or find more information at: www.ThePeaceAlliance.org
This is our World Flag.
We are ONE human race and should live on Earth in harmony with each other. While I am an American Citizen, I believe we are citizens of the world - not just of any one country. We must celebrate our diversity and the freedom to live how and where we choose, but live under the same sky as one people. We must treat our world and each other with deserved respect, caring and compassion.
I invite everyone to display this World Flag - along with your country's flag - to show pride and patriotism to your great nation AND your great world. It is not meant to replace anything, rather to be a new banner under which all of human kind may proudly march.
What the World Flag means:
• The circle represents Earth
· The stem and leaf represent Life
· Together, they form a face
representing Humankind
· The green represents land
· The blue represents water and sky
· The white represents Peace
· The placement of the circle to the right
represents growth and progress
March 2007 photo by Cath "Come lie by me on the cool green grass, it's so peaceful" part of her Found Art/God's Pictures series
Everyone who is aware or becoming aware. Everyone who is interested in making the world a better place. Everyone who cares about something. Everyone.
Everyone who has spoken out for peace and betterment, everyone who has broken out of their box and influenced others positively.
the Blue Man Group
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