Rachel Space Diva! profile picture

Rachel Space Diva!

With Les Farfadais

About Me

This is to give an idea of my work as a singer with Les farfadais, a fabulous company of acrobats created by 2 brothers: Stephane and Alexandre Haffner. These people have changed my life! With them, I travel all around the world, (I've been to China 4 times, Thailand, Lebanon, Morocco, all around Europe...), perform on huge stages or for TV shows in the most impressive costumes, sing in the air and get admiration wherever we go!... In France, we've been on every TV Channel, on the news, and twice on the Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde, we've performed in Germany for "Stars In Der Manege" TV show, on different TV shows in Italy, on "Man Hunt International" TV show in China... It's just unbelievable!!! These young guys are making all my dreams come true! And we haven't finished dreaming yet!!!***. .

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My Interests

Our italian agent's promotion:
Mermaids - Les Farfadais
envoyé par lesfarfadais

I'd like to meet:

If you feel that you're from another planet... That somehow you don't quite fit in... That you're a soul that's not quite incarnated... If you're a dreamer, a lover of Beauty, a child at heart, an elfe... Then my friend, welcome into this wonderland, welcome into our fairytale, you may enter this fantasy!!!***


Anything magical, enchanting, anything that tells a story...


Edward Sissorhands, Big Fish, The Nightmare Before Christmas...


Alice In Wonderland, The Little Prince...

