We here at Baobab Family pledge to help those whom have been depleted of a shelter and of a future by the HIV virus. This is possible thanks to people like you, THANK YOU! Please visit Baobab Family's website for more information.
We help people in Kenya (Africa) and so can you! Baobab Family is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which goal is to help in a constructive and durable way the street children and women of Mikindani, Kenya (Learn more about Kenya ) Around 2 million Kenyans are infected with HIV and according to figures from UNICEF, as many as 300,000 children have lost one or both parents to Aids. Moreover, in Kenya's patriarchal society, many women live as second class citizens and are often subjected to violence and social exclusion. As a result, the HIV virus and misery forces children and women into the street in a daily survival.
We refuse to stand by and watch this happen!
This is why Baobab Family built a home to shelter the children and women. Workshops of recycled products are developed and held by the street women and collaborators, and the children are given proper education and care.
However, Baobab Family can grow and carry through its action only with your help and generosity! So if you want to help Baobab Family and give the children hope and a better future, you CAN in various ways:
Do an online-donation and sponsor one of our many projects. Every cent will help!
Become a godparent for only 30 Euros/40 USD per month ( More info )
Become a member for only 5 Euros/7USD per month. ( More info )
Become a Baobab seed and participate to our various work teams
We are looking for any constructive contact or idea. For example, if you know a reseller who would be interested in selling our hand-made products, or if you or someone you know is part of a band that would be willing to do a charity-concert for us, etc. do not hesitate to contact us!
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