Hi friends. My name is Rob. aka [Robby-Rob].
I started this myspace profile to create awareness about Global Warming & Global Climate Change that is much needed. Our planet Earth is the only one we have. Once it’s ruined, so is the human race! The human race has no future without the Earth! I believe that the subjects of Global Warming and Global Climate Change both need to be the world’s NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!!! If we don’t take drastic measures and start to change our habits, we will have nothing left. Global Warming is real. The world needs to realize that we only have one Earth. We only have one chance. Our chance is NOW. We can't keep putting the subject of Global Warming on the backburner. Changes need to be made. If we all put forth the effort we can make a huge difference. No one person can save the planet, but all of us together can make one hell of a difference. And, together we all can make a difference. People may not see the effects of global warming on their life, but do we want a beautiful and safe life for our kids? Their Kids? The effects of global warming are showing through. Wake Up!!!
The surface of the planet is warmed naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. The atmosphere traps a small amount of heat, while most of the sun’s heat just reflects off of the Earth and back out of the Earth’s atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere and therefore the atmosphere is getting to thick. The excess heat is not leaving the atmosphere. Therefore, the Earth’s temperatures are rising.
The vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is real, it’s already happening and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.
We are already seeing drastic changes. Vast amounts (almost all of them) of the world’s beautiful glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts is increasing. The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years. We have seen terrible storms, floods, and droughts in the past couple years that have been lager than any others. Malaria has spread to higher altitudes in places like the Colombian Andes, 7,000 feet above sea level. The flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland has more than doubled over the past decade. At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles. Polar bears are on the verge of extinction.
The truth is that we need to change our habits of life. We need to lessen our output of CO2. Leading scientists records show that our output of greenhouse gases in the past forty years were the largest in the past 650,000 years. As of 2007, all of the leading scientists of the world have come together to let it be known that Global Warming is happening. It must be changed. There are ways to change. We have the ability. There are many things you can do. There are many new technologies out there that can help our Earth and let us live happier healthier lives. There are numerous new ways of creating energy. We need to steer away from our old industrial ways of life. Times have changed. Everything in life is not about profit. Does the profit of oil really matter when we have no Earth? No Earth = No Profit! It’s pretty damn obvious. We as people of this planet need to come together and make a difference. Our generation is part of something HUGE! Many don’t realize it but we are. Many things are happening at once. Many things are soon going to need to be changed.
The era of procrastination, of half-measured, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences. – Winston Churchill. If the warming continues, we can expect catastrophic consequences.
Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years -- to 300,000 people a year. Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide. Hundreds of millions of people would be displaced! Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often. The Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050. More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050.
There is no doubt we can solve this problem. Small changes to your daily routine can add up to big differences in helping to stop global warming. The time to come together to solve this problem is now! Global Climate Change is soon going to be devastating our way of life. I don’t understand how many people don’t see the importance of it! Take 20 minutes out of your day...do some research...see what you can do to help! Let’s fulfill our moral obligation to ourselves and our planet and come together!
Ten Things To Do
Want to do something to help stop global warming?
Here are 10 simple things you can do and how much carbon dioxide you'll save doing them.
Change a light
Replace one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light and it will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
Drive less
Walk, bike, bus or take train more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for ever mile you don't drive!
Recycle more
You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.
Check your tires
Keeping your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3% every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere!
Use less hot water
It takes a lot of energy to heat water use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead (350 pounds of CO2 saved per year) and wash your cloths at 30C (500 pounds saved per year).
Avoid products with a lot of packaging
You can save 1,200 pounds of CO2 if you cut down your garbage by 10%
Adjust your thermostat
Moving your thermostat down just 1C/2F could save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 per year.
Plant a tree
A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its life time.
Turn off electronic devices
Simply turning off and not leaving on stand by the television, DVD player, Stereo, and computer when you're not using them will save thousands of pounds of CO2 per year.
Be part of the solution
Learn more and get active at sites like climatecrisis.net, climatechallenge.gov.uk, or watch the video “Inconvenient Truth.†It will tell you all you need to know! If you know me, I own four copies of the video. Just ask to borrow it. I’ll lend it to you.
This is just a side note. It has nothing to do with global warming.
The U.S. is part of a war in the Middle East that soon may escalate into a huge crisis. The administration lied in the reasoning of going to Iraq! They had no back up plan to get out of there. The U.S. (BUSH) went to war without the UN's approval. BUSH went to war without our allies. IT WAS WRONG!!! He is ruining America. He has lost our respected allies. He is losing HIS war! He is RAISING the national debt to where it is unsalvageable. He is killing our TROOPS! He needs to go to war and do it himself. He thinks he is playing a board game. The No Child left behind Act was a lie! His policies are horrible. As Americans are not getting the education they deserve and we are slowly falling behind other countries, BUSH is being BUSH! NOT CARING! As our poverty level keeps on rising, BUSH is being BUSH! As Americans are losing their jobs, BUSH is having an iced tea! As our allies left us, BUSH thinks he will fix it later. As our Social Security is getting close to disappearing, BUSH is getting richer! As the CO2 is killing our universe, BUSH is getting richer with his oil stocks. As our troops are over in the Middle East dying, BUSH asks Congress to put 21000 more over there. While all the leading scientists of the world, major company CEO's, vice president Al Gore are telling him that environmental changes need to be made now, BUSH says he will....think about it later! The BUSH Administration is so corrupt that right now they don’t know what to do! They are scared for what’s to come. They are going to just ride out their next two years. Our next President is going to have so much to do. We need to put the right one in there. I am going off on a tangent but it is pretty damn sad that only 30% of Americans ages 18-21 voted in the last Presidential Election. By the way---I can’t stand the BUSH Administration!!! Nuclear power and nuclear weapons are in the wrong hands. Our world is in danger.