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Lee Hale (TheSale)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm probably a lot like you. As a young man, I
used to sit and dream of being rich someday.
Big houses, fancy cars, trips to exotic places,
and everything else that goes with it. Most of
all, I wanted the freedom that came with
having money... the ability to do whatever I
wanted to do whenever I wanted to do it.
About halfway through my tour in the NAVY,
I had to make a decision: should I go into the
workforce and get a JOB when I complete my
enlistment, or should I try to start my own
company? The thought of having a boss and
being told what to do... and worst of all, not
getting RICH made me decide on the business
So I started my search for a business... but a
business doing WHAT? Here's the list I came
up with as I dreamed up the ULTIMATE BUSINESS
1. Time: Ability to have enough time to enjoy
my money and spend time with my family.
2. Money: Every kid dreams of being not just
rich. I was no different.
3. Leverage: The business can not be dependent
on my being IN the business all the time, and
4. Variety: I couldn't stand the thought of doing
the same old boring thing everyday.
5. Credibility: Something I could tell my friends,
family, and contacts about with pride and garner
their respect.
6. Recession Proof: I watched my dad ride the
ups and downs of real estate for 20 years... not
for me!
7. In Demand: Sell a product, service, experience,
or transformation that's needed by HUGE numbers
of people, not just a tiny niche.
8. Residual Sales: Didn't want to be out of work
the day after making a sale.
9. Unique: I didn't want to be selling the same
thing that somebody could get at a thousand
different places.
10. Health Proof: What if I were to become
disabled somehow? I wanted a business that was
mind work.
11. Low Start Up Cost: Who wants to carry a
million dollars of inventory just to make $100,000?
Not me.
12. No Employees: I didn't want to manage a bunch
of people... I wanted to do it on my own.
13. Politician Proof: Avoid having my business legislated
out of existence by some special interest group.
PROBLEM: There Was No Business That Matched
Wish List!

I started searching earnestly. I read dozens and
dozens of books on success, sales, marketing,
advertising, and entrepreneurship. I joined (and quit)
7 or 8 multilevel marketing companies. I considered
direct sales, importing, restaurants, franchises, retail
stores, security, computers, vending, and everything
else I could think of. All of these businesses had their
relative pros and cons, but none of them came close
to matching my ULTIMATE BUSINESS criteria. In all
of my research I became convinced that marketing
was the key to success in business, but the burning
question remained: what should I market?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


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My Blog

Attention All Marketing Managers, Business Owners, Sales Managers, CEOs..

Which Of These 5 Marketing Problems Do You Want To Overcome?1.  We have more and more competitors popping up and eating our marketshare...and making it hard to distinguish our business from the c...
Posted by Lee Hale (TheSale) on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:01:00 PST

Advertising Is Just Salesmanship Multiplied

By Rich Harshaw   Your advertisement should act like an army of Tiny Salesmen.  Think about it this way.  If you play a radio ad that is heard by 50,000 people, that's 50,000 chances to...
Posted by Lee Hale (TheSale) on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:42:00 PST

Monopolize Your Marketplace

The Monopolize Your Marketplace System (MYM) has succeeded where every other marketing program has failed: It is a practical, step-by-step system th...
Posted by Lee Hale (TheSale) on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:34:00 PST