Ryan Crotty profile picture

Ryan Crotty

I'd rather be a free man in my grave than live life as a puppet or a slave

About Me

Ryan Crotty was born in Los Angeles, California during the eighties. Coming from a diverse ethnic background of Spanish, German, Irish and French played well in the cosmopolitan area of Los Angeles and represent much of his art influences today.During high school, his first influences were film and cinematography. Moving to Newport Beach, he spent time filming the local beach, skate and surfing scene. His emphasis did not revolve on the sport itself but the characters and essence of those who were involved. He quickly looked at filming as a study of youth and their sports and the movement against the establishment.After high school, his focus turned to the documentary style of filming and his first thoughts were to capture the migration of Hispanics to Southern California, by capturing the journey from Mexico to the US. Unfortunately, funding was more available to movies than documentaries and he abandoned his premise. For such reason, he decided to pursue documentaries in Europe, but once again funding was the issue. While living in Prague, he began to see graphics as a way to express his ideas.With no formalized training but strong computer skills, he began teaching himself graphic arts and design with high end, technical fine arts programs. As he began to hone in on his graphic arts skills, he searched for a style that took into account his ethnic diversity, life training, travels and the profound life choices he made.As he progressed as an artist he looked outside graphic arts for other mediums of expression that paralleled his style but would enhance his artistic influences, such as digital silk-screening, paint, acrylics, screen print, decoupage, transparent sheeting, digital photographic prints and poster collage styles.Today, much of his work emphasizes a retrospective look at a world that has passed us by. Some irreverent, some touched by sarcasm, some with a dose of humor or some with sadness that we have lost a certain innocence that will never be regained.

My Interests

Thank you to everyone for your support.My work can also be seen at:http://www.artfolios.org/ryancrottywww.thedb.com/ryancrot tyMy work can be purchased at:http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/d/dirtyagenda

I'd like to meet:

Anyone I have not met/When I die: Hunter S. Thompson, Johnny Thunders, Johnny Cash


From Ludwig van's to L.A.M.F. and everything else in between


Russ Meyers Films, David Lynch Films, John Waters Films, Andy Warhol films, Buy the Ticket Take the Ride, Waking Life and Filth and the Fury


I own one


The Place Project, Lavender, Banging your head against a brick wall and Up is up,but down is still up


Smut Peddlers

My Blog

New Project

My new project will be done this weekend and I am so stoked. Please stay tunned to your blogs, T.V. and radio. This one should be better than the last.
Posted by Ryan Crotty on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:56:00 PST

Lindsay’s response

Oh Lindsay,Just because you consider yourself an A-List celebrity, doesn't mean you really are."Nice cum-back, it's all over your chin"...
Posted by Ryan Crotty on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 11:57:00 PST

3 minutes are up

So, in the words of miss Lohan, my 3 minutes of fame are up. I am taking down the Poster of Lindsay at the end of the weekend and starting on my new work(don't want to be a one trick pony). Stay tuned...
Posted by Ryan Crotty on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 07:52:00 PST

Apology to Paris

I have removed my old blog because the sole purpose of it was to apologize to Paris and not to Lindsay Lohan. Feel free to keep sending all your dirty, nasty little comments. I revel in them.Once ag...
Posted by Ryan Crotty on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 02:02:00 PST