call me JColli. pronounced JAY-COLE-EE. i play guitar and happen to own 6 of them. you can play them IF YOU ASK! i've been playing for aboout 10 years. im miss my old band Fine By Me, i miss being on stage rocking out for people. but im getting some really cool gigs so i'm still getting my fix for musical attention. i work at GUITAR CENTER again. its fun selling guitars. i like driving my sweet Mazda RX7 TII really fast. but i just got my 300zx TT so you'll be seeing me in that really soon. i like Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper. i love cuddling. i also love cooking and im pretty good at it. HALO 3 is the shit!!!! ***see gamer tag below*** i have a really cool cat named Tiger. anyways, enough about me, tell me about you.
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