Twink profile picture


sugar sugar made her feel ok

About Me

Site. I love my cats. They travel well and like to be held. I believe meat is murder. I am an animal lover. I post many animal rights bulletins. I have all my tshirts and jeans altered for me. Im learning Japanese, very slowly. I paint. I take lots of photos. I adore Cynthia Myers. Im always in heels. I collect vinyl and vintage playboys. Im addicted to youtube. I love redd kross. I pose even when im photographing other people. I laugh a lot. I say 'bless you' when my cats sneeze. I like to pretend I know how to use a camera. I dont do drugs. I wont kill spiders, or any other insect. Air cant put music out fast enough for me. I hate cold weather. I back comb way more than necessary. I have too much useless information on glam bands and b movies. I hope to get over my fear of flying so I can at least go to TOKYO. I wouldn't say im 'over it'. I am always looking to be inspired. I think I can cut hair. I really cant. Shane has to fix it. I like to open my big mouth and see how much I can get away with. If I dance in front of or with you, it means I like you. Everyone offers me star star- the love drag years in the long box. The older I get, the younger I act when I have to take medication. People come over, call, text, and email me to make sure I take my antibiotics when I have the flu. I own many vintage rock tees. I want to adopt a scottish fold. Im lucky to have an impressive group of people who watch out for me. I love them dearly. I love to find original horror movies from the 80's. I have a very large Ace Frehley action figure collection. I eat too much candy and drink too much soda. Its my vice. I love sad eye art from the 60's. I get quiet around new people. I need hugs and kisses. I don't like Tofurkey. However, I refuse to add to the suffering of animals. When I was little, I wondered why my mom was singing in the Fire Woman video. I tend to compare everything to nintendo. Planet of The Apes could be our future. I love glam but not into the people trying to pull it off now. I miss Arizona. I own too many KISS tshirts. I live on Sharky's tofu burritos, veggie sushi, aloo gobi, and chocolate silk. I tend to spend a lot of time observing people. I didn't vote for our president. I dyed my hair to look like jeff mcdonalds in the annies gone video but really, I think im one of the carrie nations. I am. Kirbys adventure is my favorite game. I am only on myspace, facebook, friendster, and MM. If you see me anywhere else, its a fake. ♥
Ive recently blocked friend requests from bands. I have too many on my list and i dont have time to "check you out". Ill only approve friends bands or bands I really like. If you qualify as one of those, then message me first, and ill add you.

My Interests

Kitties. Tokyo. Swingin' my hips. Elegance. Smoothies. Vintage shopping in Long Beach. Lime Perrier. Shag rugs and fireplaces. Bangs. Vegetarians. Biting. Wrestling. Samurai. Black cats. Jrock. Jpop. Harajuku. Tofu. Bruises. Gonpachi. Fashion. Wii. Roppongi romping. Sedona. Boys with bangs. Vinyl records. Vintage Playboys. Tambourines. Passing notes. Doing the Pony. Visual kei. Ginza streets. Cynthia Myers. 4am Texting. Dressing like Marie Antoinette. Movie nights. Pillow fights. Laying on the floor. Yura sama. Antibiotics. Wine. Flat irons. The desert. Dexter. Tare panda. Hugs and kisses to help me not be so angry. Being a hermit. Taking photos. Hiding behind my hair. Cherry blossoms. Skinny jeans. Lomographs. Avocados. Redd Kross videos. Smashing glass. Sleeping with cats. Loudermilk hair. Beatle boots. Polaroids. 1960's. Mod. n Jack White.

My boys ♥

I'd like to meet:

Any vegans, vegetarians, artists, photographers, models, aliens like myself, anyone creative and original. I have been lucky enough to meet all of my favorite people. Im quite blessed.♥




















Despairs Ray

The Kills



Dean Karr



Redd Kross


Melody Club







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and anyone who adopts from a shelter, a stray, or rescue organization. Millions of cats, dogs and rabbits are killed each year because they are not wanted. ♥♥♥

My Blog

we share apocalyptic views

today it actually rained in la. so i decided to stay in tonight and see if i remember how to relax. it has been a while.i was so upset after returning from tokyo. i didnt want to leave that city. the ...
Posted by Twink on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:29:00 PST

glum sugar plum

forever love. a night in, X records, a glass of wine and my paint are missed.andloved.always.~♥...
Posted by Twink on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:24:00 PST


so overwhelming, i don’t even know how to begin. there are really no words. i know im beyond blessed. until then, tell me what you thought, show me your photos... you can find mine in my Tokyo a...
Posted by Twink on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:47:00 PST

forever dream...

love eachother L.A.ill miss you...♥...
Posted by Twink on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:00:00 PST

im not unfaithful but ill stray

i have a love for taking photos.... pretty much those of you that continue to inspire me. &hearts...
Posted by Twink on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:15:00 PST

ask me

im home sick today so i thought id upload some photos and change some things around.ask me anything, and i will answer.♥
Posted by Twink on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:10:00 PST

theyre back....

Posted by Twink on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 12:51:00 PST

little lovers so polite..............

I wanted to thank you ALL for the most amazing messages, comments, texts, phone calls, and emails, on my birthday. It was honestly the best birthday I have ever had. I usually hate that day.. but we h...
Posted by Twink on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:41:00 PST

through every endless day

happy birthday mom...... ♥ ...
Posted by Twink on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

fever fever

ask me anything.....♥
Posted by Twink on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:43:00 PST