Frequently Asked QuestionsHow old does my pet need to be in order to be spayed or neutered?For many years, veterinarians were taught that cats and dogs had to be a year old to be spayed or neutered. Later, they were taught that six months was appropriate. Today we know that kittens and pups can be spayed or neutered at the age of two months (or two pounds). The American Veterinary Medical Association has endorsed this practice called Early Age Neutering; the animals recover more quickly from surgery when they are young. Today some vets will spay/neuter at eight weeks of age, while other adhere to the old practice of six months of age. The average age at which pets are spayed or neutered is four months. Will my cat or dog feel pain during surgery?Your cat or dog will be under anesthesia during surgery, and will feel no pain. You should keep the animal quiet after surgery while she or he heals. Dogs and cats should be kept indoors; dogs walked on a leash.Will my animal become fat and lazy after being altered? Your animal will not get fat and lazy after being spayed or neutered unless you feed him/her too much. To keep your pet healthy they should get regular exercise: walking for dogs, toys and scratching posts for cats.Where can I find spaying/neutering for rabbits?You should contact House Rabbit Society @