The book - BIG MUSIC, BIG MONEY! profile picture


The SECRET TO SUCCESS is to make other peoples dreams come true

About Me

* -Jesse Gross - has been a creative musician and a professional guitarist for 20 years. Jesse composed and arranged the music for eight major musicals and wrote music for over fifty plays, which were performed in the framework of the commercial theatre. Gross is a lecturer, who organizes business workshops for artist, teaching them how to separate between their artistic talent and the way they use it to do business, with as purpose to reach both - artistic and commercial success.* - * - * - * - * - * - "It's time musicians and artists changed their view and halting, restrained approach to money!* - * - * - * -"If you want to learn how to make money from your musical talent, Big Music, Big Money is the book for you.

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* * * * * * * * * * *QUOTES FROM "BIG MUSIC, BIG MONEY!"* * * * * * * * * * *- - *"Many musicians let their musical dream pull them by the nose to places many of them find it difficult to get out of". - - *"...I'm a producer,and producing means making business - and business is money. and money is the language of my success". - - *"With many musicians, their talent is also their handicap. musicians relying solely on their musical talent will only reach a certain point, their talent will carry them to, and no more. beyond this point they won't advance. they're stuck". - - *"...But it pains me to see how, when money is the issue, they leave common sense at home, instead using and reusing the emotional baggage they carry". - - *"Emotion is not what you should think with when you wish to make money, or when negotiating the monetary worth of your talent". - - *"There are musicians who despaired and no longer wish to make music. they're angry with it, feel betrayed. they feel music wasn't true to them as they are to it" - - *Most musician's biggest problem is waking up one day and telling themselves:"I'M GOING TO REALIZE MY MUSICAL DREAM". - - *"To make big bucks you must have a talent for making money. and the musician was graced by god to make music". - - *Your music can be worth a lot of money, it all depends on your self-worth". - - *If you could encompass infinity in your imagination, you'll find the secret to creating powerful musical richness".- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -


*** Table of contents *** The most important day of my life..........................9Preface...................... ..10What is musical success?......................11 -"This is exactly the book i was looking for"..............................13Introduction: Big Music Big Money!.........................17 - -I realized that my reality is different.......................19The conversation which changed my life...............................22Chapter 1: Why do we need musical education?....................31Hopes and disappointments............41Chapter 2: Leverage for the creative musician.......................43The biggest virtual keyboard in the world...........................63Chapter 3: A musical world without limitations....................67This is not how i planned my life..............................79Chapter 4: Music and money certainly go together!......................81The beginning of the journey to wealth......................97Chapter 5: Why is it so important to succeed?......................99The door to wealth opens up...............................117Chapter 6: The principle of the parallel circles.........................119Chapter 7: Purify your water well.............................131Chapter 8: Never stop dreaming!....................137Chapter 9: Would you like an encore?.......................145Thirty one quotes from the book to be kept in mind...........................157


"This is exactly the book i was looking for..." *As a creative musician for many years, I was always looking for a book in the realm of music, which will suit me. I was looking for a book that will bring some order into my thoughts, and show me the way that will lead me to success. I knew something just wasn't right for me. On one hand i was considered as a famous and successful musician, and on the other hand i have experienced some long difficult periods that hurt me and my family financially. I wrote songs and musical pieces for famous artists, and devoted myself completely to developing my own musical skills, even in times when my economic situation hit rock bottom. I focused on myself and on my talent. When I found the book "Big Music, Big Money!" on a bookshop shelf, at first I thought that i was holding one more book that explains to musicians how to improve their standards of music playing, but no! The book had changed my life! That was exactly the book I was looking for. It spoke about music and money in the same breath. "Music and Money do go together", as Jesse Gross says. After i read the book, I felt a great need to meet Jesse and thank him personally for the wonderful and so stimulating book he wrote. I told Jesse how much his book contributed to my musical career, and then he asked me if I would like to publish what I said in the next editions of his book. I consented, and here they are before your eyes. Jessey's book made me understand that great talent is not enough in order to succeed. sometimes, what's more important are your abilities to market and sell yourself, and to recognize who you are as a human being a musician. Music is my whole life, but I never knew how to make money from it, until I read the book you are holding now. To me, reading "Big Music, Big Money!" is a must for every musician and artist. We all know musicians who are very gifted, who sit at home and do nothing, because they are waiting for someone to approach them, and it never crosses their minds to get up and initiate things themselves. We all know talented people who left behind their talent and their great love to music, and are working in jobs they do not like, and which do not give them pleasure. "Big Music, Big Money!" is a book that was written for the dreamers amongst us. To those who dream about their musical success combined with financial success, and feel they are missing just one note in order to arrive at that success. The materialistic world, in which we live, so trampling by nature, is not a strong enough reason to give up and to abandon our great love, our musical creativity.Good luck to you! ,,,,,,,,,,Cathy Lang, Manhattan school of music


* This book will reveal to you, how to make money and accumulate wealth by means of your talent as an artist.


* - "Thank you for the help you give to musicians.Shelly"* - *WOW thanks for the add!! I didn't use to think about money until I came across true capitalistic philosophers like Hill. Congrats on your book, it will help many musicians that lack an understanding of money.* - I haven't read your book yet, but I can tell you already that I wish I had a copy thirty years ago.* - can i get the book in indiana and if so where?* - Dear Jesse! Just read a bit in your profile! It's so true! Musicians need a weath conciousness. I I look back, it is no wonder why I was struggling so hard for so many years, feeling as a victim.... Those days are gone for good. WE really made a 180 degree turn and reprogrammed ourselfes. Our lates, 10th release is called " Feels So Good" and it is all about feeling good.* - your book sounds great!* - "Jesse - If your book would have been around 20 years ago, I'd probably now be touring with U2....* - Nice to hear from a musican who want to share his xperience. Best wishes too.* - Thanks for finding me! Your book is just the thing I need. But first I've got to get out of this financial slump before I can buy it. Or maybe it's the other way around? I guess I'm stuck. Remind me later though! Have a great week.* - "Hi Jesse, I agree with you on the money part- it's time that artists wake up.* - You make me proud, how do I make some money with music :) They never taught me that at Berklee College of Music.* - I love what your doing, and what your all about!* - I should buy this book for my son, He is in a band and has toured and performed with many legends, on his own when he was young.* - Greetings Jesse, thanks for looking me up. Your book sounds very interesting. Where do we get it??* - Great concept for a a small business owner in the music business, I look forward to reading it!Best, Jesse* I agree totally that you can be an artist (painter in my case) and a businessman too. There is a wide spread thinking that because you have the talent to create that you have to be thankful for all that you get from it. A mecanic or whatever other talented profession is payed big time for their work....why not we artists. I am lucky to be a known artist and sell well because I have very good galleries who represent me. J' * - Cheers man! Hope Your book could be printed in Polish* - "Looks like a killer book! I'll definitely have to check it out! Thanks!! J* - Hey Jesse Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. Sounds like an interesting read. * - Your book looks pretty cool, wish i'd had it while I was still singing.* - thanks for your friend request. your book looks really interesting. is there a site i can look at to learn more about it? how much is the book?* - Hey thanx Jesse for the add its a great honour. Just reading a little about your book makes me think alot about myself and some of the things I do or dont do and have experienced and am experiencing right now lol. I will put your book at the top of my shopping list for sureBest wishes my new musical friend.* - if you have one idéa to make money with my music it's ok we divide because i have not!!* - Hello Dear...I must confess that you have made such a wonderful page, it attracts me again and again like anything... I am really moved by your efforts to make it look the Best in its own! Thanx...* - your book sounds a fascinating read! Have a great weekend, * - Thank you soooo much for inviting me in to your world! Talk to you soon!!* - Does your book have a lot to do with marketing? I am just about to release an album, and would love to make lots of money from it. can you give me some insight? How do I get a copy? Thank you for your time. Be wellJ.* - Thanks for the Add request, halla at me any time....Big Music Big Money huh..thats what im talking about, trying to make that paper.* - Thanks for the request. Look like you have a interesting book there.* - Good to meet you. The book looks like a great resource!All my best Tony* - OMG! Ur book totally changed my life!!!!* - hey jesse, appreciate the request... have a blessed new year! look forward to hearing some of your money making secrets! lol xGod bless. * - Hi Jess, thanks for the friend request. Your book looks cool, good luck for the sales. love Val* - Your book must be very interesting. my best wishes for you on this holidays and for new year 2007. * - Thanks for adding us!Your book sounds like a good read.Happy Holidays!* - JUST THE BOOK I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR BY THE SOUNDS OF IT!* - Hello Jesse... Cheers for the introduction to your site ... Wishing you all the success you deserve and more!* - Thanks for the add request. Your book sounds very cool. Maybe I just missed it on the page. Where is it available? Peace and love in 2007.* - Hi, where can I get the book? I'd like to have a look.* - I readed in some magazine about this book...but never finden in Italy I shall check it ous .. anyway...sound very interessant.* - Hello JesseThanks for dropping by our myspace page. Hope you like our song "We Are The Idol Fans".All the best with your book. Looks pretty interesting from the Chapters posted on your myspace page.Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Later. Peace. The SQA Crew* - Looking Good and Sounding Great! * - I've got Big Music, now all I need is Big Money to go with it. This could be what I've been missing. Thanks for sharing.* - "Hey, the book sounds like its just up my alley... I..m going to definately invest in one! Thanks for the add... Dean."* - Great concept for a a small business owner in the music business, I look forward to reading it!* - So how does one get this book? I'm not seeing that info on your page? It sounds very interesting.Thanks,Isaac* - Thanks for the add! I'm certainly intrigued- I'll have to look into what you've written in this book...* - "Hey, the book sounds like its just up my alley... I..m going to definately invest in one! Thanks for the add... Dean." * - Well, I kinda figured that you looked over my site,as I did yours. I might have to get your book. It seems pretty interesting,since I've got a band that really needs to get a label before we all get too old to perform.Thanks,

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'Big Music Big Money!'

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Posted by The book - BIG MUSIC, BIG MONEY! on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 02:53:00 PST