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split 7"ep with Language of Light
"The Red Hand Mark" CD
"Prophecies and Secrets: The Red Hand Mark in Dub" CDr
"ghost eye seeker" CD
"Wind Chant" vinyl sticker
"If you were to throw Neurosis, Earth, and Tabla Beat Science into a blender you would end up with Crow Tongue..." (Chris Jackson, Sputnik Music)
Crow Tongue began after tiMOTHy recorded the particularly apocalyptic album, "Hoofbeat, Caw, and Thunder" which found him singing about huge gatherings of crows he took for harbingers of the End Times. Having previously made music with the acid-experimental-folk band Stone Breath, tiMOTHy was seeking something new. Not a break from what he did before, but something that encompassed more of his influences (which range from Middle Eastern music to reggae to Doom), and represented a sound he has been hearing in his head for many years. The key to this was rhythms. At first he experimented with various drum machines and sampled beats, but the final vision became clear with the addition of Æ Hoskin on drums (both kit and hand-drums). Crow Tongue's live sound has been called everything from "a more tribal Neurosis" to "Appalachian doom." The band itself has no name for it - they worship the groove and the low end centered around Hoskin's rhythms and tiMOTHy's own homemade invention, the guimbri-banjo (a bass-like banjo made to be a more stage-friendly version of the Moroccan guimbri bass lute, played clawhammer style).