LadeePuPPette profile picture

LadeePuPPette ~...hanDmade fOr me...~oNe of a kind speCial orders in highfired cLay...

About Me

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...i eat, sLeep, dream and scream in clay, am dusty and grey...i play with fire everyday, and i have a ring round my face from my fingers have holes at the tips, and i weeze when eXcited...if you would like to view the process by which i sculpt each doll, belle, box...eTc.{slideshow...coming this winTer} please view the web ***ShOwing as of OcTober 4Th 2008, lateefah's latest of wOrk, or rather pleasure... at POETS GALLERY in new orleans LA...if you live here, come...if you do not...come hOme...if you are visiting, please enjOy my favourite ciTy, and spend some time in appreciative awe, and bloody amuse yourself...come plaY at 3113 Magazine street...come see my *"CRESCENT CiTY CIRCUS"* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POETS GALLERY 3113 Magazine street.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

href=" 9t" target="_blank">all who apply shant interest in the soundz of mUsic, tainted in a key of box babies, those of you who play with dolls and those of us who make them! any one who is part OR whole... sewing machine, sewing needle, sewing scissor... industial clay miXer, puGmiLL, gas kiLn or elecTrique... baLL joinTed... part music boX...voice module, cuckoo clock, whined up or push button operated, typewriter, pRojector, leXicon or phonogRaph... hinged, rusTed, twisted, mangLed or cRushed... armless, speechless or faithless...any resurrectionists, reanimators, puppTeers and their Puppets...anatomy models, breast self examination models, oculists, teratologists, cross examinations, reenactors, liVing doLLs, & exCeptional specimens in generaL. Visit the webPage:


*OFFENfukinBACH*1880-1891*...miNstrelLLLLLLLbaNjo.. ciViL war vaudeville performers... haRRy Reser...legendaRy baLLads...i'm never2marry... fly around my bleu eYed gal, bawDy BaLLads...sir beiDerbecke...sirs jopLin, laMb, and mOrten..roLL me in ragz, please!....heeavY caLLioPe... dvorak...ladees kane ,weLLs, holiday, callas,lyNN, gordon, west, deal, wallace, broX, etting, gLaDDen, baKer, poNselle, coX & piaF.....reD SaraFan...MINKA...proKofiev... FriedL FOrstner, & taLented yoDDlers alike..ANY ciRcus&marchinGscreamers....sandor laKatos, mr nyman & mr elfman... claRa rockmorE...lady Lovich...SouER SouRiRe.....turkish raDio.. ........................................are you stiLL dying,DarLing?. ...loVely ugLy bruTal world....deVotchKA!..VU.all tomorrows''re never fuLLy dressed without a sMile!...trux & collectives... the unBirthday sonG....sinGle gal.. favouriTe things...the old grey mare....thank heaven for liTTle girls...most music boXes...ahhhshittt...this is infiniTe, and i haven't aLL night....but tis enJoyable...


LiLi...any todd Browning...tiPPing the VeLvet...said aLice 2 the whIte rAbbIt....our gang infinity...dangerousbeauty...poison...onemoment...clashofthe tiTans...timebandits ...the elephantman...ironJawedangels...the7facesOFeve...prettybaby. ..*emPire of the sun*the wickermaN ...thecoLourpurpLe...henry&june...toUchofbLue...jeFFerso ninpaRis..prosperos'books.. LOnghOtsuMMer...nightonearth...thebrainwasher...cityoflostch ildren...huDsuckerproXyE. aiMee&jaGuar....marypoppins...rearwindOw...daddylonglegs ...fRiDa...ANNIE..paPermooN...tomorrow the world...VerTiGo...aclockworkorange...microcosmos...aliCeinwO nderlanD... loliTa...DogDayAfternoon...tess of the storm country...hotel...two donkeys for sister sarah...nightoftheliVingdead.heaVenly creaTures*..watershipdOwn...alices' adVentures in wonDerlanD...aLL lon chaney...raVenous...the w, the c, the thief&her lover...a japanese sTory...mary,mary quite coNtrary...babydoLL...norwegian dental hygiene puppet theatre...a taLe of two sisTers...lillies of the field...dOwnbylaw...noVembermOOn...the heart is deceitful above all things...most aLL japanese hoRRor, old&new alike...peRfume...sisTer*my*sisTer...edison...


TurnerClassiqueMovie ADDICTED (when afforded)...i can quit anytime i want to...


In Focus* woman of the Asylum* oxford dictionary * ladies of the lamplight * the potters' dictionary * J.W Waterhouse * brothels,bordeLLos&bad girls * websters' new world dictionary * bLack Spring * bordeLLos of Blairstreet * the WORD museum * ameriCa's wOmen...400yrs of dolls,drudges,helpmates&heroines *depraved&insulting english * aRt nouveau *the complete fairytales of brothers GriMm* the headless bust* uncle toms' cabin* thru the lOOking glaSS* uppity woman of the new WORld* basic french * FREAKERY culTural specTacles of the xtraordinary bOdY* secondseX*smithsonian*soileddoVes*EncyclopediaeAnatomica**fr eshwaTersnails* pitman's phoNographic phrase bOOk* the Revival of Death* liTTlebirds* naughty viCtorian handbOOk*the gOOd old days-they were terrible!*DEAth, a user's guide*the hisTory of american ceRamics*Alphonse mUcha, the spirit of Art Nouveau* the FOLD-OUT book of the human boDy*Elmer McCurdy...themisadventures in life&afterlifeofanamericanoutlaw*the reVival of deaTh *nymphos&oThermaniacs* dreaMersOFdecadence*deaThtoduSt*pondliFe*AutomatedAlice*play erpianO*2006 TIMES almanac*secOndsEx*feb06 issue naTional geo* bLOODMERIDIaN* the pEopleofjapan*the gOOd the bad and the mAd*OtherpOwers*HANDS*the weaker vessel* "5" QuaRts*encylopedia of southern cuLture v.ll*FiLLe de Joie*slammerKin*madam sarah*Klockit&van dyke catalogue*marrioneTTes*bodywOrlds*the grEEnwitch herbal*NoV.06NationalGeo*the victorians*the fasTing girl*zora neale hurstOn reader*iLIKEyOu*Naked*the pearl*the Lost Girls*MaXfield Parish1870..1966*motician diaries*thewHite*as above, so below*new orleans, mon amour*the puppet& the dwarF*theGirls*maX ernst*


any mermaid mommy...half pint & holly hoBBy...uPton sinCLair Alphonse muCha...tuRn of the ceNtury clay miners....mmmm yum...moLLy b'Dam...coRmac mcCarthy...the independent american farmer, koiTsukiHimE, american homesTeaders who ate, but did not slay...time travelers...amy sederiSss...*miNNie rOse...sLavojËœzizeK