HELLO EVERYONE! thanks for finding yourself here in my page. i do hope you all like what you are seing... although everyone seems happy with my works! :) some are even amazed and that alone amazes me more! i'm glad i somehow connected to some of you. as an artist, it means so much to me that my art is leaving an endelible(somehow) print to those who have seen it.
some, i think most of my works displayed here are creations during the killing of time, when there's just nothing else to do but fiddle with the pencil and paper that are readily available. most of these are doodles in some scratch paper and enhanced digitally.
the colors: a lot of people made comments on the colors i use. i don't really understand how it amazes them that i use this combinations, sometimes i think my selection is quite unique because of the massive comments that i get.
these colors usually reflect the current mood that im inwhen im doing an artwork. but generally i love COLORS! i love lots and lots of colors! the only coclors that i dont fancy are green and gray.
to all of you, THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME TO YOUR ACCOUNTS! i appreciate it so much! i didn't know, it was this easy to get famous! hahahaha joke! but please do forgive me if it takes me so long to add you, im really busy at work and when i approve an invitation i dont just add them, i want to make sure i visit your page and leave something in the comment box. i hope you understand. :)