This page is about me ~ my art, my heart, things I care about.
I believe each one of us can make a difference in the world. It is time to share, time to heal, be a part of the solution, not the problem.
I usually create the art for my comments. I post them in my pictures. If one of my creations touches you, feel free to copy and use it.
It is a need, this creating thing, not a hobby. It is a blessing. I have decided it is not a curse, at all. I simply need to use it to manifest beauty and love.
I am that, I am!
I love meeting anyone who is a positive influence in the Universe.
Please respect me for me. I respect you for you, and I don't even know you... yet.
I thank you, all my friends, for sharing your beauty with me.
I like to meet creative people. I do not put limits on "creative".
If your influence is positive, you are in the right place.
I am about that ~ positive energy expanding exponentially.
Think of the possibilities!
If you're an artist in the Denver area ~ this lady has it goin' on!
Click on these links once a day, to help these causes...
Michael Harrison Blues. He's not just a hot guitar player... he writes his music... he composes it, creates it, brings it to light!
Michael Harrison Blues
More Michael Harrison Blues
Colorado Tuner
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