You are listening to Alan Watt of [ See this column down below for more information ]
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries".
– David Rockefeller, at the Bilderberg Conference, June 1991 in Baden-Baden, Germany
„Freie Presse: jeder darf lesen, was gedruckt wird.“
– Karlheinz Deschner in „Nur Lebendiges schwimmt gegen den Strom“
„So etwas wie eine freie Presse gibt es nicht. Sie wissen es, und ich weiß es [...] Nicht einer unter Ihnen würde sich trauen, seine ehrliche Meinung zu sagen. Die eigentliche Aufgabe des Journalisten besteht darin, die Wahrheit zu zerstören, faustdicke Lügen zu erzählen, die Dinge zu verdrehen und sich selbst, sein Land und seine Rasse für sein tägliches Brot zu verkaufen. Wir sind Werkzeuge und Marionetten der Reichen, die hinter den Kulissen die Fäden in der Hand halten. Sie spielen die Melodie, nach der wir tanzen. Unsere Talente, unsere Möglichkeiten und unser Leben befinden sich in den Händen dieser Leute. Wir sind nichts weiter als intellektuelle Prostituierte.“
– John Swainton, in den 60er und 70er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts Herausgeber der New York Times, in seiner Abschiedsrede. [ english/original quote ]
real alternative (non-gatekeeper) non-profit media , especially podcasts, if possible pirate and sometimes so-called
"free" radio.
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“Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion – in the long run, these are the only people who count.â€
– Robert Heinlein
Wikipedia über „Freie Radios“
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Podcasts: die neuesten Beiträge kostenfrei im MP3-Portal deutschsprachiger Freier Radios /// Podcasts: get latest broadcasts for free on the MP3 portal site of german independent/community radio stations
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„Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, dass sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.“
„Die Zensur ist die jüngere von zwei schändlichen Schwestern, die ältere heißt Inquisition.“
„Abonnenten sind nicht so leicht zu vertreiben. Es ist zum Staunen, was ein guter Abonnent vertragt.“
– Johann Nestroy
"Monkey see, monkey do"
– Old saying
S T R O N G L Y R E C O M M E N D E D : Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast – the distant past, the present and near future explained by Alan Watt: RSS Format | XML Format | more info on his official website
Alan Watt, author and historian, speaks on the global open conspiracy of the new world order elite by using their own documentation, which unveils a temporary police state leading towards a totally controlled society where every individual will have a chip implant... For much more information on Alan Watt including videos and an audio jukebox with dozens of hours of essential educational talks (blurbs) see this column down below . , , , Jones Report and /// Because there is a war on for your mind: Real alternative news and radio/TV show by US-american radio host, investigative journalist and filmmaker Alex Jones
Listen to The Alex Jones Show:
If you'd like to use the jukebox and playlist above, here's the link
Listen to Alex Jones' Infowars 24/7 radio livestream or subscribe now for free to his podcast , get essential documentaries, books etc. at
Infowars Radio Livestreams: Stream 1 (best quality) | Stream 2 (best quality) | Stream 3 (low bandwidth) | Stream 4 (low bandwidth)
Alex Jones predicts 9/11: Infowars Live TV Show, July 25, 2001 Poor quality, but an awesome historical document!!
More: Alex Jones Video Playlist
Deutschsprachige Sites: und
(dringend empfohlen!)
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außer atem Music Videos Jukebox:
100+ vids you normally wont see on corporate tube
Complete Playlist at
PJ Harvey about her song The Devil (from White Chalk, 2007)
PJ Harvey live, Oslo 2007: "The Devil"
tHAt sUrE cAnt be enOugh... heres much more Polly:
The PJ Harvey Video Jukebox
For the full PJ Harvey Playlist at YouTube click here
For much more selected videos switch to the außer atem YouTube channel:
And now for somesing completely different........
À bout de souffle?!? The future is unwritten – avanti...!! Actione:
Its science, not fiction – wake up and smell the fascism: Video jukebox on Chemtrails. Look up and realize – these are definitely no "condensation trails"...!!! (If this video jukebox does not work or you see other videos in a green box its due to "technical problems" at YouTube and of course only for your "safety and security"... – here's the playlist link )
Related (Thanks: Alan Watt ):
(I See Lines) Chemtrails Matrix Homepage
SUPERBOWL Superspray
MoD test of aerial spraying over Norwich
The Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments 1963–75
BBC Article – Inquiry into spray cancer claims
Aerosol Crimes & Cover Up: Clifford E. Carnicom
„Chemtrails & Gesundheit – Prophylaxe“ (Google Video, german dub, ca. 2007, 16 Min.)
„CHEMTRAILS, Haarp und Mind Control – Konferenz Bremen 2005“ (Google Video, 61 Min., in german language) Deutschsprachige Chemtrails-Webseite
Chemtrail-Forum Streifen am Himmel
Chemtrail Central
2007, by Dylan Avery (130 min.)Google Video link | Official website | article
This video has been
repeatedly deleted (censored) by Google Video, at the moment it is available again, alternative public viewing at (free DIVX browser plugin from needed, thanks: Pony Huetchen : ).
A 74 min. extract/preview of this documentary can be watched here .
The former LOOSE CHANGE SECOND EDITION (2006) can be watched here or here at Google Video/YouTube.
LOOSE CHANGE: FINAL CUT is a complete new 130 min. film made for cinema screenings!
Artikel: „Die ultimative Version des erfolgreichsten Dokumentarfilms der 9/11-Wahrheitsbewegung ist veröffentlicht†. Siehe hierzu auch die Diskussion auf . Eine deutschsprachige Fassung ist zur Zeit in Arbeit, eine professionell synchronisierte Version von LOOSE CHANGE SECOND EDITION gibt es hier bei Google Video . Siehe auch
(in german language).
Eine deutsch untertitelte Fassung dieses Films gibt es bei .
For much more videos on this topic switch to the außer atem YouTube channel:
"A World Free is not united. A World United is not free." – Anthony J Hilder, Free World Film Works,
2001, by Anthony J. Hilder, Free World Alliance (83 min.), website of Anthony J Hilder
Google Video link
"The most literate, illiterator East or West – the Best!"
– Ellen Burstyn on Anthony J Hilder
"You're right! We are witnessing the Nazi-ization of this Nation. More Rights & Freedoms have been lost in the last 120 days through Executive Orders & our cowardly Congress than were lost in the past 200 years. 'Illuminazi 9-11' tells it all in clear, precise terms. This is the beginning of World War III. Make no mistake about it."
– Gary Richard Arnold, Forum Republican, Congressional Candidate
2004, by Barrie Zwicker (70 min.)To watch this film at Google Video click here or visit the official website where you can download the whole PDF transcript . See also
Barrie Zwicker Comments:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
[...] In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons [...] who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world."
– Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda , 1928
2006, by George Humphrey (Part 1 of 2, 58 min.)
Click here to see part 2 at Google Video
Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones (2006, 45 min.) Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones, a BYU physics professor, who has scientifically proven that a special mix of thermite and sulfur and some other chemicals, known as thermate, was used to cut the WTC steel backbones. Thermate is widely used by the military and demolition companies as the cutting charges. (Description at Google Video )
"More terrorists are given training and sanctuary in the United States than anywhere on earth. They include mass murderers, torturers, former and future tyrants and assorted international criminals. This is virtually unknown to the American public, thanks to the freest media on earth."
– John Pilger
(2006, 99 min.) Google Video link
"Composed of two powerful speeches given the masterful Philosopher and Theologist Dr. David Ray Griffin at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco (4/3/06) and at The Grand Lake Theater in Oakland (3/30/06),
9/11: The Myth and The Reality exposes the official story of 9/11 for what it truly is: a sacred myth.
Throughout this incredible video, enhanced with forceful images and video segments, Griffin details nine of the most commonly held myths and misconceptions about the events surrounding 9/11 and with logical precision proves the fallacies of each one.
Each speech is followed by an in-depth question & answer section featuring hard-hitting questions about 9/11 posed to one of the subject's foremost scholars."
“It would not be impossible to prove, with sufficient repetition and psychological understanding of the people concerned, that a square is, in fact, a circle.â€
– Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister, Nazi Germany
By Aaron Russo (2006, Director's Cut, 111 min.) Official website: /// Eine deutschsprachig synchronisierte Fassung ist zu finden bei Google Video und bei , den Produzenten dieser Synchronfassung.
Interview with Aaron Russo ? , director of AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM, about fighting cancer and the New World Order (in full length, 69 min.)
Another 37-min. interview with Russo can be found at Google Video
Early Warning Signs of Fascism Powerful and continuing nationalism
Disdain for human rights
Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
Supremacy of the military
Rampant sexism
Controlled mass media
Obsession with national security
Religion and government intertwined
Corporate power protected
Labour power suppressed
Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
Obsession with crime and punishment
Rampant cronyism and corruption
Fraudulent elections
(Laurence W. Britt 2003)
The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini (printed 1933, PDF)
2005, by Alex Jones (in full length, 180 min.):
The film documents....
What the modern day police state looks like as thousands of peaceful protesters are forcibly detained at a Guantanamo style detention camp called Pier 57 during the 2004 Republican National Convention.
How multitudes of New Yorkers and others are fully aware of the fact that 9/11 was an inside job and are now actively exposing the people behind it.
Why the collapse of Building 7 is potentially the biggest smoking gun indicating government involvement in 9/11. Alex returns to the scene of the crime to physically dissect why the official story can be nothing else but a fraud.
The occult and satanic underpinnings of the ruling elite families and how their oath to secret societies and each other makes a mockery of their counterfeit pseudo-loyalty to America and what it is supposed to stand for.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's alarming and sordid past and why his intentions should unnerve us all in light of his fated future presidential run. A womanizing, egotistic, power-mad, imperious Nazi whose ideals are diametrically opposed to those represented by the founding fathers. (official description)
See also this MARTIAL LAW 9-11 fan site for much more information:
Eine deutschsprachig untertitelte Version ist zu finden bei
"A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny"
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
2007, by Alex Jones (in full length, 134 min.) /// Eine deutschsprachige, komplett neu synchronisierte Fassung der zweiten Edition ist zu finden bei
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
– Adolf Hitler
2002, by Alex Jones (in full length, 144 min.)
"Fascism will come to America, but likely under another name, perhaps anti-fascism."
– Huey Long, 1932
By Adrian Connock & David Shayler (ca. 2007, 41 min.)
"Documentary detailing the gaps in the official story of the 7/7 [2005] London Bombings that demand further attention. This film, presented by ex-MI5 whistleblower David Shayler, argues the need for an Independant Public Inquiry into 7/7 and the surrounding events." (description at Google Video )
You can download this movie here .
„Unsichtbar wird der Wahnsinn, wenn er genügend große Ausmaße angenommen hat.“
– Bertolt Brecht
2000, by Alex Jones (in full length, 123 min.)
Since 1873, the global elite has held secret meetings in the ancient redwood forest of northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include former presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and Clinton. The Bush Family maintains a strong involvement. Each year at Bohemian Grove, members of this all-male "club" don red, black and silver robes and conduct a bizarre, occult ritual worshipping a giant stone owl idol, sacrificing a human being in effigy to what they call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."(description at Google Video , slightly modificated)
By Alex Jones (2005, 43 min.)To commemorate the five year anniversary of his historic infiltration of the Bohemian Grove, the occult playground of the global elite, Alex Jones presents his newest film, The Order of Death
, an amazing and horrifying look into the rites and rituals of the modern day descendents of Babylonian mystery cults.
This new film delves deeply into the history of the Grove where powerful men make decisions that affect the world but are completely hidden from public scrutiny. The Order of Death
details how the Grove has been the backdrop for some of the most earthshattering events in human history including the development of the Starwars program and the Manhattan Project.
This video is copyrighted, but Alex Jones has permitted and encourged the distribution of these videos for non-profit, educational purposes. If you would like to help Alex Jones and/or have a hard copy, buy one from him by going through his website . It can be done online or through his office. (description at Google Video )
Eine Fassung mit deutschen Untertiteln gibt es hier bei :
Der Bohemian Club ist ein elitärer Privatclub in den Wäldern Nordkaliforniens in dem sich jedes Jahr hohe Funktionäre aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien treffen für alkoholisierte Partys mit (häufig männlichen) Prostituierten, für Geheimpolitik und schließlich für okkulte Rituale wie die „Begräbnis der Sorge“-Zeremonie, die im Jahr 2000 in voller Länge mit versteckter Kamera gefilmt wurde.
Sehen sie wie Mitglieder des Groves, lokale Protestler und die Massenmedien reagiert haben in den vergangenen 5 Jahren seit Jones' Infiltrierung des Bohemian Grove Clubs. Außerdem gibt es neue Videoaufnahmen aus dem Grove, welche ein Mitarbeiter heimlich in der Anlage gedreht hatte; u.a. Innenaufnahmen vom Molech-Steingötzen und Aufnahmen jenes Holzhäuschens, in dem einst der Bau der ersten Atombombe geplant wurde. (
For hundreds of more hand selected videos see the
außer atem YouTube channel playlists
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Watch Alex Jones' latest film,
ENDGAME: BLUEPRINT FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT right now in our blog section and
please consider to support Alex Jones and his team by purchasing a DVD copy and/or subscribing to .
"Endgame is not conspiracy theory, it is documented fact in the elite's own words." (Alex Jones)
The naked horrible truth is out, so now its up to YOU to decide what your consequences will be...
Deutschsprachige Info über
Endgame von
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
JORDAN MAXWELL: "THE INNER WORLD OF THE OCCULT" (January 2002, in full length, 180 min.) [ Google Video Link ]
"Jordan Maxwell: Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols)" (Google Video, 1993, 117 min.)
Jordan Maxwell and Jason Whitney: "The Occult World of Commerce" (Google Video, 67 min.)
"It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison, and yet not free – to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and act as the representatives of the national state, or of some private interest within the nation, wants him to think, feel and act.
The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective."
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 1958
Video jukebox on government mind control, its victims and their abusers: sex slaves (not only) in the White House...!!! Read
TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave (1995) by victim Cathy O'Brien (with Mark Phillips):
"TRANCE Formation of America is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John... 'and the truth shall make you free.' This statement, like the agency, is total reality. The building that it is engraved upon houses the world's most successful manufacturer of lies to facilitate psychological warfare.
Through the courageous efforts of Mark Phillips (internationally recognized expert in mind control and deprogramming), Cathy was rescued from certain death and then began the long reconstructive journey back to 'wholeness'.
Cathy's words strike deep in the heart of the beast and reveal the cruel, murderous world of mind control in all of its ugly facets, exposing many famous people, particularly in the high-flying worlds of politics and music. Cathy's recall is so well articulated that even the most skeptical minds will be forced to recognize that MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Control is not a theory, but an ugly reality." ( )
Read/download a free PDF version – another link censored by MySpace, copy/paste:
mation_of_america.pdf – or support Cathy and Mark by buying their book on their website.
Dozens more vids on mind control on the
außer atem YouTube channel
(1994, 55 min., never aired on TV due to political censorship!!)"
Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.
Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.
At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.
A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John DeCamp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.
See for yourself..." (description by Choad666 at YouTube )
See also:
The Franklin Cover-Up – Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1992, 1996; ISBN: 0-9632158-0-9) [ Download PDF (2nd Edition, 1996) ]
[ Report broken links/MySpace censorship ]
Playlist link and more information
RING OF POWER (2007, documentary by AmenStop Productions):"The source of most if not all our woes, revealed (from the present to the past): Connecting the dots through ~3000 years of revisionist human history, spanning from the time of the pharaohs, all the way up to the present dynasties creating the New World Order, in a quest to perfect the enslavement of mankind. From pirates to banksters, to the ruling elite, who run the world's finances, the media and cover both side of nearly every conflict or war: the world may make more sense after watching this.
About the Producer: As a child, she had many arguments between her parents over her father's ring, inscribed with 'G', a compass and square. At a later age, years of intensive research led her to the identity, history and plans of a power 'so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive' that even the known 'leaders' of the world are careful not to speak in 'condemnation' of it." (description at YouTube)
See also: Red Ice Creations, , for details and two Google Video versions of this documentary (144/160 min.).
Gigabytes of documentaries, radio shows, eBooks and Audio Books for your education for free instant download here: Get it NOW, as long as the internet's not completely censored or shut down by Pentagon's "Internet 2" and SPREAD THE WORD, time is running out...!!!
Legal: "information for non-commercial educational purposes only, see copyright information".
For much more selected videos check out the außer atem YouTube channel:
Television: most cases makes you terribly dumb.
How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry (short documentary, 4 min.)
Thanks: redneck0z / Blake
Artikel: „Wie TV Frauen zerstört“
außer atem Anti-TV Jukebox: 90+ videos you normally wont see on corporate tube
For the full playlist at YouTube click here
For much more illuminative Anti-TV switch to the außer atem YouTube channel where you can find hundreds more videos, many of them hand selected:
„Die Bildqualität ist armselig, der Ton sehr schlecht und das Programm wird mit Werbespots zugemüllt. Die aber immerhin von besserer Qualität sind als die Sendungen selbst. Es ist ein Medium, das einen intellektuell abtötet, es homogenisiert die Welt auf einer Nullebene.“
– David Lynch
Dear kids * children: please...! NEVER try this at home, tubes are
always dangerous and poisonous objects, especially the very moment you smash them. Let daddy or mommy do this, record it on video and upload /send it to ( :
(* kids = baby goats = the "elite's" own word for children...!!!)
Dont hate the media... become the media, join the infowar,
...and other reading:
„Auf ein lesenswertes Buch kommt eine Myriade beschmutztes Papier“
– Arthur Schopenhauer
"The best book is the omitted"
– Walter Serner
For example these gems:
The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power by Joel Kramer & Diana Alstad (
Masken der Macht , ISBN 3-86150-335-2 for the german edition) –
highly recommended!
Download Joel Kramers and Diana Alstads
The Guru Papers Post 9/11 for free: Click here for PDF or use this URI:
Download the whole chapter
Oneness, Enlightenment and the Mystical Experience for free: Click here for PDF or use this URI:
Die Fälschung der Welt ) by William Gaddis
Free download of essential eBooks, documents (and some disinfo) at
Very interesting pages:
"The Timeline to Tyranny: Ten advances towards the end of freedom and privacy in the United States" by Paul Joseph Watson, August 7, 2007
„Globaler Krieg: Grossbritannien und Deutschland sollen zu faschistischen Polizeistaaten transformiert werden“, von Daniel Neun, Radio Utopie, 2. Juli 2007 (in german language)
"Neo-Cons: Make Bush Dictator Of The World: Maniacal right-wing Family Security Matters organization, which has ties to Cheney, Rumsfeld and Perle, carries screed that calls for Bush to declare martial law, become emperor of the planet, lifetime president, and ethnically cleanse Iraq by means of nuclear genocide" by Paul Joseph Watson, August 17, 2007 /// in german language: „Neokonservative: Macht Bush zum Diktator der Welt. Die Organisation Family Security Matters, welche Verbindungen zu Cheney, Rumsfeld und Perle besitzt, fordert die Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts, die Ernennung Bushs zum Weltdiktator und Präsidenten auf Lebenszeit, sowie die ethnische Säuberung des Iraks durch einen nuklearen Genozid“, (Übersetzung), 17. August 2007
„Die drohende Diktatur – nur ein Schauermärchen?“ – von Gedankenverbrecher, Infokrieger Blog, 20. Oktober 2007 (in german language)
„Mann, der Operation Gladio enthüllt hatte, erzählt Italiens größter Zeitung, dass die [9/11-]Anschläge von der CIA und dem Mossad gesteuert waren: Der ehemalige Präsident Italiens und der Mann der die Existenz von Operaton Gladio enthüllt hatte, Francesco Cossiga, erzählte Italiens meistrespektierter Zeitung dass die 9/11-Anschläge von der CIA und dem Mossad gesteuert waren und dass dies den Geheimdiensten weltweit bekannt sei.“
Prison Planet | | Corriere della Sera , 30. November 2007 ff.
Siehe hierzu auch: „Ex-Präsident von Italien: CIA und Mossad verübten 11. September“, Daniel Neun, Radio Utopie, 6. Dezember 2007 (in german language)
"Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job. Man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad", December 4, 2007, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
„Netanyahu sagt, dass 9/11 gut für Israel gewesen wäre: Ehemaliger Premierminister und Zionist des rechten Flügels begrüßt Anschläge“, 16. April 2008, Steve Watson, / (in german language)
„Ist dieser dekorierte CIA-Veteran mit 20 Jahren an Erfahrung verrückt, wenn er sagt, 9/11 sei wahrscheinlich ein Inside Job? Establishment-Apologeten haben es schwer, den hoch angesehenen Geheimdienst- und Außenpolitikexperten Robert Baer anzugreifen“, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, 5. November 2007 (in german language)
Offizielle 9/11-Untersuchungskomission ignorierte die Aussagen eines Feuerwehrmanns über Explosionen im World Trade Center“ – Artikel und 49-minütige Zeugenaussage auf Video, 9. August 2007 (article in german, 49-minutes testimony video in english language)
"Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job", July 31, 2007 /// in german language: „Irakkriegsveteran und erfahrener Abrissexperte entlarvt 9/11 Inside Job: ,Damit die Türme auf diese Weise in fast Freifallgeschwindigkeit einstürzen, hätten über 110.000 unterschiedliche und unabhängige Stützpunkte der Gebäudestruktur gleichzeitig versagen müssen'“, 31. Juli 2007
"Ted Olson's Report of Phone Calls from Barbara Olson on 9/11: Three Official Denials", by David Ray Griffin,, April 1, 2008
"Confessions of a Covert Agent",, November 27, 2007
„Operation Northwoods – Ein Plan für False-Flag Terror“, DaRockwilda,, 23. Juni 2006 (in german language)
"White House preparing to stage new September 11 – Reagan official", July 20, 2007 (RIA Novosti): "A former Reagan official has issued a public warning that the Bush administration is preparing to orchestrate a staged terrorist attack in the United States, transform the country into a dictatorship and launch a war with Iran within a year."
„Alle Wahrheit durchläuft drei Stufen. Zuerst wird sie lächerlich gemacht oder verzerrt. Dann wird sie bekämpft. Und schließlich wird sie als selbstverständlich angenommen.†– Arthur Schopenhauer
"If you’re not turned on to politics, politics will turn on you" – Ralph Nader*
„Politische und gesellschaftliche Wahrheiten hinter und zwischen den Meldungen der Massenmedien zu finden, ist nicht mehr nur schwer – es wird fast unmöglich. Gehaltvolle Reportagen, Berichte und Kommentare mag es vereinzelt in den Medien geben, genauso, wie es zwischen vielen schwarzen Schafen immer noch einige aufrechte Journalisten gibt, die ihrem Berufsstand alle Ehre machen. Aber das ist leider die Ausnahme.
Immer augenscheinlicher zeichnet sich ab, dass die ,bürgerlichen‘ Medien Wahrheiten verschweigen oder ihre Leser falsch und irreführend informieren. Angesichts der zunehmenden Konzentration von Presse, Rundfunk und Fernsehen in den Händen einiger weniger Konzerne lässt sich ein gezieltes Interesse dahinter mehr als nur vermuten.
,Offizielle‘ Nachrichten zu hinterfragen und durch Gegeninformation tatsächliche politische Hintergründe zu erklären, sind eine Vielzahl Blogs, Webseiten und Nachrichtenportale angetreten. Einige von ihnen haben auf dem Gebiet der Gegeninformation im deutschsprachigen Internet wahre Pionierarbeit geleistet und die Anzahl dieser Seiten wächst ständig.
Politblog ist im Laufe von nur einem guten Jahr zu einem der meistgelesenen Blogs im deutschsprachigen Internet geworden. Mit seiner oft exponierten politischen Position gewinnt Politblog immer mehr Leser, die auch die offene Debatte in den Kommentaren zu den einzelnen Artikeln schätzen.
Das journalistische Angebot soll in dem Rahmen, wie Politblog wächst, breiter werden. Als erstes wird Politblog ab Mitte November 2007 wöchentlich eine Interview- und Diskussionssendung mit prominenten Gesprächspartnern live im Internet übertragen (streamen). Dossiers zu wichtigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Themen sind zum Teil bereits in Arbeit und werden das Angebot für die Leser erweitern.“ – Fortsetzung des Artikels
* „Wenn ihr euch nicht der Politik zuwendet, wird sich die Politik gegen Euch wenden“ (Ralph Nader)
„Der EU-Vertrag: Illegal, nichtig, nicht einmal bekannt“, Daniel Neun, Radio Utopie Blog, 24. April 2008 (in german language)
„Wie frei ist die Meinungsfreiheit? Beeinflussung der öffentlichen Meinung in den westlichen Demokratien durch Geheimdienste und Lobbyisten“, Vortrag von Andreas von Bülow (Ex-Bundesminister und Mitglied der parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission für die Nachrichtendienste, Autor u.a. von Im Namen des Staates), 2007 (in german language)
„Wolfgang Schäuble redet über Blogger und Qualitätsjournalismus“, Mein Parteibuch Blog, 30. April 2008 (in german language)
"Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."
– Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
„,Konsens' liegt in Scherben: Laut bedeutender wissenschaftlicher Studie ist die globale Erwärmung natürlich. Versuche, CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren seien ,sinnlos' da die Sonne hauptsächlich verantwortlich wäre“ , Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet , 11. Dezember 2007/ (in german language)
„Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der UN: Mehr als 100 Wissenschaftler haben einen offenen Brief an den UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon geschickt, in dem sie vor einer falschen Klimapolitik warnen und sagen, die Einführung einer globalen CO2-Steuer ist schädlich. Diesen Brief sollten alle lesen die wissen wollen was wirklich mit unseren Klima los ist.“, Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 14. Dezember 2007 (in german language)
„Julian Huxleys Umwelt-Eugenik-Agenda enthüllt während australischer TV-Debatte über den Dokumentarfilm Der große Erderwärmungs-Schwindel. Agenda der Umweltschutzbewegung ist Eugenik, Landaneignung und Bevölkerungskontrolle“, Aaron Dykes/, 8. August 2007: „Im australischen Fernsehen fand kürzlich eine Debatte statt über den Dokumentarfilm The Great Global Warming Swindle (der große Schwindel mit der Erderwärmung), welcher die These kontert dass Menschen verantwortlich wären für eine weltweite Krise durch steigende Temperaturen.
Ein Frau ergriff die Initiative und sprach die Ursprünge und die Agenda der modernen Umweltschutzbewegung an:
,Ich möchte die Debatte kurz in eine andere Richtung lenken; ich meine wir debattieren hier die Wissenschaft aber wir haben noch gar nichts besprochen über die Glaubwürdigkeit der Umweltschutzbewegung. Die Umweltschutzbewegung wurde von Sir Julian Huxley geformt, er war der Gründer der Eugenik-Gesellschaft, des WWF und diese anderen Organisationen sind Ableger dieser Eugenik-Gesellschaft. Dies hat riesige Auswirkungen für die Entwicklungsländer. Ist dies die Absicht hinter dem Betrug der Umweltschutzbewegung mit der Erderwärmung?'“ – Fortsetzung des Artikels und Video: (in german language)
„Regierungswissenschaftler schlagen ,Geo-Engineering' für die obere Atmosphäre vor: Hängen Forschungen zusammen mit den Berichten über Chemtrails in den vergangenen 10 Jahren?“, Paul Joseph Watson,, 10. April 2008 (in german language)
[ Report broken links/MySpace censorship ]
„Freimaurer im Parlament: Der Autor Guido Grandt, dessen gerade erschienenes Buch ,Schwarzbuch der Freimaurerei' [ISBN-10: 3938516550; ISBN-13: 978-3938516553] für Aufsehen sorgt, führte ein Umfrage zur Freimaurerei in deutschen Parteien, dem Bundestag und den größten österreichischen und schweizer Parteien durch, welche in der Ausgabe 6/2007 des Magazins Mysteries erschien. Das Ergebnis ist erschreckend, denn die meistens Parteien geben sich sehr zurückhaltend und verweigern sogar die Stellungnahme zu Grandts gestellten Fragen.“ – von soulkeeper,, 20. November 2007 (in german language)
Siehe auch Buchbeschreibung bei
„Eine Putschstrategie. Die Extremisten um Bundesinnenminister Schäuble schüren die Terrorhysterie, um die Grundrechte weitgehend beseitigen zu können“, von Jürgen Elsässer, 27. September 2007 : „In dem Film V wie Vendetta aus dem Jahr 2006 hat sich die älteste Demokratie der Welt in eine Diktatur verwandelt: Im Großbritannien des Jahres 2018 schlägt Big Ben noch brav die Stunden, die BBC sendet weiter Nachrichten und Musik, im ehrwürdigen Parlament streiten Abgeordnete – doch all das ist nur noch Lüge und Fassade.“ (in german language)
„Wohnungseinbrüche als Staatsräson: Manche Äusserung zum BKA-Gesetz (,Online-Durchsuchung') trägt staatsterroristische Züge“, von Daniel Neun, Radio Utopie Blog, 17. April 2008 (in german language)
USA: „Kinder werden als Spitzel gegen die Eltern eingesetzt“, von Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 4. März 2008 (in german language)
„Wie man ein Terrorkomplott verhindert, in 7 einfachen Schritten“, von Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 6. Juni 2007 (in german language)
„Grossbritanniens Weg in den Polizeistaat“, Schall und Rauch Weblog, 15. November 2007 (in german language)
"Pentagon Secretly Goes To War With The Internet: New $30 Billion 'electronic Manhattan Project' underway to prepare military and federal government for all out cyberwar", May 6, 2008, Steve Watson,
„Internet als Terrorcamp: BKA-Chef Ziercke setzt noch einen drauf“,, 21. November 2007 (in german language)
"The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet: Total regulation rules are close at hand, a new internet will kill free speech and weed out anything deemed 'inappropriate', by Steve Watson,, May 2, 2006
"Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer: Big government pushes for total taxation and restriction on the last great outpost of free speech", by Steve Watson, June 4, 2007
„Globale Elite plant den Tod des freien Internets und die Schaffung eines rundum besteuerten und zensierten Netzes an dessen Stelle: Internet-Benutzer würden nach dem Willen der Mächtigen bald unter chinesischen Zuständen surfen; das Netz soll von einer Bastion der freien Meinungsäußerung zu einem Panopticon werden“, Paul & Steve Watson, Prison Planet/Alexander Benesch,, 18. August 2007 (in german language)
„Provider verändern Netzdaten – Das manipulierte Netz: Laut US-Forschern verändern einige große Internet-Provider den Datenverkehr im Netz, bevor er den Nutzer erreicht – etwa, um Werbung einzuschleusen“, Ben Schwan, taz, 17. April 2008 (in german language)
„Zur Geschichte der Mediensteuerung“, Mein Parteibuch/ Radio Utopie Blog, 8. April 2008 (in german language)
[ Report broken links/MySpace censorship ]
"MySpace Censors Anti-War Websites. Prison Planet blocked as the model for government regulated Internet 2 gets a dry run", September 25, 2007, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet: "Rupert Murdoch's MySpace has been caught in another act of alternative media censorship after it was revealed that bulletin posts containing links to Prison were being hijacked and forwarded to MySpace's home page. MySpace has placed Prison Planet on a list of blocked websites supposedly reserved for spam, phishing scams or virus trojans. It has been apparent for at least two weeks that all bulletin posts containing links to Prison Planet were being censored but we decided to wait and see if it was just a technical error before drawing any attention to the problem." […] – full article at
space_censors.htm (Note: they did the same with the german equivalent,, außer atem, January 2008)
„Das ,Dark Web Project’: Wortschatzanalyse, Grammatik-Stil und der Anschlag auf der Computertastatur hören sich an wie Überwachungsmethoden der Zukunft, oder aus einem Hollywood-Film. Nein, sie sind die Gegenwart! Die in Deutschland stark umstrittene und heiß diskutierte Online-Durchsuchung ist im Vergleich zum ,Dark Web Project’ des Artifical Intelligence Lab an der University of Arizona lediglich die Spitze eines Eisberges und wirkt wie Laienwerk bei der Überwachung von terroristischen Aktivitäten im World Wide Web.“ – von blaze,, 23. Oktober 2007 (in german language)
„Achtzig bis neunzig Prozent der Menschen müssen vernichtet werden.“
– David Rockefeller, Sponsor Merkels, am 16.6.06 auf der Bilderberger-Konferenz in Kanada
"Saddam Offered Exile, But Neo-Cons Unleashed Carnage Anyway: What could have been saved? A trillion dollars, a million lives, the global reputation of the U.S. – but that wasn't the plan", September 27, 2007, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet /// in german language: „Saddam hatte Exil angeboten, Neo-Cons erlaubten trotzdem Blutbad: Was hätte alles erhalten werden können? 1 Billion Dollar, 1 Million Leben, der weltweite Ruf der USA – aber das war nicht der Plan“, 27. September 2007, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
"Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children. The 'horror of the shrieking boys' gets a rubber stamp from the boot-licking U.S. Congress & Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship", September 29, 2006, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison
"Torture Bush Repeatedly, Says Washington Post Editor", October 8, 2007
„Kindersex wird zum Millionen-Geschäft“, 7. März 2008, Detlef Drewes, Aachener Zeitung (in german language)
„Der atomare Holocaust kommt schleichend – ein Interview mit Leuren Moret: ,Depleted Uranium' – eine globale radioaktive Verseuchung“, 9. Oktober 2007, Die Worschula, (in german language)
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
– David Rockefeller
„Parlament wusste von Spionage gegen Unschuldige durch Länderpolizei“, 18. April 2008, Radio Utopie Blog (in german language)
"Dragonfly or Insect Spy? Scientists at Work on Robobugs" , by Rick Weiss, October 10, 2007, Washington Post: Vanessa Alarcon saw them while working at an antiwar rally in Lafayette Square last month.
"I heard someone say, 'Oh my god, look at those,'" the college senior from New York recalled. "I look up and I'm like, 'What the hell is that?' They looked kind of like dragonflies or little helicopters. But I mean, those are not insects. […] – full article at
ork_on_robobugs.htm (if link doesnt work, its due to MySpace censorship and youll have to copy/paste the URL)
„Strafanzeige wegen Hochverrat!“, von Gert Flegelskamp, Offenbach/Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 2. April 2008 (in german language)
„Der häusliche Unterricht in Deutschland verboten“, von Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 25. Februar 2008 (in german language)
"All UK 'must be on DNA database'", BBC, September 5, 2007: "The whole population and every UK visitor should be added to the national DNA database, a senior judge has said."
Bilderberg Group: „An alle G8-Gegner, ihr seit am falschen Ort!“ [sic], von Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 31. Mai 2007 (in german language)
„Kissinger in Istanbul zur Bilderberg Konferenz“, von Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 1. Juni 2007 (in german language)
Bilderberg Group: "'Murio la Verdad' – Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005" by Daniel Estulin , May 27, 2005
„Mal wieder in privater Runde plaudern: Zeitgleich mit George W. Bushs Staatsbesuch trifft sich die dubiose Bilderberg-Konferenz 2004 in diesen Tagen in Italien“, 5. Juni 2004 (article about the Bilderberg Group in german language)
„Kanadische Militärpolizei entführt und foltert Beobachter der Bilderberg-Konferenz. Die Polizeibeamten drohten während eines sechsstündigen Verhörmarathons, ,Arme abzuschneiden'“, 29. Juni 2006 (in german language)
"Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the Available Evidence" by Terry Melanson
„Kissingers Geheimtreffen mit Putin“, Freeman, Schall und Rauch Blog, 19. Juli 2007 (in german language)
„Warum werben die Rechten für den Dokumentarfilm Loose Change?“ –, 27. Juli 2007 (in german language)
„Bundesagenten trainieren Kirchenführer um ,Widerspruch während dem Kriegsrecht zu unterdrücken'“, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet/, 16. August 2007 (in german language)
The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchabel works of classic literature /// "Bringing the wisdom of the classics to the Internet since 1994"
(A rather incomplete) "list of banned books" (Wikipedia)
"Index Librorum Prohibitorum ('List of Prohibited Books')"
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
List of think tanks
"Skull and Bones" aka "The Brotherhood of Death", one of three secret societies based at the private Yale University, New Haven, ConnecticutBook Excerpt: The Legend of Skull and BonesSometime in the early 1830s, a Yale student named William H. Russell – the future valedictorian of the class of 1833 – traveled to Germany to study for a year. Russell came from an inordinately wealthy family that ran one of the United States' most despicable business organizations of the nineteenth century: Russell and Company, an opium empire. Russell would later become a member of the Connecticut State Legislature, a General in the Connecticut National Guard, and the founder of the Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven. While in Germany, Russell befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death's head as its logo. Russell soon became caught up in this group, itself a sinister outgrowth of the notorious eighteenth century society of the Illuminati. When Russell returned to the U.S., he found an atmosphere so anti-Masonic that even his beloved Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society, had been unceremoniously stripped of its secrecy. Incensed, Russell rounded up a group of the most promising students in his class – including Alphonso Taft, the future Secretary of War, Attorney General, Minister to Austria, Ambassador to Russia, and father of future President William HowardvTaft – and out of vengeance constructed the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known.
The men called their organization the "Brotherhood of Death," or, more informally, "The Order of Skull and Bones." They adopted the numerological symbol 322 because their group was the second chapter of the German organization, founded in 1832. They worshipped the goddess Eulogia, celebrated pirates, and covertly plotted an underground conspiracy to dominate the world.
Fast forward 170 years. Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members to the most powerful political position in the world. And its power is only increasing – the 2004 Presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society now, as one historian admonishes, is "'an international mafia' . . . unregulated and all but unknown." In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, Skull and Bones has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years.
Skull and Bones cultivates its talent by selecting members from the junior class at Yale University, a school known for its strange, Gothic elitism and its rigid devotion to the past. The society screens its candidates carefully, favoring Protestants, or, now, white Catholics, with special affection for the children of wealthy, East Coast Skull and Bones members. Skull and Bones has been dominated by approximately two dozen of the country's most prominent families – Bush, Bundy, Harriman, Lord, Phelps, Rockefeller, Taft, and Whitney, among them – who are encouraged by the society to inter-marry so that the society's power is consolidated. In fact, the society forces members to confess their entire sexual histories so that Skull and Bones, as a eugenics overlord, can determine whether a new Bonesman will be fit to carry on the bloodlines of the powerful Skull and Bones dynasties. A rebel will not make Skull and Bones; nor will anyone whose background in any way indicates that he will not sacrifice for the greater good of the larger organization.
As soon as initiates are allowed into the "tomb," a dark, windowless crypt in New Haven with a roof that serves as a landing pad for the society's private helicopter, they are sworn to silence and told they must forever deny that they are members of this organization. During initiation, which involves ritualistic psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten – this stage of the ceremony represents their "death" to the world as they have known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society their innermost sexual secrets. After this cleansing, the Bonesmen give the initiates robes to represent their new identities as individuals with a higher purpose. The society anoints the initiate with a new name, symbolizing his rebirth and re-christening as Knight X, a member of The Order. It is during this initiation that the new members are introduced to the artifacts in the tomb, among them Nazi memorabilia – including a set of Hitler's silverware – dozens of skulls, and an assortment of decorative tchochkes: coffins, skeletons, and innards. They are also introduced to "the Bones whore," the tomb's only full-time resident, who helps to ensure that the Bonesmen leave the tomb more mature than when they entered. […]– Alexandra Robbins, excerpt from her book Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, The Ivy League, and the hidden Paths of Power – for the full book excerpt visit the authoress' official website
See also:
Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power – Download doc
George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order by Paul Goldstein and Jeffrey Steinberg (right-click here for free PDF download (compressed format)
„Was ist Desinformation?“
(in german language) "Information in the Disinformation Age"
JFK assassination: "The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt", Rolling Stone, May 2007
See also the official homepage of E. Howard Hunt's son, Saint John Hunt
„Sohn eines Mitverschwörers des JFK-Attentats veröffentlicht neue explosive Enthüllungen: Kevin Costner wollte Dokumentarfilm über E. Howard Hunts Geständnis drehen bevor die Mafia von Miami einschritt, Hunt glaubte dass die Regierung das Flugzeug seiner Frau sabotiert hatte“, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet/, May 3, 2007
(in german language)
„Das Ende der Verschwörungstheorien: Nach 44 Jahren – Kennedys Mord aufgeklärt?“ –, nemetico, bruce1337 und pony_huetchen, 2. Juli 2007
(article about the end of conspiracy theories regarding to the JFK murder – in german language – for latest information on the background of the JFK assassination listen to The Alex Jones Show
of January 25th, 2008: see the first black jukebox in this column above.)
Subliminal message (Wikipedia)
"Film Noir" at Wikipedia
United States Bill of Rights
MySpace (Wikipedia article)
Just to name three living "heroes"; there are lots more:
Alan Watt: The Sentient Sentinel
Deprogrammer, Historian, Musician and Poet
Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms. For much of his life (for main income) he was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer/songwriter/performer involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical. Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups.
Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the U.K. covertly into a European Amalgamation. He has been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.
With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. Learn the true esoteric meanings of mystery religions from one who knows.
Learn the science of Religion Creation-Domination. The latest book trilogy (Cutting Through Volumes 1, 2, 3
) attempts to deprogram the reader from his/her indoctrination from accepting the world as presented. These books help stimulate the individual's mind into a higher, truer perception. 12 Hour MP3's in history/religions from ancient times to present augment the books. For Alan's current items for sale, visit
and .
Download hundreds of free talks by Alan, originally broadcast on various radio/TV/podcast shows. ( Republic Broadcasting Network )
In one word:
The distant past, the present and near future explained by Alan Watt: Alan Watt, author and historian, speaks on the global open conspiracy of the [old] new world order elite by using their own documentation, which unveils a temporary police state leading towards a totally controlled society where every individual will have a chip implant.
If you'd like to use the jukebox and playlist above, here's the link
For much more free Alan Watt audio, podcast info and transcripts check out his website:
“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.â€
– Senator Daniel K. Inouye during the Iran-contra scandal and former chair, U.S. Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977.
Alan Watt: Reality Check (2006, 88 minutes)
Google Video link | click here for the transcript
"Alan Watt [...] in this video talks about how the Illuminati uses mind control on the Profane to set up the New World Order. Here is a small extract. 'Charles Galton Darwin the grandson of Charles Darwin, said that
every civilization has really been a form of slavery for the people, and he was all for it. That was a NATURAL ORDER according to him and of course those who are trained in power and control of the people are trained in this technique since birth.
They're brought up listening to a different version of reality than someone brought up in a local housing area. They're told that the realities of life the predators should be at the top the natural order. They're predators of course because they're such hypocrites. As good predators they can't tell the children how they're really feeding off them or manipulating them for different ends because children don't understand these things and those with the low IQ's you know the little people at the bottom of the hill you've got to keep them in the dark, the profane.
PROFANE in Masonry means 'those in the darkness,' base people, which is a real hypocrisy in itself, because it's like breaking the legs of cow and then kicking the cow because they can't get up. That's the hypocrisy of this system and that's how they view the public. They've broken our legs and they hate us because we can't get up. We're pathetic; and of course, they claim that we need them. It's like saying that the mice in the fields need the hawk. THIS IS THE LOGIC OF THE PREDATOR.'"
Order "Reality Check Part 2 – Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME" on DVD and support Alan to keep this going.
"The history of the world is the history of the warfare between secret societies."
– Ishmael Reed, Mumbo-Jumbo
Alan Watt: The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate (29 minutes, ca. 2006)
Google Video link
"Alan Watt in this mostly audio but with some video, talks about who killed John F. Kennedy. There is included a great speech by JFK which is both funny and poignant."
For latest information on the background of the JFK assassination listen to
The Alex Jones Show of January 25th, 2008 (in the first black jukebox in this column above).
For much more on Alan Watt check this blog posting.
Alan's websites: for the sheopl people in the European Union (multilingual /// mehrsprachig)
Strongly recommended:
"Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt" Podcast: RSS Format | XML Format | More info on Alan's website
"The Unofficial Alan Watt" @ MySpace:
Alice Miller, psychologist
Child Mistreatment, Child Abuse – What is it?
Humiliations, spankings and beatings, slaps in the face, betrayal, sexual exploitation, derision, neglect, etc. are all forms of mistreatment, because they injure the integrity and dignity of a child, even if their consequences are not visible right away. However, as adults, most abused children will suffer, and let others suffer, from these injuries. This dynamic of violence can deform some victims into hangmen who take revenge even on whole nations and become willing executors to dictators as unutterably appalling as Hitler and other cruel leaders. Beaten children very early on assimilate the violence they endured, which they may glorify and apply later as parents, in believing that they deserved the punishment and were beaten out of love. They don't know that the only reason for the punishments they have (or in retrospect, had) to endure is the fact that their parents themselves endured and learned violence without being able to question it. Later, the adults, once abused children, beat their own children and often feel grateful to their parents who mistreated them when they were small and defenseless […]
– Alice Miller, introduction from her official multilingual website
For her full article click here
Her official website
Wikipedia info: English | German | Français
"Superb information" at This Is A War
The Sacred Moment: Essays Based on the Work of Alice Miller
Karlheinz Deschner: Autor, radikaler Kirchen- und Religionskritiker /// Writer, Slasher of Religion and the Church
Offizielle Website /// Official Website (english part)
Wikipedia info: german | english
„Je größer der Dachschaden, desto schöner der Ausblick zum Himmel.“
– Karlheinz Deschner
Von Ricarda Hinz und Jacques Tilly (1998, 71 Min.,
in german language)
Die Filmemacher Ricarda Hinz und Jacques Tilly haben ein virtuelles Streitgespräch um Deschners Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums
zusammengestellt. Getrennt aufgenommene Aussagen zahlreicher Kirchenvertreter und radikaler Kirchenkritiker werden zu einer präzisen inhaltlichen Diskussion zusammengeführt. Zugleich dokumentiert das Video das Schaffen und die Persönlichkeit Karlheinz Deschners.Die Katholische Kirche und der Vatikan sind New-World-Order-Globalisten, Kritik an ihnen ist unerwünscht und wird häufig zensiert; das eingebettete Video oben und der folgende Link waren/sind zensiert von und/oder wurde(n) gefiltert von Ihrem Webprovider, natürlich nur zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit: m e g a v i d e o . c o m
More name-dropping maybe later...
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