Music, being with friends, playing gigs.
A band that wants me on drums!
Nine Inch Nails, Paradise Lost, Bauhaus, Morrisey, Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Stevie ray Vauhn, Kate Bush, Lisa Gerrard, The Buzzcocks, The Talking Heads, The Clash, TV on the radio, Metallica, Slayer, The Birthday Massacre, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, Killing Joke, Alice in chains, The Misfits, My life story, Soundgarden, Tori Amos, The Tea Party, Sisters of mercy, Tool, Type O Negative, The Wildhearts, Aphex Twin, Mozart, Dire Straits, Deftones, Dead can dance, The Killers, Filter, Ladytron, The Dresden Dolls, Kraftwerk, Gary Numan, The Mission, The Human League, Soft Cell, The Girls, Prince, The Prodigy, Therapy?, Autolux, The Hacker, The Ramones, Vast, Mogwai, Sonic Youth, Brian Eno, Enya, Kidney Thieves, Dave Gahan, Garbage, Liars, Exileinside, Richard Cheese, Pitchshifter, Debusey, Elgar, Enyo Morricone.......List could go on and on and on.
28 days later, Crash, Of mice and men, Blow, Scanners, Donnie Darko, The Machineist, THE GOONIES!!!!!!, The Crow, Die Hard, Trainspotting, Spungebob square pants the movie, The Pianist, Taxi Driver, Alien, The Fly One flew over the Cuckoos nest, Batman Begins, Ghostbusters, The Party, Dead Zone, Starship Troopers( because its so shit,that its good), Withnail and i, Rarg, Shawn Of The Dead, The Lost Boys, Sideways, Robocop, Get Carter, The lost highway, Blue Velvet, Mulholand drive......and a shit load more!
Day time TV sucks. Nature programs are quite cool tho! Also i like The MIGHTY BOOOOOOOOSH!!, Alan Partridge, The day today, Brasseye, and Family Guy!!
Catcher in the Rye, Cryers Hill, Harry Potter 1 2 3 4 5 6.....i should read more.
Trent Reznor, My mom, My Dad, Ian Curtis, Alan Partridge!........and the one and only Nick Holmes from PARADISE LOST!!!!!!!!!