Arts and education.
People that master the art of listening to others. A damn rare, rare thing...
I like very much. sometimes I prefer the silence. Thought silence is something I can't have at all...
The books I've read over and over and probably will read again: bandonion schule fuer 104 - bis 144toenige Instrumente; The man who calculated by Malba Tahan; Federico Garcia Lorca, obras completas; Thousand and one nights, arabic tales; Fictions, by Jorge LuÃs Borges; Journey to Ixtlan, by Carlos Castañeda; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, by lewis carrol; Dandelion Wine, by Ray Bradbury; The Wind's Twelve Quarters, by Ursula K. Le Guin; Time enough for love, by Robert A. Heinlein; The Open Work and Travels in Hyperreality, by Umberto Eco; Camera Lucida, by Roland Barthes; The white birds, by H.B. Yeats; O memorial do convento, by José Saramago; A Brief storie of everything, by Ken Wilber; Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, by Robert M. Pirsig; a couple of others I can't remember right now.
certainly not this guys in the picture, up for a violent demonstration as tibetan monks...