Access Energy Transformation profile picture

Access Energy Transformation

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello and welcome to the official Access Myspace page. Below is some information about two men, working together to truly change this entire reality and showing people that they can actually create an awesome and expansive life.
Born in the Midwest and raised in San Diego, California, Gary Douglas, creator of Access, describes his childhood as a typical television type, middle class family. "I'm so 'white bread', I really lived the "Leave it to Beaver" childhood," Douglas explains.
Gary explains that he's always been on a spiritual path, seeking deeper answers to life's mysteries. "When I was nine, I decided I wanted to go to church, but my parents didn't. I walked to church with my little sister every Sunday."
"My dad died when I was 17. I learned from his life that working yourself to death for your family doesn't necessarily provide everything they need. I also learned that I had to work, and work hard, for anything I wanted. Later, in college, Douglas ran into a former Sunday school teacher who remembered him and said she knew he wouldn't find what he was looking for in church, but that she hoped he would find the answers he was looking for."
Gary describes the creation of Access as a series of revelations and insights. "What we now call Access started coming through in about July 1990 when I was a successful realtor in Santa Barbara, California," Gary explains. "I began channeling information about points on the head that act like a computer bank for all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, considerations, attitudes, decisions - anything that we decided that was important at anytime in this life or any other lifetime. I felt that maybe this could be a class for massage therapists or bodyworkers. I came home and called four friends to come to a class on energy work. That was the first Access class."
"Since then, it's been a co-creation with the more than 2,000 people who have come to the classes. The process keeps getting more simple and yet more powerful every time we conduct a workshop."
Gary Douglas is the father of 4 children and 1 grandchild. He lives in Santa Barbara, California.
He conducts personal Access consultations at his office and by telephone with clients throughout the United States and North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Orient. He and a score of Access practitioners conduct Access workshops throughout the world.
Collaborating and co-creating Access with Gary is Dr. Dain Heer. Prior to finding Access, he, like so many others, was seeking a way to improve his life. He had tried twenty or thirty different process and systems but he continued to run up against the brick wall. To others, he may have appeared to be successful, but on the inside, he was very unhappy with himself and his life. He was living with his girlfriend and working as a chiropractor in a small beach community near Santa Barbara. It appeared to be the perfect life to many and yet, he was so intensely unhappy that when his girlfriend would leave for work in the morning, he would lie in bed and cry. He had no idea at that time how he could make his life work or create and accomplish all the dreams that he had for so long.
With all of the processes, systems, and modalities that he tried not working, he began to feel desperate. He knew that there had to be a better way but he just didn't know where to find it. For a while, he even considered suicide as the best available option. He came to the moment in his life where he made the following demand, "Look, universe, you've got six months or I'm killing myself." He was tired of struggling. A week later, he saw a small classified ad that would change his life, the ad simply stated, "Access. All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory. Call Shannon." He never could have guessed how much this ad would change his life and the lives of many others.
Dain began learning about Access and quickly went through all of the courses. In short time, he became a facilitator. His amazing presence combined with his talents with bodies and healing allowed him to stand out. His willingness to let go of all of his limitations and show up as ever greater than before got the attention of Gary and soon, they began to work together.
Like Gary, Dain too conducts personal consultations and teaches classes all over the world. You can learn more about both of these fine men and what we call Access at We hope to see you or hear from you soon. What will it take for you to show up as the greatness of you?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Here's to the Crazy Ones!
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round heads in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
But the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

By Jack Kerouac from his book: On The Road

We are interested in meeting people that are interested in being as great as they truly are. What would it be like to change yourself and change the world? We are interested in meeting the "Crazy Ones"!!!! If this is you and this excites you, then we would like to meet you.

Please learn more about Access at our older blog entries.
Or check out the Access Energy Transformation web site.

My Blog

Who Does This Belong To?

Below is another article written by Forest Sun. For all that are interested, Forest will be facilitating a class called Living an Orgasmic Life in Las Vegas on December 27th. If you think this would ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 18:50:00 GMT

Are You Invulnerable?

Below is an article written by Jay Charette. Jay helps us run our page and is a phenomenal facilitator. We recommend you check out his story and learn more about what he has created in his life. For n...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:41:00 GMT

What is more valuable, learning or knowing?

Below is an article written by "Dr Kacie Crisp." Dr. Krisp, a very successful Chiropractor, is one of our Facilitators in the San Francisco area. She is also the creator of our "Access Newsletter." If...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 18:09:00 GMT

Enlighten Up!

Below is an article written by "Forest Sun." Forest is a Access Facilitator, performer, songwriter, artist and writer. He plays music and facilitates classes all over the world. If you would like him ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 16:17:00 GMT

Being a Billionaire

The following article is written by Chutisa & Steven Bowman. Authors of Conscious Leadership-the key to success, and Leading Yourself to Money with Consciousness, Chutisa and Steve are recognised th...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:06:00 GMT

The Magic of Questions

Below is an article written by "Stephen Outram." Stephen, the author of "Will Public Speaking Be The Death Of You?", is is one of our Facilitators in Australia and he is a great writer. We really enjo...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 15:54:00 GMT

Raising a Conscious Child

The following article is written by Nancy O'Connor. Nancy is an amazing facilitator of Access, an incredible artist, and a phenomenal mother. Her insites on raising conscious children are a gift and...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 03:08:00 GMT

Becoming Overwhelmed by Large BILLS

The following article is written by Steven & Chutisa Bowman. Chutisa and Steve are recognised throughout Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Asia for their creative edge work with consciousness ...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:49:00 GMT

What is a Phenomenal Life?

Below is an article written by Heather P Smith. Heather is a phenomenal facilitator of Access and creator of  The Access Magazine. Heather is willing to travel anywhere. If you would like t...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 17:11:00 GMT

Sexual Resposibility

Below is an article written by "Nicolas Roquefort-Villeneuve." Nicolas and his wife Grace have founded Ready To Choose and give private sessions and workshops worldwide, not only, but mostly, on Sex...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 18:59:00 GMT