I can tell all these over zealous evangelical turds that want to tell us how to live, "Hey, I know Jesus and he said for you to stop talking shit about him."
yes...I like music...
I love Asian Horror movies with scarey dead people with extremely long hair, Universal Monster movies, Hammer films, the Phantom of the Opera (with Lon Chaney, not that silly shite with all the singing) the Unknown, the Hunchback, pretty much anything with Lon Chaney sr. in it, Godfather I & II (III...not so much), It's a Wonderful Life, Rear Window, the Seven Samari, Samari movies in general, Spaghetti Westerns, Fellini, and...the Incredibles.
Deadwood, the Sopranos, the Simpsons, and Who Wants to Dance with the Littlest Milionaire Bachelor Idol on Ice.
Geek Love, Kurt Vonnegut, Shel Silverstien, Dr. Suess. Portraits of the Insane. Wild Wierd Wonderful. The Bible and other ancient works of fiction.
Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mohammed Ali, the Dalai Lama,... and Batman...