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The law of Attraction

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My name is Ryan Higgins and I am the creator and author of www.mindmovies.com
The reason I started this MySpace profile is because it is my mission in life to let as many people as possible know about the power of the Law of Attraction through Mind Movies. A Mind Movie is the coolest and most effective way for you to attract everything you want in life.

Creating my Mind Movie has absolutely changed my life, so hopefully this MySpace profile can reach enough people to make a real difference in the world and maybe do the same for you. I want to shout it from the rooftops!

But before I explain how Mind Movies work, let me tell you a little bit more about myself........

About me.....

I had a great and typical childhood growing up in Sydney. I graduated from the University of Sydney with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

I traveled through Asia, Europe and the US (Ibiza is my favorite place in the world).

I worked for a few different companies over the next couple of years but wasn't very happy being "plugged into the matrix" so I decided to go into business for myself.

Over the next few years I started several business, with varying successes, and had an absolute ball. I have made some shocking mistakes and lost lots of money, but I have pulled off a couple of cracking deals and made lots too.

For all the fun and freedom I have had over the last few years there were a couple of things that were lacking at times. The first is that successes in life generally taste sweeter when you have someone to share it with. There was a time when I thought I had found the girl I was going to marry, but for now I have my eyes open. The second is I had read heaps of books, went to heaps of seminars and knew that to achieve great things in my life, I needed to set goals, recite affirmations and create treasure maps/picture boards. Then I saw The Secret about a year ago and realized that the reason I didn't always reach my goals was because I wasn't applying the principles of the Law of Attraction by visualizing what I wanted and attaching the emotion to it. As I know now this is the most important step in the process.
I soon came to realize something. It was harder than I thought to find the time to spend each day to visualize and focus on everything I wanted. It started to become a chore, and as I found out, unless you enjoy the process the Law of Attraction doesn't work.

I found the solution to my problem....
Creating my own Mind Movie and watching it every day, solved this huge issue for me. Basically by combining my affirmations and pictures with my favorite, motivating music, it not only creates the vision instantly, it also attaches the emotion. This was what I was looking for and the key to success and happiness.
On top of all that, I have experienced the joy of contributing to other peoples lives by teaching them how to make their own. Although I enjoy doing real estate deals and the like, the most fun I have is when I can make a contribution. I don't mean a donation. I mean when the project I spend the majority of my time on makes a major contribution to those in my sphere of influence. Hence the reason I am so excited about mind movies. I truly believe everyone should experience the power a Mind Movie can make to their life.
One of the most rewarding things for me is to be emailed someone's mind movie so I can see the person they want to be, the person they really are and the person the world may not see yet.
So that's why I created my MySpace page. This really changed my life and I would love to network and work with like minded people and really get the word out. So I encourage you to check out my website at www.mindmovies.com
I would love to hear your story.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Bob Proctor, Bono, Greg Norman, Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton


Funk, Rock, Electro House, U2, Andrea Bocelli /div


The Secret, The Godfather, What dreams may come, Heat, Braveheart, Fish called Wanda


Think and Grow Rich, How to win friends and Influence people, The Alchemist
