The Rose Withinâ„¢ profile picture

The Rose Withinâ„¢

Attracting the Extraordinary into ALL areas of my LIFE!

About Me


The below 'blurps' are quite literally 'blurps'. May you enjoy the small and large reflections of me that I share here on My Space. Further, may it encourage and support; or rather, may you embrace your own gentle, patient and passionate unfolding.

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My Heart Art, Heart Thoughts

At times I am non-stop focused, and at other times I am quite the hermit. At ALL times, I am in the process of creating...
Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then, I contradict myself.
I am large, I contain multitudes.
-- Walt Whitman, Song of Myself --
Am I making an excuse? Ok I am.
And they become more creative the older I get.
However, so does the Beauty I continue to create.
-- Shannon Collins, Song of Myself --
The older I get, the more I realize I am just right AS IS.
~ The Rose Within™ © 2008

What love affairs do I have/do I engage in, within my life now, that keep me stuck? I have so many! To what am I attached? What keeps me returning to something that brings only temporary satisfaction? What if I have the same kind of love affair with those things that bring health and wholeness? What if I return again and again to those things? What if I view them in an entirely different way as things I want to do vs. have to or should do?
What if I begin a love affair with those things in my life that bring me the most pleasure?
- staying fit
- reading
- writing
- cooking
- creating a home filled with brightness and color
- heart and mind stretching conversations
- creating extraordinary moments and memories with my children
- creating smiles on all
- love
- joy
- inner happiness
- music
- dancing
What will I attract into my life if I do this?
What will I attract into my life if I don't?
Imagine the possibilities of both.
I do know and believe this ...
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is."
Proverbs 23:7
In my own words:
As we think within our heart,
so we create our reality without.

How wonderfully simple, beautiful and empowering this fact is!
What are my thoughts Creating?
It is my intention to become more aware of those objects of interest that hold me back and to begin a love affair with those things that bring me the most pleasure, in order that I may be everywhere in hiddeness and compassion. ~ me ~ 8/25/06 above personal intention was inspired via conversation with a friend, and a quote by Thomas Merton
Autobiographical Snapshots:
Where I Come From and Those Memories I Carry With Me
* * * *
The Kiss of Truth found here on , by Mahalene Louis .
This picture is absolutely beautiful, free. The energy and passion it generates for me is lovely. When I first saw it, it brought forth such deeply personal emotions, which affect me in ways I do not yet fully understand. I do know, that this picture encourages and reminds me of promise; of infinite possibilities and it softens my heart.
Mahalene has given me permission to share her picture here. May this painting invite your own thoughtful explorations.

* * * *
The below quiz was edited by me,
with fun, purpose and creative intention in motion:
My Essence
I AM a Prophet Soul

I AM a gentle soul, with good intentions towards everyone.
I AM selfless and kind, I have great faith in people. At all times, this faith leads to extraordinary experiences and to extraordinary people.
No matter what, I deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
I AM a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
My motto: I AM, YOU ARE extraordinary Beauty AS IS.
I enjoy supporting YOU - AS YOU ARE NOW and facilitating a unique and graceful unfolding.
I AM a seeker of wisdom.
I AM a life long learner.
I AM a great thinker and communicator.
I AM silliness and lighthearted FUN.
At all times, my intentions are to put my actions into creative motion.
Who Do You Dare and Intend to Be!
What Kind of Soul Are You?
* * * *
My intentions are to practice daily being…
Thankful for the opportunity and the choice everyday…
To share my life, as it is, onward most impulsively…
To never be fearful of giving and accepting the love that others give me.
To be compelled … driven … to live my life in such a way ...
as to throw out my full force on all those around me.
~ Written November 2004 ~
Today, the below poem, which inspired the above thought, still creates a smile and forever inspires me. =)
WE cannot live, except thus mutually
We alternate, aware or unaware,
The reflex act of life: and when we bear
Our virtue onward most impulsively,
Most full of invocation, and to be
Most instantly compellant, certes, there
We live most life, whoever breathless most air
And counts his dying years by sun and sea.
But when a soul, by choice and conscience, doth
Throw out her full force on another soul,
The conscience and the concentration both
Make mere life, Love. For Life in perfect whole
And aim consummated, is Love in sooth,
As nature’s magnet-heat rounds pole with pole.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ~
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Today, and throughout the day,
close your eyes,
imagine perfection,
and give yourself a kiss.
From such a kiss,
the Hearts of others will be warmed.
~ The Rose Within ~

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My Interests

I AM, my family and I, are a beautiful work in progress, from the inside out...

* * * * *

A Gift for YOU...
The Secret is YOU,
and as we look within,
the mysteries of our Souls
begin to show themselves clearly...


"Let me walk with my own self, in a wondrous, glorious dream. And down this path that we shall tread, we'll be an invincible team."

"Happiness is an inside job"
both quotes by:
~ Mike Dooley ~

* * * * *

I'd like to meet:

I continue to attract the most Extraordinary and amazing people into my life! :)

"That which I think; that which I see all ready and feel within, I see without and like a magnet I attract."
The Rose Within

“If you visualize, you will materialize.”
“If you have been there in the mind, you will go there in the body.”
Denis Waitley

Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.
Esther Hicks

I absolutely adore spontaneous, delightful, humorous conversations with delightful humorous friends!

In regards to MySpace friends:

At some point and time I will learn how to change, 'The Rose Within's Friends' to read 'The Rose Within's Heroes.' I have had fun sharing four to twenty four friends and it brings me abosolute pleasure sharing different profiles. I am having so much FUN getting to know YOU!! Not the top four to twenty four, yet YOU! Please expect much mischief in my friends space area, as I have fun changing faces. ;) Thank you, also, for embracing me into your life as well...

for in YOUR LIGHT,
I learn, I love,
and I live even more fully.
This is truth!

"Whatever you see in others is a reflection of you - whether you like it or not."
Dr. John F. Demartini

Photo courtesy of, and created by: Joe

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I, daily, continue to discover more ways of expressing myself, and who I AM, via other's individual Art, a.k.a. LIFE.
Thank you so much.
I am in part, who I am because of YOU!


I have eclectic tastes in music. In a nutshell, what mood I may be in determines what I listen too. Overall, I enjoy music that soothes my heart and calms my soul, music that inspires me to dance with my eyes closed, music that takes me back or creates an unforgettable moment, and most certainly ... music that inspires a desire to live my life as a Salsa!

I enjoy (most) of the music my children listen too for it forever reminds me to 'just hush and let my hair down. In addition, it is an open doorway into thier Hearts.

Am I listening?


Suffice to say, so many, many movies!
Movies are fun to watch alone, yet even more fun when shared with one or others. My favorite thing to eat during a movie, is hot buttered salty popcorn, with an icy cold glass of milk. MmmMmm!
Two thought-provoking movies that I have recently enjoyed and have had fun watching each, numerous times, are:
**) The Secret ...
**) What the Bleep Do We Know? Down the Rabbit Hole (quantum edition) ...
Although I love sharing both of the EXCELLENT movies mentioned above, I am not an affiliate of The Secret or What the Bleep. I am simply a huge fan.
I only just discovered Mahalene's Heart Art - her thoughts and designs - on the evening of Oct 27, 2006. An equally amazing woman, my Coach Fran Fisher, (see above), introduced me to Mahalene's site.
Mahalene,s art and words awaken my Spirit. Thought-provoking, fun, light, magical, creative!
In a word simply, Wow!
May you enjoy her below magical movies - creative gifts from Mahalene to all of us.
**) The Weight Is In Your Lies...
**) QKosmic Key
If you have not seen:
I would encourage you to do so. This will be a favorite of mine for a long time to come. A remarkable film rich with wisdom and beauty on so many different levels. My children and I never seem to tire of watching Kirikou, and my heart continues to open evermore, each time I watch this thought provoking and beautiful movie.


At times I rarely watch TV and at other times, I thoroughly enjoy cuddling up, in the comfort of my own home, with kids or alone and losing myself within a well written series - for me it's like reading a great book or a watching a wonderful movie.
Currently, I completely enjoy the TV series Heroes, and I am a Battle Star Galactica fan. The TV show SCRUBS cracks me up!
When the mood strikes me - my kick back and enjoy mode ;) ... the other channels I tend to gravitate towards are: SciFi channel, Discovery Channel, History Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Comedy Central and my all time favorite ... Food Network!
Other show favorites are, Whose Line Is It Anyway - I've not seen this in a very long while. I hope to see this show LIVE someday.
Last but not least --> if not for my children, I would have never discovered Spongebob. I do not often watch this show, yet when I do, I absolutely adore Sponge Bob Square pants and his friends.
In regards to Spongebob ... in a class at LYV, we were each asked what cartoon character we most likened ourselves too. I chose Spongebob, for many silly, embarrassing and apt reasons. ;)
Other than TV, the other - sit down at home with family - activity I truly enjoy is playing interactive video games, card games or board games with my kids.


All kinds. I especially enjoy those authors that open my heart and mind. That encourage me to explore more in all areas of my life.

Are you ready to read one of lifes absolutely extraordinary little books?
Pick up:
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.
You will not regret it!

cover design created by The Rose Within


Me. My Children. My Family. A most brilliant man - my former husband and friend. Rumi. My very dear friends and those many acquaintances/strangers who have come into my life and have left behind the most remarkable of scents.
My Heroes are those who are lighthearted, serious, enchanting, loyal, helpful, effervescent, resourceful, open minded, witty, goofy, elegant, courageous, fearless, not afraid of making a mistake or looking silly, honest, sincere, compassionate.
My Heroes are those who compassionately use their Gifts in a way that support and awaken other Souls, who encourage us to grow forward, who spread fun, love, wealth in the broadest of senses and who bring harmony to all they encounter. (Whew! Let me take a breath before I go on ;P)
My Heroes are normal everyday extraordinary folks. I especially love those Heroes or Heroines who cause the Hearts of many to smile, who cause the Hearts of many to feel warmed and welcomed AS IS.
Shall I clarify?
This below image creation is inspired by a like mind ;)
Seal - Kiss From A Rose

My Blog

Do You Think Too Much?

Do I think too much?  Today, this is a rhetorical question for me.  This question came about after reading this gentleman's blog - in a post back in Decmeber 2007 called: Decisions.&nbs...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:05:00 PST

Conversations With A Teenager

Below is a condensed conversation that I had with a complete stranger.  As he grew more comfortable with me, he opened up further ... teenager:(sighs)All my brothers do the same sports ... s...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:22:00 PST

The Rose Within Snapshot 14

Relationships can be so challenging at times ...I see myself as a rough stone, and I feel those relationships that are the most difficult or challenging only continue to polish all parts of me more ef...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

Clearing Workshop Letter 7 - Listening to the Whispers of my Heart

There are stories told in India of how a person was awakened to spiritual consciousness after hearing one word from his Guru.  That one word inspired him instantly to touch the higher consciousne...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Sat, 17 May 2008 03:39:00 PST


"Places not only speak through our writers, but ourselves. They define us, and we them. I have not been back to Tallahassee, Florida since 1987 when my father died, or nothing practical draws me there...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:19:00 PST

Fly! In Spite Of and Because Of!

My after forty face felt far more comfortablethan anything I lived with previously.Self-confidence was a powerful beauty-potion;I looked better because I felt better.Failure and grief as well as succ...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:02:00 PST

Meteors, Itchy Bottoms and a Skunk & Oh My!

Originally posted December 17, 2006 ::: Recently ::: Last  night I enjoyed a walk in the park with my little dog, Wiggles.   On my way back, I ran into a friend who was out on an early ...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

Tummy Boobs

And now for something entirely different.  May you each enjoy the humor found within this story. In the past I joined a competition that lasted 12 weeks.  I do fabulousl...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 07:15:00 PST

Your Truth is Abundance Personified!

Church has been, and was a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  As a young adult, I attended Calvary Chapel in Spokane Washington. I no longer attend church, nor do I believe in the wa...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:41:00 PST

Acceptance AS IS is ACTIVE Participation in LIFE

Acceptance AS IS is anything but a passive attitude, on the contrary, acceptance AS IS is settling for more (not less than) in all areas of my life. ~ ~ ~ ~ Acceptance AS IS is NOT an excuse to put up...
Posted by The Rose Within" on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:07:00 PST