, volcanic eruptions etc. This equals out to a loss about the size of Indiana or Greece each year. We cleared 1.1 billion acres of tropical rain forest between 1960 and 1990 along with about 35% of its species. In a 10 years span Brazil lost 91.4 million acres of forest. That is the size of North and South Dakota combined. 23 % of all mammals and 12% of all birds species where threatened in 2003. In the next 30 years 20% of all species alive today will cease exist. One of the most important parts is we need vegetation to produce oxygen and we are destroying what produces it. How soon will it take before we realize that the earth is a part of a whole each and everything needs to be balanced. Possible solutions are rid ourselves of the need for oil by using alternative energy sources, stop the destruction of forest there are other ways to build building and houses without destroying trees to do it. STOP polluting our waters what the hell is wrong with us allowing these big corporations polluting the water. Why worry about these things? Answer it is the very essence of our survival and all around us. All it takes is one time to allow the pollution of all sorts to start a devasting effects. So stand up against the money, join together and fight this greed. Another thing why are we at war? What because of terrorist action or is it about money and greed, power? Who is the terroist here anyways? I will tell you who it is.. It is all of us we attack the world and believe it ok! Well people it is time to take action for our mistakes and ignorance. No more oops. Time to suck it up and join together and stop world wide pollution. When Henry Ford tried to destroy his own invention he told us that it would only bring harm to the environment. Did we listen? Sure we did we put him in a psych ward and classified him as crazy. We did a simular thing to Nikola Tesla. Why? because someone saw an opportunity to make vast amounts of money where they worried about the destruction it would bring? I ask you what good is money if it clouds our minds and fools people like this? There have been several discoveries that brought a lot of health hazards to our world from x-ray machine to fossil fuels. Dennis Klien and Jim Griggs, Nikola Tesla are just a few of the people who possible hold or held the solution to the worlds energy issues. A term Physicist call Zero Point energy, look it up explore the possibilities. Jim Griggs invented possibly what I consider the unimaginable he turn water into steam instantaneously with out the use of a heat source in 1995 that he had been working on since the 80's in the garage with friends. This violated the laws of physics because it produced 5 times more energy then it used another physics term called over unity. Klien invented a system that turn ordinary tap water H2O into HHO a gas. Here is the best part after being used for energy it turns back into water. The most amazing part he only used 4 ounce of water for a 100 mile trip. Klien has since worked out a deal with an auto maker and is making a Hummer for the US government. Why is this not national news? These 2 inventions should already be in use in every house hold. What put a stop to that? Klien was offered 1 billion dollars cash to stop his research by the Arabs. Again money was used by powerful people not worried about our planet. Why, we are allowing this to happen is a question we need to ask ourselves. There are many other inventors out there with great ideas I have yet to come across or had the privilege to witness. I do know that there has been people all across this world that have claimed to have energy ideas that defy the laws of physics. Baffled because the energy source comes from some unexplained place. Why have we not seen these or even heard of these hardly. Why are we still driving vehicles fueled by gas? Could it be someone with deep pockets ( the real owners of the world ) put a stop to this work. We cannot allow our world to be driven by money anymore! How many more of our family members have to suffer and die before we realize where the real source of the problem lies? We are in a delicate and dangerous time. People we need to make some decisions! Albert Einstein said "you cannot prepare for peace and war at the same time". Thus war will not and cannot create peace and no amount of killing or peace can save us from the destruction of ourselves! Some times it makes me wonder if Hippies weren't the smartest people on the face of the earth! We could learn alot from what they stood for but, like all good things they had flaws to. That is why we have education and we can learn what to do and not to do. One thing we know for sure we can stop pollution! When someone decides to pollute the world we need to throw there as* in jail and make them read a book about the devastation of there actions. . pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
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A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few people near us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~Albert Einstein~ I like to meet down-to-earth, genuine, sincere, fun, kind, basically nice people. If you are good-natured and have a kind heart, I definitely want to meet you. Also, if you can inspire or motivate me, then come my way. Some of those people at the top of my list that should inspire us all to be more then who we are Robert Koffler Jarvik(inventor of the artificial heart), Jessuca Simpson, Christina Applegate, Bobbi Billard, Sidney Poitier, Marilyn Vos Savant, Isacc Asmov,Steven Hawkins, Carl Sagan, Norman Mailer, Henry Miller, Peter Kramer, Steven Speilberg, Steven King, Ron Howard,Wesley Snipes, Mariah Carey, Mutt Lange, Mohamid Ali I wish I would have had a chance to meet STEVE IRWIN, Martin luther King Jr, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain,Rosa Parks, Sammy Davis, Linus Pauling, JUST TO NAME A FEW. WHO INSPIRES YOU?

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Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:46:00 GMT