Guerrilla Management - now Hundred Fire Management profile picture

Guerrilla Management - now Hundred Fire Management


About Me

Guerrilla Management no longer exists in its true form. It has been bullied by a larger company and now has generously agreed to trade under a new name - Hundred Fire Management. Thank you to all the bands, artists, friends, media and venues that have supported us during our short but worthwhile time as GM. Be sure to look out for friend requests from the new business Hundred Fire, get back on board with us and help us continue to (re)build something worth fighting for in the Melbourne music scene and beyond. Hundred Fire continues where GM was forced to burn out, always looking to help bands and artists launch and further their careers in the business. Based in Melbourne, we are a small but intensely knowledgable and passionate company looking to provide management, help with the booking and promotion of shows, links to other link minded bands and artists, or just some simple objective advice to anyone who may need it. We are also open to helping other creative types, such as writers, designers, photographers etc. We are more determined than ever, breathing FIRE and committed to creating a company and a network of artists in a scene littered with big names and seemingly bigger egos, but not enough honesty, passion and respect. Again, look out for a friend request from the Hundred Fire, and thank you for your time and your help along the way. Cheers. Tim.

My Interests





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