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I am here for Networking

About Me

Welcome to My Space!
New playlist on the go. Feelin' like Chillin'...
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Journalist, free-lancing after three years as correspondant in Paris (2004-2007) for the portuguese daily newspaper Jornal de Notícias , later on to Radio TSF and the weekly newspaper Jornal Sol - Had to come back "home". Unforgettable years, days and moments. For the meantime, will be using My Blog space on this page to archive a few articles. We'll see what will come up next [Don't we all have our "sabbatical" time?]. I have also been writting about Information Technology/Management in specialized magazines for the IT business sector since 2000. I love my editors-in-chief, namely the ones who stay for the posterity. I hate censorhip. I love the rationality of Politics and the politics of rationality. I have "an independent mind", some say.

It might have all started at the school theater, when I was 14... creative projects drove me into the film industry, where I did love to work with "Master" Walter Avancini, later on with my great friend Jorge Neves, film producer at Alfândega Films [http://www.youtube.com/alfandegafilmes].

Unfortunately, I was not a journalist when in California (1998/9), where I had the chance and the honour to meet so many good friends, most of them, musicians. A Different Universe. You can find some of them on My Favorites or as Friends. One of the greatest things I have lived in U.S.A. and with north americans, was that if we'd think of one project at one moment, on the next moment we were making it become true.

Am currently more focused on the family business and preparing new and interesting (for me, of course) middle and long-term projects. Have recently started to learn Arab with Sheik David Munir, in Lisbon, about to start Mandarin, in Lisbon as well, and moving on to finish the master degree (on "Information Warfare/Competitive Intelligence", at the Military Academy).

MySpace will be always changing, as well as its playlist. I Thank Júlio Pereira for having motivated me to jump into MySpace. This is an awsome Space.

Am eclectic and Agnostic (which make "things" harder) and curious by nature. Love to be in a mellow mood. Have lived too many workaholic years and stress or just too quickly. I Do Love Communication!

My calendar is just suggestions of places to go to, events to attend. Unfortunately I can't fly out for one show or be in several at the same time. If I could, I'd grab them all. I go to the ones I can...

Updated: Lisbon, May 30th, 2008

[Sobre Mim]

Bem-Vindo ao 'Meu Espaço'/MySpace!

Jornalista, actualmente em regime "free-lance", após três anos como correspondente em Paris (2004-2007), onde colaborei com o Jornal de Notícias , a Rádio TSF e o Jornal Sol - Tive de regressar a "casa". Anos, dias, momentos, inesquecíveis. Por agora, utilizarei o espaço de blogue desta página para arquivar alguns artigos, logo se vê o que se seguirá. [Todos temos o nosso período "sabático"]. Desde o ano 2000 que colaboro (dentro ou fora das respectivas redacções) com publicações na área das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC)/Gestão. Adoro os meus editores, sobretudo os que ficam para a posteridade. Odeio a censura. Adoro a racionalidade da política e a política da racionalidade. Tenho "uma mente independente", há quem diga.

Talvez tudo deva ter começado, quando aos 14 anos de idade alguns projectos escolares, nomeadamente o teatro, me conduziram à "indústria" cinematográfica, onde adorei, em particular, trabalhar com o "Mestre" Walter Avancini e, pouco mais tarde, com o ainda hoje meu grande amigo Jorge Neves, produtor na Alfândega Filmes , no Porto [ http://www.youtube.com/alfandegafilmes ].

Infelizmente, ainda não era jornalista quando vivi no Sul da Califórnia (1998/9), onde tive a oportunidade e a honra de conhecer, conviver, com muitos bons amigos, a maioria músicos, artistas. Um Universo Diferente. Pode encontrar alguns deles no meu espaço de "Favoritos" ou de "Amigos" ("Favorites" e "Friends", respectivamente, em inglês), na barra de topo desta página, ou mais abaixo. Uma das maiores experiências que vivi nos E.U.A. e com os norte-americanos, é de se ter uma ideia num momento e no momento seguinte estarmos todos juntos a torná-la real.

Actualmente mais focada no negócio de família e a preparar projectos novos e interessantes (para mim, claro), de médio e longo-prazo.
Começei recentemente a aprender Árabe com o Sheik David Munir, na mesquita central de Lisboa, dentro em breve iniciarei ('calmamente'... - sorriso) a aprendizagem de Mandarim e estou a caminho de completar mestrado (em "Guerra de Informação/Competitive Intelligence", na Academia Militar).

O "Meu Espaço"/"MySpace" há-de estar sempre em transformação.

Agradeço ao Júlio Pereira a motivação que me deu para entrar no MySpace.

Actualizado: Lisboa, 30 de Abril de 2008

My Interests

Movies, Music, Reading, Theater, All Forms of Art, Media, Sociology, Politics (geopolitics), Foreign Affairs, Economy, Information Technology, History... Travel, Cultural diversity... Family, friends, drawing and, of course, Writting!

[Interesses genéricos]
Cinema, Música, Ler, Teatro, Todas as Formas de Arte, Media, Sociologia, Política (Geopolítica), Relações Internacionais, Economia, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, História... Viajar, diversidade cultural... Família, amigos, desenhar e, claro, Escrever!

I'd like to meet:

[Quem gostaria eu de conhecer?]
Jesus Christ (Jesus Cristo); Voltaire; Baudelaire; Oscar Wilde; William Shakespeare; Albert Einstein; Ghandi; Fernando Pessoa; D. Sebastião; D. Afonso Henriques; Herberto Helder; Zeca Afonso; Stefan Zweig; Infante D. Henrique; Fernão de Magalhães (to be continued?.../a continuar?...)


[Música:] There should be an endless list here... how unfair not to mention all... here's some According to my current mind frame... [A lista seria imensa, aqui... quão injusto não mencionar todos... aqui ficam algumas preferências, de acordo com o meu enquadramento mental actual]: Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Jorge Palma, Zeca Afonso, Alfredo Marceneiro, Léo Ferré, Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, John Mayall, Chet Baker, Brad Mehldau, Herbie Hancock, John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman, Rabih Abou-Khalil, Mariza, Amália Rodrigues, Herminia Silva, Ravi Shankar, Lhasa, Gotan Project, Astor Piazzola, Júlio Pereira, Sérgio Godinho, José Mário Branco, Carlos Paredes, Dub, Roots, Liu Fang... you can check out my "favorites" as well. [Também pode ver os meus "Favoritos", na barra de topo da página].

[Música:]Some Musicians and artists I have been enjoying since ever, or new ones / Alguns músicos e artistas que tenho vindo a apreciar, desde sempre ou novos para mim:


[Cinema/Realizadores] Film Directors: Luchino Visconti; Rainer Werner Fassbinder; Vittorio De Sica; Roberto Rossellini; Elia Kazan, Satyajit Ray, Ozu, Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick... Favorite of all, so far, "Ludwig" (4 hour version), by Visconti


[Até à data, o "filme da minha vida" é "Luís da Baviera", versão integral de 4 horas, de Luchino Visconti]

One of my favorite movies, produced, directed and written by Jorge Neves, António (excelent portuguese cartoonist) with (incredible now!) Pedro Abrunhosa's creative soundtrack, The "New World":


Some of My Favorite Authors: William Shakespeare, Voltaire, Ernest Hemingway, Mircea Eliade, Charles Baudelaire, Italo Calvino, Sun Tzu, Umberto Eco, Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Herberto Helder, Fernando Pessoa, Florbela Espanca, Natália Correia, Kafka, Ignacio Ramonet, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Oscar Wilde, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Thomas Mann, Charles Bukowski, Stendhal, Pablo Neruda, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Herbert George Wells, Marquis de Sade, Michel Foucault, Charles Dickens, Henry Miller, Stefan Zweig, Eça de Queiroz, Julio Verne, etc... and technical or "scientific" (social sciences included) authors from different fields (the reason why I haven't read all the books I'd love to from this authors and others).


Nice and inspiring initiative. Gotta keep an eye on it:

My Blog

Communication Suggestions to Musicians and Artists

Dear "My Friends" from MySpace, I have noticed that many of you do forget to include very important details for the people who would love to listen to you and see you live. On the upcomming shows cale...
Posted by Sóni on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:15:00 PST

"How Many Roads Does MySpace Walk By"?

"The function that you are currently trying to use is disabled and will be back shortly.We are making some minor changes to this section, please bear with us until we can get this back online.Please d...
Posted by Sóni on Fri, 30 May 2008 03:28:00 PST

OECD and YouTube launch Future of the Internet initiative

OECD and YouTube launch "Future of the Internet" initiative "How can the Internet make the world a better place?" This is the question OECD is asking the public on YouTube, the leading online video c...
Posted by Sóni on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:19:00 PST


Weird... After having gone through so much, seen so much, lived so much... am missing Paris. Seing Paris as a second home for me. Found the Paris I was looking for a couple of months before leaving it...
Posted by Sóni on Wed, 28 May 2008 07:38:00 PST

Shameless Diplomatic Employees In My Country

You know, Whenever we go abroad we must stick to the laws of the country we visit, same way we must do in our own country. Today I came across with a shameless employee of an embassy who has his...
Posted by Sóni on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:12:00 PST

My relationship with music and arts?

Many people, mainly musiciens, have been asking me the reason why I have "this" passion for music and arts, to understand the reason why I live it all in such an intense and somehow recogniz...
Posted by Sóni on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:12:00 PST

Have I Disappeared?

Funny, When I started getting into MySpace, meeting artists and heading towards concerts and so on, also met artists that had a MySpace page... my friends and the world outside of MySpace thought I ha...
Posted by Sóni on Tue, 20 May 2008 12:48:00 PST

MySpace Friends and Horny People Around

Hello again, Seems am getting to the "fringe of my hairs", so I have to bring this subject up. Am I showing my boobies, ass or am I posing in sensual ways that state "am needing sex"? Do I have a...
Posted by Sóni on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:48:00 PST

About Top Friends

Dear MySpace friends (present, past and future ones), There's something amazing I found out here: People, Musicians, Demanding and Doing Everything To Be On My Top Friends. Crazy isn't it? It doesn't ...
Posted by Sóni on Tue, 13 May 2008 01:06:00 PST

Prendas bonitas (Camaradas Jornalistas)/Beautifull gifts (Colleagues/Journalists)

Obrigada Orlando! Estou emocionada com o teu gesto. Bonita prenda me deste. A confirmação da estima e do respeito profissional: http://altohama.blogspot.com/2008/04/porque-no-se-jornalista -seis-ou-set...
Posted by Sóni on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:07:00 PST