"As things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career, but a mug's game. No honest poet can ever feel quite sure of the permanent value of what he has written: He may have wasted his time and messed up his life for nothing". eliot"Books are but waste paper unless we spend in action the wisdom we get from thought - asleep. When we are weary of the living, we may repair to the dead, who have nothing of peevishness, pride, or design in their conversation". yeats
"You have been trapped in the inescapable net of ruin by your own want of sense". aeschylus
"the deeper sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain"."out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars". gibran"you say that my way of thinking cannot be tolerated? what of it? the man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool. my way of thinking is the result of my reflections. it is part of my inner being, the way i am made. i do not contradict them, and would not even if i wished to. for my system, which you dissaprove of, is also my greatest comfort in life, the source of all my happiness---it means more to me than my life itself". marquis de sadedo not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail". emerson"If there is something to pardon in everything, there is also something to condemn". nietzsche"I am above the weakness of seeking to establish a sequence of cause and effect, between the disaster and the atrocity". poe"A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime. All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry". poe
"Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle". hitler"Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. Science, already oppressive with its shocking revelations, will perhaps be the ultimate exterminator of our human species -- if separate species we be -- for its reserve of unguessed horrors could never be borne by mortal brains if loosed upon the world." lovecraft
"Most hearts of any quality are broken on two or three occasions in a lifetime. They mend, of course, and are often stronger than before, but something of the essence of life is lost at every break". davies
"One should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end". yeats
"Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them". howe
"What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult". freud"I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her". clarke
"Evil is committed without effort, naturally, fatally; goodness is always the product of some art". baudelaire"