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Chapman Mogridge

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an artist from the Midwest who lives and works in Los Angeles.
When I was in seventh grade I some how ended up in an art class. One day I saw a bunch of scrap metal and copper wires on a table in the class room. All of this material was pliable. I spend the fifty or so minutes of class time fashioning the scraps into a sculpture of sorts. It ended up resembling a bird’s nest with several birds sitting in it. I called it “Space Birds.” I was quite happy with it, and it was my first work using found objects. I returned to the class the next day and didn’t see it. I found it in the trash can. Dejected, I rescued it and took it home. I didn’t take another art class until my senior year in High School. “Space Birds” stayed in my mother’s living room until I took it to a drawing class across the river during my third stint in college. We were supposed to bring something interesting in to draw. The class was taught by a Master’s candidate. She went nuts for “Space Birds.” She liked it so much that she wanted to borrow it and draw it herself. I let her. Several months later she had a show on campus. I walked into the gallery and to my surprise the place was full of 48 by 72 inch drawings of “Space Birds.” She never returned it.

An eight year old boy looked through the open window of my studio at a few paintings, some finished and some unfinished. He studied the work for a few moments and before running off he crumpled his face and yelled, “You Suck!” I disagree.

2007 Oil, oil stick and ink jet prints on panel construction
28" by 33" private collection

2007 Oil, oil stick and ink jet prints on panel construction
33" by 33"

2007 Oil, ink jet prints, colored pencil, and acrylic on wood
44" by 30 1/2"

2006 Oil, oil stick, and colored pencil on canvas
40” by 30”

My Interests

I'm into things.

I'd like to meet:

Aaron Cohen and other persons of Interest.

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Below is the trailer for ZEITGEIST, Mr. Bukowski reading "Genius of the Crowd", the trailer for my favorite movie of all time, Dennis Kucinich on Letterman, and something that will land me in a "re"education camp in the future.


20's-60's Jazz, Western Classical, 70's Reggae and Dub, 70's and 80's Punk, 90's Electronica, Turntablism, 80's and 90's alt Rock, Funk, Soul, Garage, 20's-60's Blues, specific World, real Ska (60's Jamaican), specific Classic Rock, 70's Glam Rock, 50's Rockabilly, Classic Country: anything that is sublime or sweaty.


Stanley Kubrick, Ingmar Bergman, Werner Herzog, Federico Fellini, David Lynch, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, and Terrence Malick Films-- plus--Barcelona, Bottle Rocket, Dazed and Confused, Secretary, Network, Last Tango in Paris, In the Company of Men, Happiness, Swept Away(1974), Apocalypse Now, Chinatown, Wings of Desire, Casablanca, The Big Sleep(1946), Key Largo, Dog Day Afternoon, The Professional, EasyRider, The Last Temptation of Christ, The Wild Bunch, BladeRunner, This Is Spinal Tap, Open City, Street Car Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Hud, Touch of Evil,The Night Porter, Ikiru, The Godfather, The Misfits, Hearts and Minds, and Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser.

2006 Oil, oil stick, acrylic, wall paper, and paste on canvas
22” by 28”


Fyodor Dostoevsky, James Joyce, Henry Miller, Walt Whitman, Shams-ud-din Muhammad (HAFIZ), Jelalludin Rumi, John Fante, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Sylvia Plath, Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, George Orwell, Flannery O'Conner, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Octavio Paz, Roland Barthes, Guy Debord, Brothers Grimm, Pablo Neruda, Rudolf Arnheim, Micheal Parenti, Adam Parfrey and Suzi Gablick.

2005 Oil, oil pastel, graphite, and colored pencil on paper
18” by 24”


Influences rather: Micheal Rainey, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Cy Twombly, Robert Motherwell, Robert Rauschenberg, Christopher Altepeter, Antoni Tàpies, Idries Shah, Henry Miller, Julian Schnabel, Thelonius Monk, Marlon Brando, Erich Fromm, Robert Frank, Emma Goldman, Marc Rothko, Glenn Gould, Gerhard Richter, John Dewey, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Peter Kropotkin, Scott Royer, Howlin' Wolf, Lao-tzu, Michael Bukunin, Jean Baudrillard, Eric Hoffer, Richard Prince, Herbert Marcuse, Sam Harris, Robert "Butch" Childers, David Lynch, Paul Cézanne, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Franz Kline, John Coltrane, Bertrand Russell, Willem de Kooning, Miles Davis, Vincent van Gogh, Luc Tuymans, Anton Szandor LeVey, John Lee Hooker, Jimmy Miller, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

2007 Oil, ink jet print, and colored pencil on canvas
48" by 24"

Retired Major General John Batiste speaks out.

My Blog

Aaron Cohen: Sex Slaves, Drug Trade and Rock n' Roll

This is not really a blog, but I was so blown away by this story I wanted to share it. Click on the link below to be amazed.L.A. Weekly story by Christine Buckley: Aaron Cohen: Sex Slaves, Drug Trade ...
Posted by Chapman Mogridge on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:05:00 PST

Dear Eugene.

This is something I posted on the "Fine Art" group page. Eugene is an 18 yr old painter who hates nonrepresentational art.Eugene, you seem to be obsessed by technical skill. Which in the painting worl...
Posted by Chapman Mogridge on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST