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To hold onto yesterday's truths, out of a sense of loyalty after they have served their purpose woul

About Me

I am a spiritual seeker...exploring the often complex and intriguing nature of the human soul...while enjoying the process of life. It is in this awareness of being a spiritual being...that I learn the most about my human nature. It is understanding that who we are...the divine nature of our spirit in physical form... that allows us to create our greatest possibilities. I have found myself at times....waiting to see how my life unfolds...yet yearning to be the creator of it myself. It is not by accident we become who we are...but by our beliefs about who we believe we are.What I have discovered on this journey...is that it is our responsibility to ourselves and to all of life to become our divine potentials. It is through our love and support of each other that we become whole beings. Everyone of us.. needs each other and by sharing and allowing for each of our unique and divine natures we create the wholeness that allows us to reach our highest potentials as human beings. Early in my life I was aware of subtle changes that were directing my awareness. As I started to explore these changes and influences... I came to understand with the aid of numerology the cycles that were moving my life forward. Like the seasons...there was a cycle occurring that was shifting me forward into new growth and awareness. I have been it's faithful student and teacher now for 25 years. It still is fascinating to me how these cycles influence our life. It is with this understanding of numerology that I see life within the rhythms of this cyclic dance. We are all each others teacher....we are all each others student. If you are wanting to explore the yearly influences moving you forward in your life...just ask...it would be my gift to you. It is in understanding yourself and your potential that you can truly know how incredible and remarkable life can be!!..
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My Interests

For my private or contemplative time....Reading and pondering: numerology, metaphysics, spirituality, quantum physics, alternative medicine...homeopathy, energetic medicine, anything with a holistic approach...and of course I must have a good novel going all the time.For my Family time....spending time with my two grown children and their spouses and...of course playing and spending time with my Granddaughter. Getting caught up with and spending time with my 5 sisters and their families. Playing with Charlie my Lhaso Apso puppy...and taking him for walks.For my leisure time.... Seeing a movie with my husband...lunch with friends, BBQ's at our home for friends and family.For play time....Travel. Love to go on cruises!!! And of course I love a good road trip. I have only a couple more states...and I have seen them all.

I'd like to meet:

Other spiritual seekers...exploring the mysteries of life and our spiritual natures. Friends who share a sense of adventure towards life and all of it's possiblities. Numerologists, psychics, mediums...and others who explore the unseen. Business leaders who incorporate their spiritual beliefs into their business world.


Youssou N Dour, Seal, Deval Premal, Enigma, Pavaroti, Buena Vista Social Club, Josh Grobin, Alicia Keys, Carlos Santana, Nora Jones, Anastasia.


ET, What dreams may come, Turtles can Fly, Titanic, Moulin Rouge, Sixth Sense, The story of the weeping camel. Its a beautiful life, Ghost, Indiana Jones. The God's must be crazy. All inspirational, romantic or drama/adventure movie Also, futuristic and period pieces.


American Idol, Survivor, Amazing Race...Oprah...what a wise and amazing person she is. I also enjoy Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, Boston legal....don't tell anyone!!! Mostly movies!!


My favorite: An obscure book titled "The Green Kingdom". The Kite Runner, Nadia's song, Cesar's way, Conversations with God, Messiah seed, A World in transisition, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Celestine Prophecies. Actually..too many to name...reading is a passion!!!


Anyone who lives authentically.
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My Blog

Mothers Day memories...with medium James Van Praagh

This is a story of my experience with Medium, James Van Praagh, a little over 10 years ago when my mother was dying.  With Mothers Day coming up this weekend...I thought I would share the inspir...
Posted by Diana on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:57:00 PST