MISS MARIA profile picture


Just living isn't enough, said the butterfly, one must also have freedom, sunshine, and a little flo

About Me

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Your Attitude is Better than 55% of the Population
You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones. How's Your Attitude?
You Are Super Spicy
You're a little bit crazy, a little bit naughty, and a whole lot of sexy.
You go beyond hot - you set people's senses on fire! Are You Hot?
Gee myspace friends I don't know where to begin I guess I just started. Im a 36 year old psychiatric social worker whose FINALLY RETIRED from psychiatric social work as i got really burned out with severe anxiety and depression so i am trying to find a new career. I don't like when people say oh your beautiful your sexy if they don't know me. I think beauty and being sexy is all internal and just comes forth externaly. My true friends and colleagues describe me as creative, dynamic, nutty, crazy, intense, uninhibited, provacative, sensual, funny, smart, introspective, profound, a work of art, wise, a little on the dramatic and emotional side, never know whats gonna come out of marias mouth. I am passionate and charming i use my hands alot to describe things its just the Italian way . I am assertive and intelligent. I do get nervous and anxious when i meet someone for the first time and may come across as ditzy as a defense mechanism. I can be very tired at night and then in an hour get my second wind and be very energetic. I have been told by one man im very introspective at 2am in the morning as i can give a speech about politics or poverty or Aids Awareness in Africa in the middle of the night. I demand respect. I am very generous and love treating men and women and dressing sexy and like crap for them. I love dining in NYC or in little unknown spots in the tristate area. Sure dating is fun boys and girls, but the girls i lived with said where are all these men coming from its like grand central station in Westport. So no more of that ship um in ship um out. I loved to psychoanalyze people and drive them nuts the more money they have and expesnive the car they really go for a ride. ohhh Don't want to date a patient so if you recoginize me go on to some other crazy lady and i never met you lol.

My Interests

Uconn womens and mens basketball Big East and NCAA champs um what else laughing joking as humor is medicinal for me. fundraising, meeting dynamic and eccentric people, reading, shopping at flea markets, diners, occassional tennis(I stink), tabble tennis(you can't beat me), playing frisbee and catch with Sammy my nephew the golden. Would like to find a tennis partner and brush up my lousy skills and love to learn how to iceskate and roller blade its been a couple years and you can teach an old dog new tricks.Love to watch men play golf at longshore in Westport and love swimming and hot tubs and bubble baths alone. oh and Compo Beach in Westport in the winter because its isolated.

I'd like to meet:

A man who is a man of value and not necessarily successful but both would be nice.....heres my surreal cookie dough recipe..... All combined into one the heart and soul of past anchorman Dan Rather, the passion and charm of NYC Mayor Guiliani, the creativeness and well dressed and classy Ralph Lauren, The integrity of Donald Trump, The hillariousness and eccentriciy of Woody Allen, The provacativeness and playfullness of Hugh Heffner, and last but not least my old guiding light cutie pie who i met so many times and he trusted me in his wardrobe room and backstage to watch him and umm thats all im gonna say lol j/k.A humble and kind man with a beautiful body and soul and rich with Cuban culture who said I live in a tiny manhattan apartment and never said he was a wealthy man and Andy Garcias Cousin. Jordi Viasuso good luck in the movies.


favorites are Sting, Madonna, Mike Bolton, I Richhi e Poveri, ABBA, Il Divo, James Blunt, Matt Cusson, Hayden, Sunbox, Keith Urban, Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, The Doors,Rusted Root, Simon and Garfunkel, Natalie Merchant, The Cranberries, Smashing Pumpkins, Pavorotti, Andrea Boccelli, Celine Dion, Whitney Houstin, Tina Turner, Lionel Richie, Duran Duran, Def Leopard, Lisa Minnelli, U2, Sting, John Lennon and the Beatles, Bob Marley, Barry Manilow, Prince, Christina Aguielera, Vanilla Ice. Nine inch Nails, Bare Naked Ladies, Destinys Child, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Eminem, 50cent, Pdiddy, Snoopdogg, Maacello Muscarra e Neil Diamond.1003.5ktu the beat of NEW York and CT. I love techno and italian and american disco love it all.


Meet The Fockers, The Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, La Dolce Vita, Princess Bride, Love and BasketBall, Basic Instinct, The Italain Job, The Godfather all series, Scareface, Goodfellas, Circle of Friends, Pretty Woman, Mystic Pizza, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Rain Man, War of the Worlds, Mission Impossible, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Being John Malkovich, Dead Poets Society, Love and Basketball, Grease, Dead Piets Society, Circle of Friends, Walk the Line,Kate & Leopold, The Notebook, Ray, Brokeback Mountain, The Devils Wears Prada, the Davinci Code, Ciao Professore!, and Roberto Begnini in Johny Stecchino. Ohh any Disney flick such as Finding Nemo and Beauty and the Beast. IRa and Abby.Loved Les Miserables, Chicago, and Phantom of The Opera.Any movie with three fine actors ive lieterally bumped into and thank God didn't know it was them...Love your work Woody in Sleepers when you make fun of us social workers having a big head lol.


Love my Guiding light soap opera ive watched on and off since age 8....I have met the cast Tom P and Ricky Paull ect, love you and i enjoyed fundraising and attenting meet and greet parties.I love Italian TV RAI UNO, sexiest Italian programming has the most alluring films and comedy and lectures all around a the spice of Italian tv.Also Will and Grace or Seinfeld repeats ocassionaly are my favorite.Love Donald Trump the Apprentice the only real reality show. CPTV Public Access Televison.Law and Order I rank number one excellent...ohh and my CT David Letterman and Conan OBrien who keep me in stitches.


Does it have to be books what about the New York Times and The New York Magazine.Emma Austins on myspace "Unspoken Dreams", Too Kill a Mocking Bird, Catcher in the Rye, Great Gatsby, Tales from the Bed, In the Meantime by my favorite spiritual advisor, Play or be Played, Angelas Ashes, in The Meantime, Memoirs of A Giesha, Hes just not into you lol, Confessions of an Heiress, Eat Pray Love which im reading now. All books to keep up with my psychiatric social work profession. Books on dieting, mental health and wellness and my passionate enlightening book THE HOLY BIBLE.


Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, JFK, Rosa Parks, Ryan White a chld who died of Aids inthe 80's, all hallocaust survivers and survivers of medical and psychiatric illnesses. Our U.S. troops, and firemenMy grandparents and parents who came from Ellis Island from Italy for a better life of freedom and opportunity and did not speak a word of English and were humble and kind and worked so hard and never begged for money.

My Blog

One of the best gifts ive ever received id like to share

    This writing i received from a pastor counselor i worked with named Ruth who gave it to me on my last day at Yale University Psychiatric Institute where i was a perdi...
Posted by MISS MARIA on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 04:09:00 PST

The serenity prayer no longer for AA and NA

The serenity prayer was always used in AA and NA meetings. But it has helped me with my own addiction and helped my former patients with theres and addiction affects the frontal lobes of the brains i ...
Posted by MISS MARIA on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 08:52:00 PST

My neighbor died.....Be careful what you wish for it will haunt you later

I am flooded with tears as i write this. My neighbor i have known for ten years a 73 year old Italian man from Sicily with a very very weak heart who was warned so many times to stop working that he w...
Posted by MISS MARIA on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:10:00 PST

From a friend and my comments Italian Living in America

This is the Italian life in Ameria i added my and comments because i can relate and im suprised that things are still the same with the younger generation on here so i had to laugh. Please share your ...
Posted by MISS MARIA on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 03:09:00 PST