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Mark Berry

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man...

About Me

I'm a sensory-overloaded photographer, writer, designer (print and web), film programmer, 16mm curator, paranormal investigator and occasional lecturer. This cocktail mix of mayhem harvests a curious existence between here and there. Currently I enjoy producing features articles for the likes of Bizarre, SFX, Darkside and Naked - Magazine of the Weird and Wonderful. The latter is a personal project which has developed a cult following around the globe, and is soon to be relaunched in a new format.

Source material as a journalist includes interviewing cult movie personalities, crazies, freaks, unusual performers, 'little people' and the occasional singing transexual...

The road to the present began with a space in 1999, a fleapit theatre built by volunteers in the fifties, which after various incarnations became The Cube Cinema, Bristol's very own microplex. With leaks, poor sound, (it would have been better if someone had blown raspberries in a cardboard box) and a bunch of scenster-fag flakes, it developed into a world reknowned arts establishment mixing film (cult, independent, studio auteurs, experimental), music, live performance, cabaret and installations. Sometimes these were seperate, sometimes it was Dadaist chaos, sometimes it was rather pretentious too.During my stay and whilst studying for an MA, I undertook such roles as film programmer, designer (monthly brochure, posters, adverts, etc.), DJ, quiz presenter, cleaner, chief projectionist and maker of tea with cow's milk. I desperately wanted a Cube cat.After an argument with a film projector which resulted in a broken hand (and blood mother, the blood!), I found myself wondering what I could do other than pick up a stills camera and press click. Concentrating largely on portraits and live event coverage, I ventured into sweaty mosh pits, got muddy at Glastonbury (though missed the really bad ones), was the official snapper at a number of big sci-fi conventions, was given tinnitus by The Strokes and travelled to both the Sundance and Cannes Film Festival with rogue studio Troma to film an as-yet incomplete documentary. When the turn-of-the-millenium-created Hot Cherry company splintered after the great Cube fire of 2003, I decided to edit and publish Naked, a magazine in a book format, full of popular and unpopular culture with a kink. Contents included cult movies, interviews, comics, burlesque, science fiction, mondo DVD reviews, strange music and just plain weird shit.Trying to cut costs, I started interviewing the people I photographed and for better or worse, this became the routine. Another Hot Cherry publication followed, Pulpmania - The Journal of Cult Paperbacks, edited by Justin Marriott. It was obsessed with just that. A new issue is due in Spring of 2007. Now floating between the US and the UK, all of this is fine until I make the perfect feature film and take over Western civilisation with a message of peace and midget love. Cue thunder, lightning and maniacal laughter! Ha-ha-ha-ha!PS: For those still interested, I shall be adding interviews, articles and photography from past encounters onto my page. There's other stuff at .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..SOME CURRENT PROJECTS...60's Mod Revival - Working on a photo-heavy journalistic project concerning the resurgance of interest in some of the key music and fashion scenes of the 1960's (particularly UK Mods) in Los Angeles - if you are a happening scenester and feel you have something to contribute, please do hit me up. You can now find me getting Satisfaction every month at Bordello, the grooviest joint in town, playing the finest in vintage boogaloo, soul, psych-garage, dancefloor jazz and other audio delights, plus some of the best live acts from across the globe. But it's a harmonous mod community out there in Hollyweird and so here is some mod action taken at Pandora's Box in March...

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Paranormal LA - Poltergeist in your palm trees? Seen saucers over the hills of Hollywood? Are there crop circles in your orange grove? If anything weird is happening, I want to hear your story. Pulpmania - The Journal of the Cult Paperback Vol.2 is coming soon. Presently I am slaving over a hot Macintosh to get it finished. If such a thing is possible, this one is even bigger and better than its predecessor.

A RECENT NIGHT AT LUCHA VAVOOM...Check blog for a full report...

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My Interests

Cinema, deciphering the meaning of the universe (without success unfortunately), vinyl records, roadtripping, collecting film posters / 16mm films / vintage erotica / tiki crap, monsters and myths, photographing fascinating faces and personalities, investigating paranormal activity, Tex Avery / Silly Symphonies / UB Iwerks / 'Dark' Disney cartoons, archaic technologies (analog is the way forward) conspiracy theories, vintage-wear, trying out hats, swordfighting and general buckling of swashes, bad girls wearing heels and stockings, black cats and hepcats, mannequins, seaside sunsets, cream teas, hanging out in cafes while wishing there was a polo-necked hipster beating bongos in the corner with a jazz cigarette in hand...

I'd like to meet:

Patrick McGoohan, David Lynch, Betty Page, Charlize Theron, Johnny Depp, David Bowie, anyone who wants to get involved in artistic projects / pin-up models plus the ghosts of Elvis, Orsen Welles, Rod Serling, Peter Cook, Tesla and Albert Einstein.


Jazz, Film Soundtracks, Lounge, Exotica, Radiophonic, Psychedelia, Rock 'n' Roll, Soul, Blues, Mod Rock, Prog, Avant, Ska, Honky Tonk...anything good really...


King Kong (1933), Lost Horizon, The Third Man, The Time Machine (1960), Ed Wood, A Matter Of Life And Death, The Crimson Pirate, Planet Of The Apes (1968), Blood And Black Lace, The Adventures Of Robin Hood, Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde, Farewell My Lovely, The Big Lebowski, Gilda, The Ladykillers (1955), Rififi, Earth, The Hudsucker Proxy, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, X-Men Trilogy, Kind Hearts And Coronets, Sunrise, Easy Rider, The 400 Blows, Fahrenheit 451, The Omega Man, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Rear Window, Vertigo, Creature From The Black Lagoon, Dracula Ad 1972, Sleeper, The Invisible Man Returns, Night Of The Living Dead, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Bedazzled (1967), Danger Diabolik, Bad Santa, Escape From New York, The Curious Dr Humpp, Broken Flowers, The Empire Strikes Back, Brazil, The Ghost Train, Ask A Policeman, The 39 Steps (1935)...the list goes on...


The Prisoner, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Quatermass, Batman, Doctor Who (original), Lost, Battlestar Galactica (remake), Blake's 7, Captain Scarlet, Stingray, The Survivors, The Day Of The Triffids, The Man From Uncle, Star Trek (60's and DS9), The War Game, The Clangers, BBC Christmas Ghost Stories, Blackadder, Spaced, Porridge, Steptoe And Son, League Of Gentlemen...


George Orwell, Richard Matheson, Thomas Hardy, H. G. Wells, Tolkien, John Wyndham, Roald Dahl...


Orsen Welles, F. W. Murnau, Forrest J Ackerman, Rita Hayworth, Betty Page, Alfred Hitchcock, Ghandi, Peter Cushing, Helmut Newton, Rod Serling, James Dean, Vampira, Elvis, Humphrey Bogart, Adam West.....

My Blog

La Vida Lucha - Mexican Wrestling and Burlesque Beauties

I've been promising to upload some photographs from my Valentine's evening spent at the splendid Lucha VaVoom for some time, and finally I've unearthed a selection. Below you'll find the text I put to...
Posted by Mark Berry on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:31:00 PST

Kim Fowley - Interview with the legendary record producer

KIM FOWLEY:California Dreamer'I once rode a hippopotamus with a crocodile saddle,' declares Kim Fowley, who resembles a steroid-pumped giraffe on roller skates, a waif-like, real-life Irish-American F...
Posted by Mark Berry on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 05:21:00 PST

Forry Ackerman is 90  Interview with the famous monster of filmland

FORREST J ACKERMAN:Famous Monster of FilmlandBack in the age of chrome, goggle-eyed lovers of werewolves, mummies and monsters were a disparate, lonely and voiceless community of movie geeks. Without ...
Posted by Mark Berry on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 03:55:00 PST