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Fantasy Illustration| Beautiful Women Goddess Art|www.kathysart.com

About Me

Goddess art, fantasy art warrior women, Beautiful nude women , I paint them,I am an artist. I paint in several different styles that meet my mood. I also consider what the latest trends are. Lately I am working on an erotica, primal, nude art body (pardon the pun here) of work.
About my Self Portraits:
The "Primal Series", of a woman, me, not in her teens or even her 20's, is something that addresses issues important to a lot of women. Am I sexy? Am I pretty? Am I confident in who I am? Am I free to explore ideas, once hidden? So many questions answered for my own self and hopefully for other women my age, or any age for that matter.
I am not going to disappear just because I am not in my 20's or 30's or 40's.. wow. That is the way it has felt at times. Strange.
Mental notes of understanding who we are under the veil of who we hoped we would be as women or who we think we lost, are embraced by me within the cloak of all women.
Exploring that sexual side; embracing my own desires and trying to not just understand them but find out what they are! So many feeling for various reasons are pushed down and made incidental because society has claimed they should feel uncomfortable.
Finding any sense of rawness seems crazy past 40. But why? That is what I think I am finally concluding. As a lot of women get older they tend to feel themselves disappear. I am one. I see though through this whole series that I am working on, digging inside myself to find that essence of sexiness that is woman; hearing tiny cries from those emotions hid from my own self and letting them see the light of day is luscious! Its not about being defined by others as being sexy, letting others decide my fate in how I feel about myself.. its about ME accepting who I really am and having the confidence to bring it all out on canvas. To not only see it but embrace and shine in it.
I want reach deeper and find all the things about my own sexuality that have always been mine to know. I want to understand the passion I long to paint and comprehend what those emotions are.
Passion has a sense of violence about it, it is strong and it survives aggression. I don't want to paint passive art.. I want feel the obsession of lust inside its raw and primal pursuit. Within passion one finds a boldness full of enticing ambitions to grasp on to, that piece of your heart that presses you to go past the mark of a bystander, that spot you may have been told to stay put on.
It is not possible to feel apathetic when standing next to passion. I don't paint landscapes to hang above someone's couch, paintings meant to be a resting place for the mind? I want to paint feelings that one cannot dismiss. I hope to stir up feelings that overwhelm within the viewer as well as myself. It is not my goal to feel nothing but a sunny day or peacefulness, shiny trinkets that rest on walls that can be walked away from. I want to paint women who feel something. I paint myself as I define it and revel in the fact that I am made whole by my own journey of introspection.
I want to paint strength, sexuality, pain, power, a force of intensity, emotional qualities that generate a reaction. I don't want to paint the sky, I want to paint the dominance of the wind that caused it to be felt on ones skin, in the form of a woman. I pick up my brush or clay between my fingers and consider a certain belligerence, an attitude of confidence that meets the power I need to form an energy outside myself and I welcome it in. I paint or sculpt until I hear them breathing and their breath becomes my own.
I paint myself as I try to define the energy that is indeed my own sexuality but also all women whether they accept that part of themselves or not.
"Fantasy Art Women"
Fantasy art women
in your backyard
right where I left them.
Not to worry
I am sure they are still breathing
resting under covers of flower petals.
Fantasy women
who come out after dark
wanting to see if the tide has come in
if the ocean still roars.
They run to meet the bubbles
laughing through tears
hoping for magic
knowing it can be found
Fantasy art
I keep my canvas primed
ready for inspiration
holding out for passion
Last time I looked
my goddess' were singing
so I began to dance.
This fantasy art woman
Fantasy woman
art on every wall
has learned to dance and sing
from stories told on canvas.
Neglected at times
only a goddess might think so.
Jealous soul
I will hear my goddess say,
"Did you forget my voice?
My paintings are my heart."
The only answer possible
"No, not ever."
Innocent angels still wait
I draw them
keep them in my pocket
lest I forget their wings are fragile.
Lest i forget wings of my own.
I will forever hear their whispers
after every sunset
and before each sunrise
what else it there to do?
Fantasy woman
exotic pleasures
I hold out for that magic.
I paint and sculpt on rainy days
days that seem closed
yet days that mention flight
despite the weather.
Fantasy art women
drawings I hold dear
special efforts at times
for free fantasy art
mine for the giving
giving blessings.
Goddess art
I tried to call
left messages about my plans
watercolors meeting paper
oils meeting cotton and linen
clay meeting my fingers.
There were whimsical angels
inside every poem you wrote to me
I put them in a jar
and hid them till I felt ready
to hear their singing.
My fantasy
angel art.
My fantasy art women
passionate women
left out after dark
in your back yard.
20 January 2008
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
"Flashing Flesh"
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc.
547 West 27th Street
5th floor
New York, NY 10001
Between 10th & 11th Aves in Chelsea
November 29- January 12
Reception November 29 5-8 pm
Tell Bob I sent ya!
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen, a self taught figurative artist and illustrator creates from the heart and her imagination. Feminist surrealism surreal, goddess art, exotic women,beautiful women,enchanted fairies, she is a intelligent core visionary.
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen is very prolific in oils and paints everyday rain or shine, inspirations or none. Talent is developed by practice. Passion is aroused by that intention, which ultimately takes on a life of its own.
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen also does glass etching, watercolors, silk painting and sculpture to name a few of her mediums. Kathy also enjoys writing; poetry; stories and articles . She posts a lot of her writing on ezines* and her blogs.
Kathy illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book "Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much". She also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications.
Prior to being a full time artist Kathy owned and operated her own souvenir pottery business in Northern California. She had eight contracted workers and one full time shipper. Products were created, hand sculpt, wheel thrown and personalized to meet each clients specific needs. Her company shipped to most National Parks, Disney World, J C Penny and over 1000 specialty shops all over the US. After 20 years in the souvenir business she decided to focus on her painting and sculpting. In 1996 Kathy moved to Kauai where she lived for 8 years. In 2004 Kathy moved to the Big island of Hawaii where she and her husband and high school sweetheart Dennis now reside.
Her work is collected worldwide.
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen is represented by:
Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc.
547 West 27th Street
5th floor
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-216-0030

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen's "Primal Series" can be viewed at:

Sign up for my mailing list. I have FREE ART GIFTS just for signing up. Greeting cards, posters and giclees are available for sale. http://www.kathysart.com
My website is a journey of the creative spirit. It tells of the ups and downs of finding oneself while doing what is in the heart... painting, realizing, wondering. It is a trail for the inner child to wander on, who is somehow on the road to finding out the secrets available. Everything is there for the listening, just by taking pause. It is often painful and yet the rewards are without question worth the struggle.
*I write articles: Ezine Articles, they are # ONE:
Thank you so much Nicole Stevenson for my radio interview with you. You have such a wonderful way about you that it is easy to feel at ease. Blessings for that Nicole.
Check out my interview with Brian at My Art Space Blog
@ http://myartspace.com/blog/
Posted November 23
Art Space Talk: Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
FEEL FREE...to use my images of ART or poems on my blog (always keyword rich) to your profile. That makes me major happy!
Just be sure to give me credit and tell me you are doing it.
Fantasy Art Woman|Fairies in Art|Beautiful Women Goddess Art on Squidoo

This is my first and I would say my best Squidoo lens. I post some of my art and poems here as well as write about what inspires me.

My Interests

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Monkdogz on the back cover of Gallery and Studio Magazine for "Damez"

Obviously I like painting provocative women, I love all things felt with passion. When I paint it is the best world to be in. There are many sides to it though.

Sometimes I am free and almost throw the paint on the canvas as if in a frenzy, it is a dance. Other times my mood is more serene and contemplative.

My interests are in art and all sides of the psyche. I AM my art. I am a mermaid one day and a vixen the next or both at one time.

I am an artist struggling to understand my own motivations. My interests lie in that effort.


I'd like to meet:



Art minded people, lovers of the creative spirit come my way.

I believe that TALENT IS PASSION and DESIRE...the rest is practice.
I am as I have written self taught so practice is key. Practice and books along with trying to understand that inner connection.

Without passion there is no air for the artist to breathe.

PASSION... Ahh an enemy at times and yet my best friend and the base of my talent.

I believe in the art of passion, believers of the impossible being possible...come my way.

I paint female fantasy art, exotic women and map faery tale adventures of the soul.


Artist Statement:

I began my career at four years old in the back seat of my parents car, as they traveled the countryside looking for rainbows I suspect. I drew whimsical angel pictures and paper dolls with visions of an elegant tooth fairy that watched over me. I have been exhilarated and tormented by art ever since. I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night thinking about tiny angels and worlds unknown.

I paint and sculpt women primarily; in their daily lives; in lives they might be afraid of; and in lives they wish they had. I also dream of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies at my beck and call. My goal has always remained the same, to hear my subjects breathing and to know the passion I feel in my soul is met by theirs.

So I sing:

"Hold me close dear angel
muster up a little tune
and rock me like a serpent
that rises to the moon."

In every single one of my paintings my objective is to 'know them'. To let character reveal their own vision or message. I am often astounded as their presence unfolds and I am met with who they are. I then realize that who 'they' are defines me as well. My hope is that my paintings & sculptures relate to you.
"Circus" 48x36 oil, gold liner on canvas

Artists check out: .. .


I am just totally in LOVE with "CLING" and that is why I have them playing on my profile.. nothing seems to match my art and passion more than the song playing. Listen to it and watch my slide show... am I right?


Sooo GO AHEAD! If CLING would add pleasure to your site as well...

ADD THEM to your profile!

I would be more than flattered and so would CLING of course!

Want this badge?---------------------------
Pink Floyd is the greatest band EVER!
I love my husband Dennis' music.


Quirky Stuff. Fargo, Pulp Fiction. I also like chic flicks.. I am a girl after all!


Project Runway.. love that show!


Poisenwood Bible, The New Earth, Anything by Steinbeck or Herman Hesse.





My Blog

Enough is enough

Hi,If you missed the Democratic presidential debate on ABC Wednesday night, Editor & Publisher called it "perhaps the most embarrassing performance by the media in a major presidential debate in years...
Posted by kathysart.com on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:58:00 PST

Buried Roses Inside Whimsical Angle Pictures- Fairies Illustrations

Beautiful older women galleriesdear LilyI found your pictures there.Fairies illustrationsgothic angel artkept in a dust covered coffin.Roses in each whimsical angel pictures hand.Don't polish the rose...
Posted by kathysart.com on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:05:00 PST

The Story of the Week Positive Thinking? Eeek-This Week I am Undone!

"The Story of the Week Positive Thinking? Eeek-This Week I am Undone!"The story of the week positive thinking?I am undone.Positive thinking hypnosis cds?It feels ridiculous at the moment.Yet, where do...
Posted by kathysart.com on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:03:00 PST

Where Is Santa Right Now?

"Magic" 30x40x2 oil on canvas"Where Is Santa Right Now? Does Santa Go On Vacation? Or Stay Home At the North Pole? Humm"Where is Santa right now?Off for the summer is he?Does Santa take a holiday?What...
Posted by kathysart.com on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 01:10:00 PST

"A Goddess of Greek Mythology Met Me at My Gate and I Embraced Her"

~~*~~"A Goddess of Greek Mythology Met Me at My Gate and I Embraced Her"I wrote your name on a sidewalkwith the wax of a candle its potential litgave me insight.I had decided you were from my youtha g...
Posted by kathysart.com on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:10:00 PST

PLEASE Watch this... FOR YOU!

~~*~~PLEASE WATCH THIS!This is for YOU!You will think at times in watching this..... what does this have to do with me, or parts of this I already know, or I simply am not interested....PLEASE Watch t...
Posted by kathysart.com on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:59:00 PST

"Fantasy Art Warrior Women Who Dwell on Animated Faery Pictures & a Lusty Library"

"Fantasy Art Warrior Women Who Dwell on Animated Faery Pictures & a Lusty Library"I see fantasy art warrior womengoddess art surrounds meand so...paintings of womengothic art and a lusty library at t...
Posted by kathysart.com on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:27:00 PST

"From the Womb of God New Earth Does Form"

There are people so creative that they cause you to go off balance, my friend Chae is one of those people. She stirs a certain creativity in me that I seek... with a vengeance. Once in awhile I chec...
Posted by kathysart.com on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:59:00 PST

"An Art Fantasy Woman Folds Magic On the Top of a Hill"

I am an art fantasy womanI look behind cornersto find my self.I write about storiesI have lived and thusrelay them here for youtoday.The ground was hardit did not yieldit told another messagethis hear...
Posted by kathysart.com on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:37:00 PST

Sorrowful Garden Ornaments of Whimsical Angels and Saints

Sorrowful Garden Ornaments of Whimsical Angels and Saints There are garden ornaments of saintsgarden ornaments of whimsical angelsstatues of mothers and daughterssomewhere left inside these rose like ...
Posted by kathysart.com on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:44:00 PST